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2-4-6-8, It's the Shift where we're up Late...


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21:25 / 05.03.03
Is Barbelith dying still the new black? Or have I missed something...

Uplink. The hacking game. Y'know. One of those games that's inexplicably adictive.
21:27 / 05.03.03
Hurray! I was just muttering to myself about the board being quiet and about how I'm never up late enough for the late thread. And here I am. Though I'm about to crash. My insomnia seems to have resolved itself these past few months so I shouldn't really tempt fate by talking to you lot.
21:33 / 05.03.03
'Sokay. Me go sleepy now soon.


Sleepy... (must go and buy food first, though.)
Baz Auckland
21:40 / 05.03.03
The last hacking game I remember was text-only and about 15 years old. Is this one better?

(I always feel like I'm cheating being on the late thread, when I'm GMT-5))
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:52 / 05.03.03
Don't worry, Barry. Maz and Rothkoid do it all the time, blimmin' sneaks. Getting at us when we're drunk/insomniacal/stoned and implanting their weird plans for world domination.


oh, and hi Ariadne, if you're still around...
21:53 / 05.03.03
Hah. The greatest hacking game I know is Quake, when you abjure all other weaponry and do the entire game using only the hatchet. It requires rare skill, believe me...
Saint Keggers
21:58 / 05.03.03
I must sake Quake is nice, but I prefer the elegance that is the Halflife crowbar to fulfill all my hacking needs.

(It aint even 7pm here..its the semi-demi late-ish shift..)
The Strobe
22:10 / 05.03.03
Uplink. It's wonderful. Probably ought to acquire the full version. And makes you think, you're, like, a l33t hax0r.

I think I finally stopped being glacial (as in as slow as...) and made it clear to some girl I'm kind of interested.

This is a big leap for me.
22:10 / 05.03.03
Silly kegboy. You don't hack with a crowbar. You smash. Or beat. Or thwackitythwackitythwackity.

In fact, FPS have something of a shortage of good hacking implements. I'd say Deus Ex is probably best equipped, although to hack with knife or sword seems a little....tasteless.
Saint Keggers
22:17 / 05.03.03
Silly Haus, you've never seen me weild a crowbar. I hack. I use the sharp end. I cause much death. But its oly pretend death... or so the voices in my head keep reassuring me.
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:24 / 05.03.03
Ooh - Paleface! Woot! Congratulations. That is a big step.

My Herbie listening was apt.

Uplink? Have we linkage for said game-o-133t? I would like that. The last one I played like that was this thing called Presumed Guilty! (yes, with the !) from the '90s, where you used a computer called "COPNET" to try and track down people. It was shit. It used .gifs. For everything.

World domination? Darlings, I'd give it up for domination of my fucking loungeroom again...

Stoatie: you heard any Hermann Nitsch? I have a feeling you may need to...

Ah, Half-Life and thwacking. Tis greet. Like a watermelon being ill-used.

Who still up?
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:31 / 05.03.03
paleface: that's good for you, hon.

Roth: does *anyone* need to hear Hermann Nitsch. Or see it, for that matter.

Actually, a few years ago, saw a nitsch show in London, they were advertising for volunteers for a new 7-day 'Mystery'. Considered it. For about five minutes.

I'm obviously a big retro girl when it comes to games, have been obsessing over super mario 2 on the snes recently. The game design of the SM games is *so* good. And I love the look.
22:36 / 05.03.03
Ah - that reminds me, BiP - if you want to borrow Grand Theft Auto 2, go for it, now you have a shiny compooter...

I'm *so* tired. And I think I've got all my work done, but I'm afraid to email it out in case I have missed something huge and incriminating in my sleepytastic state...I get really compulsive when I'm exhausted...
Tryphena Absent
22:37 / 05.03.03
Ooh Paleface I'm just itching to hear your gossip!

On a more personal note I have decided to give up celibacy for lent- perhaps that's your aim too? A decidedly better option then giving up smoking or chocolate, no I attempt to regain a vice ... that's obviously why I'm in the 24 hour computer room instead of hanging out in the meat market that my housemate's call Surfer's.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:40 / 05.03.03
thanks, but I doubt it'll work, this pc is quite old...

Bah, hon. If it's doable, you could im/pm/mail it to me and i'll proof it? (unless its 70 pages long ;D )
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:42 / 05.03.03
bip: Nitsch's music? Yep. His aktions? Not at fucking all - it's self indulgent and cruel, usually. I don't like the way his stuff makes me feel - his art, anyway. I mean, the stage designs are great (for the theatre, not the "mystery plays", but then you think about what they're made of - can't do it. I think he's trading off the "hey! I'm one of the originals! And I'm still alive and can do what I WANT!" thing. Although, I do remember seeing an installation (no flesh) of his at an exhibition here once - two stretchers, a small case of knives, and a basic priest's cassock with dried blood around the neck... it looked like a religious suicide. One of the more compelling things I've seen, but that's possibly because it was divorced from the mechanics of his usual art. At this point, do you think people are being involved just so they can say they were involved in such a fucked-up thing, rather than for any arty purpose?

Actually. Wanna start an art thread? Or is it more head-shoppy? Art versus rights, mayhap?

Musically, though, I think he's interesting. He's big into the kinda Scriabin/Mahler thing, maybe - I'm currently listening to a double disc of his harmonium stuff, and it's MAMMOTH.

I'm meant to be getting a copy of the Island symphony in about a week - if eBay works - and this is what I've read about it:

"Rarely has such a large-scale recording felt so much like an ethnomusicological report from another planet. Island bulges with La Monte Young drones, Alvin Lucier beat patterns, Kagel-esgue cacophony, Ivesian cloud textures, Branca-esque tremolos, Scriabin-esque ritual atmosphere, and Tibetan spirit-evocation, all culminating in the great 20th-Century symphony that we feared had failed to arrive on schedule, but that suddenly appears here in all its chaotically mystical and apocalyptic glory." -- Kyle Gann, The NY Village Voice October 13, 1998.

Yeeeah! Bring it on! I prefer my own visuals, though.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:43 / 05.03.03
sounds like a good plan Anna. May I ask how long it's been?

And damn you, following that comedy potter link you posted, I'm now midway through another story....there were some really funny bits...
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:50 / 05.03.03
that's interesting, Rothy, i have to admit the only sound stuff I've heard has been related to his installations/aktions.

I just find them boring, to be honest. The show I saw was masses of large-scale photos and lightboxes documenting an aktion in a really small place near old street, a basement, white-painted room. Went as a college thing, didn't know anything about him and found it deeply shocking for about 5 minutes. Thought I was going to be sick, people felt faint etc.

But after about five mins, the impact had totally faded and we were talking about where to go for lunch. Dull. And self-indulgent to the max. See nitsch as a vis.arts equiv to 70s rock bands that *just won't die*.

People sign up for them, so I think that's their own problem, just as long as they can bail if they want to. (which is how the one I was 'thinking' of going on worked. Knew someone who went and can't really remember much of what he said about it, unfortunately, but he was perfectly fine when he returned...)
Tryphena Absent
22:52 / 05.03.03
Grand Theft Auto's so great... but only when you can shoot helicopters out of the sky.

6 months... 6 months of not a bit of anything like sex (and actually I do mean nothing) but really it had to be done- I kept sleeping with my friends, a positive recipe for disaster, being a slag that no one knows about is immensely funny until you sit around a table with three people you've slept with and nobody knows but you and they're all trying to get your attention and can't quite grasp the panicked look on your face... and your best friend knows it all and she's pissing herself in the corner.

That story was a great find, entirely too ridiculous, I enjoyed it muchly- obviously my Harry/Draco thing is worth something if it turns up so much ludicrousness.
22:55 / 05.03.03
That's enormously kind, BiP, but it's cool - I will go to bed and sort it tomorrow. How bad can it be?

(Loosens collar, swallows heavily)
Kit-Cat Club
22:57 / 05.03.03
Sleeping with yer mates is not always the greatest plan in the world...

Should I:

put the Dutch naturalized and denizened people into a database

try and match them with the poll records in my notes

try and match the families I have identified with the poll records

put the families in a database

try and match the families with the naturalized people

or, gently but irrevocably, go potty?
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:59 / 05.03.03
BIP: sounds like you've hit the nail on the head with his stuff. I mean... six days of blood-ritual and dancing around on intestines with art-students? Hmm. He claims it's all about abreaction - Freud's got a lot to answer for - but I think it's true that he's really the Status Quo of the Viennese art world. (Presumably, on an all-star bill, Jeff Koons would represent the US? Though he'd be on before Hirst.) I agree that it's about diminishing response: it is initially shocking, but you just end up thinking it's all a bit weak, really. The aktions, anyway. I've pretty much shied away from exploring his stuff for that reason - that and I thought it a bit... I dunno, dishonest? Easy? ...of him to get reactions of the kind he gets. Does that make sense?

As I say, the music's interesting, though - what I've heard so far is great stuff, full of grand sweep. Takes work, as does much late 20thC, I guess; he's not as easily-taken as Part or Bryars, say. But it's intriguing, anyway, the sort of sound-of-the-mammoth thing he's trying to do. I think he used a lot of visual scoring for some of it - using diagrams and stuff, flow=charts rather than stave. I'll send you some when I get it, if you like - want an MP3 disc?

I only mention this because my sex life isn't quite up to posting standard, yet.
23:01 / 05.03.03
K-C C:
Enter your mates into a database and sleep with the Dutch, of course.

Speaking of sex lives, I was looking for some stuff on the Body Fictive today and came across the long-neglected Barbe-slash thread. That so needs a revival.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:03 / 05.03.03
gah, Anna. I sympathise. And empathise, actually. A clearout/dust-settling period becomes pretty fucking vital after stuff like that.

Can remember at uni walking into the main union bar and seeing two recent skeletons who I'd met in totally separate contexts chatting, with another one at the next table.

23:08 / 05.03.03
KCC, option 7 is the natural choice.

Watch Takashi's Castle on Challenge TV and wonder how the contestants never ever win, despite having some rather spiffy disco tanks and lasers at the end...sorry just sat through a load of episodes and the fuses in my brain a still resetting from the myriad nintendo like games these poor fools put themselves through...and people dressed as spiders throwing people into the water...I'll just go shall I.
They do Knightmare as well apparently.
I'll get my coat.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:10 / 05.03.03
Haus: I'm sure it's all fine and it's just your tiredness making you think otherwise. Leave it alone.

Now go drink cocoa.

(Jeesus but I'm a Bengali Mum. )

Yes! on the slash thread. go for it.

Might even have a go myself, if i can cast anyone in Snape/Black roles.

Roth: that'd be fabfab.
Tryphena Absent
23:13 / 05.03.03
Slash is goood- groan- I should never have come anywhere near this site. I blame you people for constructing a slash addict Anna.

Yeah, it's a weird feeling to walk in to a room and realise you've been with far too many people in it. It doesn't happen quite so often here because I don't seem to have slept with two people who listen to the same type of music... keep the music separate and you can keep the shags separate. Anyway I'm not going back to slag ficsuit so celibacy will probably reign supreme for a while longer... until I'm completely wasted and that would be why I didn't go out tonight because I didn't want to wake up with a frighteningly ugly man next to me.
23:19 / 05.03.03
Ah, I remember when I found that my post-finals celebrations involved sharing a very small space in a pub with every ex-girlfriend of any importance I had had since 1992. That was a giggle. In prison.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:23 / 05.03.03
If it makes you feel any better, I watched Dumbledore check out porn,"

Yeah, same here, I'd barely heard of the stuff. Now i'm on three a day....

why I didn't go out tonight because I didn't want to wake up with a frighteningly ugly man next to me

Waaaaah. *flashback* very old flashback. but still.

and am postd out again. You can't tell I just got a 'pooter.

oh no.
Tryphena Absent
23:33 / 05.03.03
Oh, how funny, I read that story about half an hour ago!

Hmm... I'm reading my father's online biography (quite apart from discovering that my grandfather spent a year in hospital due to a breakdown- not that surprising) apparently I define text 'not in terms of... (a text's) narrative loss but in terms of the glories of the memes in the story.' How well he knows me!
Baz Auckland
23:53 / 05.03.03
KCC: I think the best plan is to hide under a pile of coats and wait for everything to pass over.

I've been reading threads in the Magick for the last bit and am getting flakey. Must stop and get back to work.

I've thankfully never been in rooms like you're describing, all. The closest was last weekend where someone kept bringing up that I had dated her friend 8 years previous. She thought it was really cute for some reason.
The Strobe
00:21 / 06.03.03
bengali: considered a SNES emulator for your PC? I've got several, plus piles of roms... mario ran very well on my old p100. If you can cope with keyboard binds, it's a wonderful way to play tons of superb, fun, games without faffing round a telly. Oh, and you can save your status so you don't have to play shooters from the beginning

Rothkoid: Uplink Info Here. It's a hacker-sim - much like Hacker on the C64 etc, but with shiney movie-style graphical interface. Rather fun, the demo certainly was. Very engrossing, anyhow.
The Return Of Rothkoid
11:55 / 06.03.03
Ah, Dirty Three. They're fucking good for what ails ye.

And they played "Everything's Fucked". Genius.
23:02 / 06.03.03
Bush is talking. And he's wearing the blue tie. I'm really kinda scared.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:14 / 06.03.03
oh gah. what now?

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