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2-4-6-8, It's the Shift where we're up Late...


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Kit-Cat Club
00:54 / 24.02.03
Sod it, under the word limit, will sort the rest of it out tomorrow. Besides, have been looking at the computer for approximately 10 solid hours now and can feel myself mutating gently. Hasta tarde.
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:57 / 24.02.03
All hail the new flesh. I would say 'death to Videodrome', but I think he'd take it the wrong way...
Saint Keggers
01:07 / 24.02.03
Hey folks, love the new L.S name. Hi all.
01:19 / 24.02.03
Gar! An I'd say "Death to alla ye, in retirn!"

Or, more probably, not. There are many of us in the 'drome. One less wouldn't make any difference.
01:28 / 24.02.03
Oh no. Are you becoming the Videodrome Circle?
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:13 / 24.02.03
It's like a knitting circle with less knitting and more bloody death!

On another note: things you don't need to see before you eat lunch - a small, very hung over guy in a Santa hat who was pissing against the wall of the local McDonald's. Not that I needed another reminder why it's a Good Thing I don't eat there any more, but - keerist! Way to make lunchtime grotty!
02:23 / 24.02.03
*backpedalling wildly*

No! Um, er, gah! We - I mean, um, I - are just here, um, doing our - my! - thing and, er, don't hurt us. Me. Please.

Roth: What is it with you and public urination voyeurism? Surely you've not forgotten the dynamic duo of underaged third-world pissers transplanted to the streets of Stoke Newington?
07:20 / 24.02.03
I'm a sub. Anything can be cut if it's dubious. Or just doesn't fit.

Now, that's the kind of thinking that leads to auto-erotic amputation.

I'm not saying that's a bad thing. i'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm just sayin'.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:55 / 24.02.03
Vid: with lots of parental approval. I have a feeling we were Instantly Drunk that morning, too (or, at least, Belatedly Hungover) which made it all the more fucking alarming...
22:04 / 24.02.03
The thing with the Calpol was I was only ever given the orange one, and I don't like oranges. And it kinda tested of them (really vaguely) and had little gritty bits in. I used to vomit almost every time I had it, which is crap, considering it's medicine.

What did the purple one taste of?
22:11 / 24.02.03
Auto-erotic amputation. There's probably a market for that...
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:22 / 24.02.03
round here's probably a good bet.

sounds like yr having as much feb fun as me, Maz. here's a slimy and yet tetchy cuddle hon.
22:24 / 24.02.03
Right back at you, darlin'. I'm thinking of moving things back to January and becoming a full blown Aquarius. Maybe I'll be born on January 23rd, that's nice, easy to remember, 123. I'll dig out my "Secret Language of Birthdays" book and see if that's someone I'd like to be.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:26 / 24.02.03
I know I'll be fine, as soon as I sort myself out some more of my a-d's. it's just a serotonin crash thing with me.

But yeah, I quite fancy being a Libra for a bit, that'd be pretty different at least...
22:28 / 24.02.03
Oh, I just got a new med that's loads of fun. Dopamine reabsorbtion inhibitor. It's keen, I have a sex drive again. It's kinda cool.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:32 / 24.02.03
hey, sounds cool. can we get a progress report?

anyway, I'm off home to bed. have a new cleaning job starting in the morning, and a fucking appalling cough (the kind where you give up smoking and yer lungs decide to cough themselves up to celebrate )

nnight hon. (or rather, g'day, my dear.)

x BiP
Tryphena Absent
22:32 / 24.02.03
Very sweet and sickly, very artificial, I used to love it and while I'm sure there's another thing that tastes like it I can't recall right now!
22:34 / 24.02.03
Night hon!
Tryphena Absent
22:36 / 24.02.03
That's purple Calpol by the way.
Kit-Cat Club
22:38 / 24.02.03
If you became a Libran you'd just tie yourself into hideous knots over your eternal indecisiveness. The most frustrating thing - really annoys me about myself. All that 'balanced' stuff is a complete con...
22:59 / 24.02.03
I wanna know what being a Sagitarius entails. Can I make the superfun bet that it involves whinning and anal retentiveness?

"Very sweet and sickly, very artificial. I'm sure there's another thing that tastes like it I can't recall right now!"- Strawberry lip gloss? The Spice Girls talking about each other? History lessons on Queen Victoria?
00:08 / 25.02.03
I too also used to vom if I was force fed orange calpol but the purple stuff ummmm.... i just remember it being very viscous and sweet. If you were ill I reckon it was the sugar buzz that made you feel good again.
00:25 / 25.02.03
Well, I've gotten the They Might Be Giants song "Which Describes How You're Feeling All the Time" stuck in my fiance's head, and I'm still bored. Pleh.
00:52 / 25.02.03
Well I'm not bored because I have to hoover the kitchen floor because I just broke a glass (or two) and there is no other way to ensure my housemates feet safety. Eeeeek. An interesting night, all told.
01:28 / 25.02.03
pin- I'm here to tell you that being a Sagittarius means ROCKING LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.

The Return Of Rothkoid
01:41 / 25.02.03
Well, I've just gottten back from a lunch (mit bier!) which was short but not so bad. And I'm listening to a song called "Let's Get Drunk And Truck", which is possibly the greatest thing ever.

Anyone here?
lolita nation
01:49 / 25.02.03
Kit Cat, I'm a Libra, but I thought everyone was like that all the time. They're not? Shit.
01:52 / 25.02.03
And 'truck'? Do I really want to know what that means?

Hmm. Not a libra, but I am sometimes entirely indecisive. mmm.
01:56 / 25.02.03
Is it as good as Not The Nine O'Clock News' classic "I like trucking, I like trucking, I like trucking and I like to truck?"
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:02 / 25.02.03
Stoatie: see for yourself...
02:03 / 25.02.03
Hammer down, rabbit ears.
02:04 / 25.02.03
That rocks.
Baz Auckland
02:27 / 25.02.03
Remember though how much Scorpios rock... although they say we can't be trusted.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
22:59 / 01.03.03
It’s a lonely Saturday night, let me hear you: It’s a lonely Saturday night!
Tryphena Absent
23:02 / 01.03.03
Oh are you lonely? I'm quite cheery.

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