Well. Now I have to drag you down here to tan-central. But keeping your dark side in check, there's the whole lurking death by skin-cancer! that us Southern Hemispherian Antipodeans are known for... g'waaaan!
I am presently recovering from contents duty at work, and considering what to get for lunch. I'm also wondering how exactly I'll get all my CDs packed up by the end of tonight - I'm not even half done yet. There's something like 2500 of them on the floor, being vaguely sorted into piles of like-mindedness (there's singy-boys, mopey-singy-alt.country-boys, shameless pop, big-hair, shouty-chicks, angsty-Germans - a whole range of useless classification) while I find myself frequently stopping to go either "Wow! Cool! I'd forgotten I had that" or "Fuck! What was I thinking?" - it's a rich and fun thing.
I have to finish it so I can get the place in order for a visitor on Friday. Check my sugar-soap and vacuum skillz, YO. |