WHY does my fucking PC sometimes refuse to go online, even to the point of locking up completely when I do a simple thing like ASK IT TO???
And fucking typical. Okay, I KNEW my phone was gonna get cut off- fair enough, I DO owe them money, but did they HAVE to do it on a Wednesday morning- a Wednesday, I hasten to add, when I was gonna take advantage of Orange's cheap cinema tickets promotion FOR WHICH YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO SEND TEXT MESSAGES. And WHY did they have to text me to tell me, meaning I get woken up by the charming strains of the music from Bagpuss, get all excited cos someone's sent me a message, and then it just says "SIM update"- ie, fuck you, buddy.
Couldn't they have done it tomorrow? Even yesterday wouldn't have been quite as annoying. And couldn't they have done it, you know, quietly? |