Try My son told him that he is Hindu and a Buddhist, which we ar...
Yeah, well, kind son adores Shiva and Durga. Luckily, our Lama is quite eclectic, and very knowledgeable in both.
Oh and my friend's workplace: this pretty much defines the harrassment she is dealing with.
Especially: A workplace bully subjects the target to unjustified criticism and trivial fault-finding. In addition, he or she humiliates the target, especially in front of others, and ignores, overrules, isolates and excludes the target.
If the bully is the target's superior, he or she may: set the target up for failure by setting unrealistic goals or deadlines, or denying necessary information and resources; either overload the target with work or take all work away (sometimes replacing proper work with demeaning jobs); or increase responsibility while removing authority. |