Good Luck, Lula's Dog!
Tangentially related to above angers:
I really, really hate bad drivers.
I love driving. Really, really love it, which is handy given the huge amounts I end up having to do all over the country. But I cannot be on the road more than 15 minutes without wanting to ban driving forever.
Today's major annoyance is tailgating.
It makes me feel like this. THIS!
Now, until 6 months ago I was a fairly unsafe driver, with little regard for speed-limits, which I know is fairly awful, but I was never, never, ever, an agressive driver. Too timid to overtake anyone unless I was 300% certain it was safe, I've spent a good many hours contentedly trundling along behind law abiding citizens at a safe distance until they inevitably diverge from my path and I sped of elsewhere.
Earlier today I was bimbling down the M1, I noticed I'd drifted over 75mph and was too terrified by people literally inches away from my big metal behind to slow down. This happened THREE TIMES.
I know it's wrong to gesticulate rudely at drivers like that, as it's stupid to even think about distracting them, but I can't help myself.
Traveling back home from my first year of Uni, I was happily overtaking a group of 4 cars at 90 mph on the motorway. Before I could properly pass the second vehicle a car shot up behind me and started flashing it's headlights! When I finally passed the final car I indicated and swept majestically into the middle lane. As the flashy-lighty car drove past me the driver actually turned her head over 90 degrees to look right through my windsheild and hurl obscenities at me. |