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15:36 / 24.12.02
hmmm... assuming you ain't tugging my chain and that "distant" is geographical rather than emotional, tough break my friend.

My [ex] girlfriend had a stroke shortly after we met. I thought she was gonna die. So I used sorcery. She regained consciousness, but was paralysed down her right side, so I used prayer and positivity [fasting and sorcery]. Her Dad used Bob Marley... "Get up, stand up..."

Turning the patient is required to ease the bedsores. Contact is required to give them the will to fight. Even if he can't talk, he can hear, feel touch on the skin, know that someone is next to his side night and day.

The prognosis, however, is not Ideal. He may decide it is easier to stop fighting. Sorry dude.
16:01 / 24.12.02
... the Physiotherapy and painkillers were also of considerable help. They had to wean her off the morphine, though.
Charles Darwin
19:55 / 25.12.02
Hey! Mixmage...Jesus's Stunt double! What a name! Could never thought of a better name myself! My 'distant' uncle is more of an emotional thing rather than geographical. And you're right, he can't talk. He lives a couple of streets away from my us but as his nephew, my siblings and I seldom visit him personally, not that I don't want to but I just dunno how. It's been so many years. But we did visit him with a group of church friends last Xmas. After we have a few rounds of food from my auntie, we go up to his bedside one by one and wish him merry Xmas. And when it was my turn, I just go up to him and say 'It's me, uncle, I am Charles' And a tear squeeze out of his shut eyes.

He did come to see me once when I was helping my father with something. AT that time, he was on a wheelchair though not bedridden but he can't talk. When he sees me, he beam and tears well up in his eyes again.(Should I use again here? The chronology of tears appearing in his eyes is not right though........) Anyway, I dunno why he likes to beam at that time. Maybe it's just to make his pupil dialate upon seeing me.

You say the prognosis is that he might decide that it's easier to stop fighting. No wonder I heard from my mother that my auntie did mention that she pray that either my uncle just die and go away or he recovers. And that auntie of mine happen to look a bit like May. May is a masseur that I shagg with occasionally. I pick May maybe she looks like my auntie. The reason I pick May becoz my auntie never give me any bad impression.

But back to my auntie prayer for my uncle. So will my uncle die peacefully or will he recover? Look, he really don't have to worry that I fancy my auntie as I have found May as a replacement and after these 2 years with May, I have quite enough of her shagging style. Though I must admit I barely know her character.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:32 / 30.12.02
Fencing: how to start? Am I starting too late? Epee or sabre? Experiences? I'm considering learning and would like to know a bit more. Sydney uni offers classes for about $100 for 10, though I don't know a) when the next lot are or b) if it's better for me to find an individual teacher, rather than a group environment.
12:11 / 30.12.02
It's probably toolate to start if you want to compete at a high level, but that shouldn't be a huge problem if yu just want to have fun and compete in lower-level competition. There areso few fencers around that in general anyone can find a niche. You will have to work on your aerobic fitness, however - 45 minutes or so of jogging and stretching before each fencing class would be handy. The tutors may or may not do this themselves.

At the starting level there's no real need for individual tuition, and I'd start neither on epee nor sabre, but foil, as it relies mainly on four positions of the blade rather than eight, and also hurts a lot less while you're learning. It's the most stylised and, IMHO, the most attractive form of fencing. Anything else you need to know?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:24 / 30.12.02
I've got one...

If you froze some blood and then thawed it out, how easy would it be for the police to tell that it had been frozen and then thawed? Would the freezing process show up easily or would a specific test have to be done? Would you be able to tell by looking through a microscope?
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:00 / 30.12.02
Haus: ah, foil! The one I remembered on the bus on the way home. There's been a couple of things I've dug up about the various weapons/styles of competition - what's your choice? Not necessarily for beginners, but what's the one that keeps you going back?

At the moment, my plan is to just do it socially/low level club stylee. I figured that yeah, I'm too late to be in any high-level comps or anything, but I did want to get it happening on some level. I'm already building up resistance/aerobic ability with other stuff anyway, so I figure that a couple of weeks of getting whupped in lessons should be a good incentive to make a proper go of it.

Also: how much is the kit, generally; is there much secondhand availability, how much is essential, and what's wait-until-you're-better kind of stuff? At this point, I'm looking at doing it through uni to start with (IIRC, the guy who coaches the Australian team that goes to international meets is taking it) and then maybe moving elsewhere/joining a club when I get a bit more au fait with it.

Oh yeah: what's the worst injury you've seen/had/heard of with fencing? Aaaaand, what's your take on Classical Fencers like these guys? One-step-away-from-SCA, or...?

This slightly bizarre New Year's resolution has been brought to you by Douglas Fairbanks and that neat-o scene in Die Another Day. I hope not to get Madonna as a teacher.

Oh, while I'm at it, can I just say that this fucking ROCKS?
16:05 / 30.12.02
On fencing: Haus knows way more than me, but I did start a topic on it in the Magick a while back. It got into the whole classical/competitive divide.

On the blood thing, I *think* freezing would rupture red blood cells. This site seems to imply this is the case; it's possible to freeze and thaw blood for transfusion, it says, but the cell death rate is "unacceptably high."

This site gives a very nice summary of *why* this is - apparently the problem isn't so much the ice crystals as it is the fact that when the liquid water starts freezing, you're left with a high concentration of salt, which damages the cells.
It also mentions an interesting fact: if you freeze blood cells at temperatures *under* -40 C, they do better than if they're frozen between -3 and -39 C.

This site on malaria samples includes this passage:
When the malaria samples are removed from the freezer, they are dormant. To "wake them up," three kinds of salt and sugar solutions are added to them. The solutions help the frozen blood thaw without damaging the fragile red blood cells and the intracellular parasites.

It seems like the cell damage would show under a microscope, but that's just my guess.

anyone here weight lift or know any good websites that give you good advice on what to eat and how to train to make yourself look like a small percentage of hulk?

AMI (the company that owns the American tabloids, i.e., my bosses) just bought the Weider Group publications, which include a host of fitness magazines.

One of those sites should help.
Cat Chant
09:19 / 31.12.02
What does the phrase "Back Slash Action Brimstone Love" mean in an X-Man context? (I saw it here)
12:59 / 31.12.02
It means the toy designers listen to Sonic Youth or something similar... (Inside my head, my dog's a bear, if she's a mutant - I'm insane....)
Brimstone Love is the character (proprietor of the Theatre of Pain, apparently). The action figure is equipped with "back slash action" - the ability to slash or punch back, behind its head.
23:47 / 01.01.03
Are these websites that say you can earn $20 or so just by being online legit? It seems to me that there has to be some sort of catch to the whole thing.
Tryphena Absent
02:03 / 03.01.03
Anyone know a good biographical site for Sylvia Plath that discusses her German origins????
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:22 / 03.01.03
I'd start at Plath Online's links page. I can't vouch for the links, as I'm not quite as large a Plath scholar as some here, but this essay may help. Don't know how reputable the author is - could just be another student - but it may help a little.
11:37 / 03.01.03
Sorry for the delay, Rothky - too much Barbelith politics:

Haus: ah, foil! The one I remembered on the bus on the way home. There's been a couple of things I've dug up about the various weapons/styles of competition - what's your choice? Not necessarily for beginners, but what's the one that keeps you going back?

For me, foil. Basically, epee is a sniper's weapon - hits count anywhere (it was designed to reflect more realitically the "first-blood" style of the actual duel; if you get a sword through your foot you aren't likely to be carrying on, no matter how off-target the blow" and has a heavier blade. Epee matches are intensely strategic and largely involve people moving backwards and forwards warily and occasionally trying to stab each other in the toe. Sabre, which is probably what the boys in Die Another Day thought they were doing, is athletic and flamboyant, uses the four high, low and cross guards (positions 1, 2, 3, and 5) far more than foil or epee (because the winning blow is deliverable by the flat of the blade as well as the point, of course), and generally devloves into people hacking at each other with lenghts of steel. I get enough of that at home. It's also unlikely that a responsible teacher will let you start on sabre, btw.

At the moment, my plan is to just do it socially/low level club stylee. I figured that yeah, I'm too late to be in any high-level comps or anything, but I did want to get it happening on some level. I'm already building up resistance/aerobic ability with other stuff anyway, so I figure that a couple of weeks of getting whupped in lessons should be a good incentive to make a proper go of it.

Yeah - fencing is very good aerobic activity - lots of movement while wearing armour. Take in lots of fluids. Also, any length of time fencing will lead to a disproportionate growth in your thighs and calves, which are constantly flexing even when you are standing still.

Also: how much is the kit, generally; is there much secondhand availability, how much is essential, and what's wait-until-you're-better kind of stuff?

Generally about £200 (no idea about that in $AUS - sorry), I think, but the beginner will usually be given communal kit by the salle. However, I'd suggest that if you decide to stick with it the basic purchases are a mask and a jacket, because the range of jacket sizes owned by a salle tend to be pretty eccentric and you may find yourself fighting over a limited supply in your size. Masks likewise - too tight is painful, too large dangerous, and the sense of inhaling everyone who has ever worn a communal mask's sweat is very uncomfortable.

You probably won't need the breeches until competition - a decent pair of tracksuit bottoms (*decent* i.e. designed for sporting rather than fashion) will serve. Likewise, plastrons are worn more frequently instead of jackets when training (a practice that I am officially required to disapprove of massively, of course), but are required in competition these days (a practice that, jnofficially, I disapprove of massively). On the bright side, they add a definite element of cool to the robing and disrobing process. You'll probably need your own glove for competition as well, unless you can borrow one, but they don't cost that much.

I'd recommend getting a sword last, for a number of reasons. Most obviously, you'll need to choose your weapon (although most fencers have a foil as well as their weapon of choice). Also, you'll need to find out whether you prefer a pistol or French grip (I opt for French, more out of habit than anything), and what length of blade (you're about 6 foot, yes? So a 5, which pretty well everyone except children uses these days anyway).

Regrettably, although a "steam" (non-electric) blade will onyl set you back about £20-30, unless you want to get fancy with lightweight guards and maraging steel, competitions these days insist on an electric sword (starting from about £40) and may also not provide a lame (metal weave) jacket. This is an absolute pain in the arse, and yet another reason why electric fencing sucks cock. If you can find traditionalists, I recommend them. Electric sucks.

Oh, and shoes. white trainers will do fine, although you need something which supports the ankle but doesn't restrict its movement. Adidas makes two dedicated fencing shoes, the D'Artagnan (for fuck's sake), which is designed for the movements used in fencing generally and costs about £50, and the Equipment, a much heftier £80 or £90 for the serious fencer - they are desinged assymetrically, to reflect which foot you lead with. But if you need that, you shouldn't be fencing, as my old maitre would say.

Oh yeah: what's the worst injury you've seen/had/heard of with fencing? Aaaaand, what's your take on Classical Fencers like these guys? One-step-away-from-SCA, or...?

Oh, well, I suppose it's harmless...

As for injuries, well, you get the odd fatality, but they're very rare and usually down to bad equipment. I got a few cuts from fencing without decent armour or being clipped after my mask fell off by an overenthusiastic attack (loose masks dangerous), and lots of bruising, minor contusions, a fair few scraped knees. Fencing isn't a dangerous sport, done properly, but it can be a painful one (first time you get hit with a sabre on the ear with a too-tight mask is one that'll stay with you). The worst I ever had, which was also the worst I've seen so far, was when I competed when unfit and cocked the weight on my lunge totally- much too far over, which fortunately was not actually a break or a dislocation, but just the tearing and straining of almost all the muscles of my right leg. I didn't get treatment for it, which was dumb and macho and self-destructive (I was going through a rather bad period) - couldn't fence for getting on for a year, or run for quite a while without throwing something. Still occasionally troubles me, especially when carrying heavy objects; on occasion I carry a cane, but more these days as a security blanket than an actual prosthesis, as I can usually walk OK even when it's bad; it just hurts.
13:48 / 03.01.03
If I'm trying to upgrade RAM on a homemade computer, and I don't have the documentation for the motherboard, and the current RAM stick just has a sticker on it that says "64 megs, PC100", and I went to the store and bought a stick of 128 meg PC100 RAM, and that doesn't work, so I went online and found out that there are 64 meg PC100 sticks out there, but they come in different flavors, how do I tell which flavor RAM I should get?

If in makes a difference, it's running Windows 98 with an AMD 450MHz processor.
Charles Darwin
11:52 / 04.01.03
Sorry to cut in Grant. Hope someone answer your question and you get what you want. But I have a question.

Suppose I have some positive photo prints without the negative, how do I upload them to a website like VillagePhotos? Did something like this was it asked previously?
11:55 / 04.01.03
A cane, eh?

Wouldn't happen to have a blade concealed in it, would it?

Very secure.
11:56 / 04.01.03

20:03 / 05.01.03
If I'm trying to upgrade RAM on a homemade computer, and I don't have the documentation for the motherboard, and the current RAM stick just has a sticker on it that says "64 megs, PC100", and I went to the store and bought a stick of 128 meg PC100 RAM, and that doesn't work, so I went online and found out that there are 64 meg PC100 sticks out there, but they come in different flavors, how do I tell which flavor RAM I should get?

It sounds like what you purchased wasn't compatible with your current motherboard so you need to find out what brand motherboard you have, check and see what's compatible with it and that should tell you what flavor of RAM you need to get.
17:06 / 06.01.03
ACtually, I asked another friend of mine the same question (the Verio employee quoted in the Dow Switchboard thread) and he recommended checking by BIOS settings on startup, and I did, and I changed the entry from 64 max to 128 max and it worked! it worked!

I have no idea how to find out who made the motherboard, though. Just out of curiosity - how would I figure that out? No documentation, remember, and it's not a pre-made computer.
Linus Dunce
17:30 / 06.01.03
Grant -- If there's no name, look for numbers that look like product codes and google them. It worked for me when I was trying to work out what modem I had. (As it turned out, it was an obsolete Spanish model ... hasta la vista, baby!)
Linus Dunce
17:38 / 06.01.03
Anyone here good on Photoshop?

I'm stroking paths in Photoshop 7 (because I don't have Illustrator), fine, but I want the stroke to be anti-aliased. How do I do/set this? And/or is there a better way?
Charles Darwin
11:26 / 07.01.03
Sorry Ignatius_J, though I uses Photoshop once for a short while but I can't remember which version. When people talk about Photoshop, the only thing that comes to my mind is layering.

I have 2 questions.

The first. May I ask "The Haus that glows with genuine affection whenever it reads your name" how does he/her upload such a huge and cool picture of his/her eye on barbelith in the Photos thread? Will a 28mm-200mm or a 300mm zoom lens do?

The second question. When I pluck a pair of earphones jack into the back of my computer, I can hear the sound from the sound recorder application thru 1 of the earphone, earphone A. When I cut off this earphone A and jumper it to handsfree microphone wires (I jumper earphone B to ground of the telephone), the telephone just couldn't function? I just want my computer sound recorder application to be able to talk thru the telephone. By the way I am using Windows 95.
Charles Darwin
19:27 / 07.01.03
Mixmage, The Return Of Rothkoid, mixmage[very hungover], Sung in the key of mixmage, Cubby and many others, thanks for helping me in the past. Please help me again this time.
Linus Dunce
20:36 / 07.01.03
Charles --

Eye photo -- If you use the 300 mm, you will need a tripod and a very still subject. I'd get up close with the zoom lens, but keep the focal length below, say, 60 mm?

Phone -- I'm no electronics expert (or a photo expert!) and I'm not clear on what you've tried already, but I'd try not to make it so complicated.

Hook up the working headphone speaker to your computer's headphone socket using the first and third segments of the jack.

Then just tape the speaker to the built-in mic on your phone. Make a test call to get the volume right, and you're away! :-)
Linus Dunce
20:48 / 07.01.03
using the first and third segments of the jack

Or whatever makes it work.
Charles Darwin
23:25 / 07.01.03
Thanks, Ignatius_J, I've tried that and I hear a buzzing sound. No, the buzzing sound shouldn't be there. Is the bussing sound due to different bias voltage level? I've spoken to a helpline councillor and she suggested the hold button on the phone. But I still to to figure out how to make use and tap from the hold button speaker.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:56 / 08.01.03
Sonny Rollins - where to start? I've got a copy of Saxophone Colossus, and that rocks. Where now?
07:25 / 08.01.03
Here's one for ya:

I've heard it said that snowflakes can never be alike (like fingerprints). Whilst I get that fingerprints are different owing to genetics - how are "they" so damn sure about the snow. I mean no-one's compared every single snowflake to have ever fallen have they?

Or is this a sort of Heraclitus river stepping business as in snow flakes never fall in the same place at the same time?
10:13 / 08.01.03
Simple web animations, of the sort you see on - what would I need to do something like that? Is there a nice, simple package that I can download free from somewhere?
Linus Dunce
13:28 / 08.01.03
Saveloy -- Macromedia Flash MX (not the Flash Player but an authoring programme). You can get a free 30-day trial from ...
Linus Dunce
13:33 / 08.01.03
Charles, I'm getting even fuzzier on what you're doing.

As you mention a hold button, I'm guessing you're using a land line as opposed to a cell phone.

Why not use a fax modem and the software that comes with it?
15:14 / 08.01.03
Thanks, Ignatius J. In case anyone else is interested, I found this too. Pretty basic and dead easy to get started on.
15:49 / 08.01.03
Jub, here's The Straight Dope.
Charles Darwin
00:29 / 09.01.03
Hi, Ignatius J, I try out my brother's/friend PC with a ADSL fax/modem after you suggested me getting a fax/modem. And the spped is simply dazzling. I think I will stick to this PC for a while. Thanks for your suggestion. Your suggestion actually details out what I'll be doing in the future.

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