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Hattie's Kitchen
13:37 / 19.02.03
"i feel funny, oh so funny, i feel funny and sunny and bright."

Ain't that from West Side Story? Only the original words were: "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay..."
13:40 / 19.02.03
It's from an old Tunes TV Ad Jub, Hunchback of Notre Dame sings it and jumps around on stage, I imagine it's originally from a musical though - someone else can advise on that I'm sure.

My question - What's my problem?

Hattie's Kitchen
13:41 / 19.02.03
I'm going to New York at the end of March - I will be trawling the usual gay/lezzer bars, but has anyone got any tips for something off the beaten track, any exhibitions/shows, that type of thing? And by the way, which are the best gay/lezzer bars/clubs to go to? Somewhere mixed preferably?
13:41 / 19.02.03

I'll get my coat.
13:49 / 19.02.03
Cheers HK - cheers Bear. There was a collective "Oh!!!!" when I mention West Side Stroy, and then another one for the Tunes Ad. So thank you both very much!
The local Goth prototype has become a run-of-the-mill example of the apocalypse.
13:39 / 20.02.03
Thank you! Thank Q Rage!Rage!Rage!, TG, Xoc, grant, Chairman Maominstoat, mixmage, Cubby, wembley, Jub, H.I.R, The Return of Rothkoid, Cailin, Ganesh, Ignatius J, Quayle, and oops! some that I forgot becoz my notepad wasn't with me when I was surfing barbelith.
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:24 / 22.02.03
Here's a couple of brain twisters:

1) In Steven Soderbergh's remake of Ocean's Eleven Pitt and Clooney discuss the magnitude of the con, and Pitt says "Off the top of my head, I say, you're looking at a Bowski, a Jim Brown, two Jethro's and a Leon Spinx, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald....ever! "
Does anyone know where I can find definitions of these terms? Are they all real?

2)Occasionally, in The Simpsons, if a character does something that they know will get them in trouble, they'll pull at their collar and make a noise that's difficult to describe. To what is this a reference?
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:31 / 22.02.03
Biz: with the thing in The Simpsons, it's a kind of gulping noise, right? I think that's a generic collar-loosening gee-willikers kind of reference - it's pretty common in films, and is usually seen being done by some geeky-styleee character, methinks.

Though you might find Jerry Lewis does it a bit, too. But I chose not to mention him as he is EVIL.

As for the Ocean's 11 thing, I took it to be some kind of reference to Pitt's confidence-man skillz. It doesn't matter if they don't exist (and I don't think they do) because hey, he knows it all, right? He can even speak chinese! I think it's just a sounds-cool-so-leave-it-in thing, though someone who's watched the DVD (with, I assume, a commentary track, as much of Soderbergh's stuff has) might be able to fill you in.

But I think it's all flim-flammery.
23:19 / 22.02.03
My research shows (and not to try to discredit Rothkoid, it could all be B.S.)...
Bowski was a World War I flying ace in Germany. Jim Brown was a former NFL player who did a bunch of movies in the 60s and 70s. Jethro may be a reference to Jethro Tull, but more likely it's a reference to Jethro, the rather large adn not too bright fellow on The Beverly Hillbillies in the 60s. Leon Spinx was the boxer who beat Ali in 1978. And Ella Fitzgerald, well Ella was just about the best thing to ever happen to women in jazz.
The local Goth prototype has become a run-of-the-mill example of the apocalypse.
11:47 / 23.02.03
Hi everybody,

I have a question. This question is about how base station, Susan and F35 are all related.

If I call another party with my handphone, am I right to say that a signal from my handphone is being relayed to the other party by a base station? With these information of a signal being sent to a base station and a signal being broadcast by the base station, how can I pinpoint the location of the base station? Which of these signal are from Susan's handphone?

I would like to have knowledge of this basic information of base station because I would like to get myself involved in th JFP programme (the Joint dunno what programme of developing a new model fighter plane with stealth capabilities). I like this progamme very much because when they show the news on TV, they show the front view of I think a F22, which hides weapons in the plane body. I think the new plane they are developing is a F35.

Thanks and best regards.
12:11 / 23.02.03

Cailín - that's all well and good and all, but how do those peep's names relate to the con? You don't think Brad really meant get Ella Fitzgerald?! If they were code for something as Bizunth thinks, what did they mean?
Baz Auckland
15:42 / 23.02.03
2)Occasionally, in The Simpsons, if a character does something that they know will get them in trouble, they'll pull at their collar and make a noise that's difficult to describe. To what is this a reference?

I think the Simpsons collar-tugging is a very old corny comedy reaction. Probably Gomer Pyle or Jerry Lewis or something even older?
18:24 / 23.02.03
It would appear that the Ocean's Eleven question has been discussed elsewhere. They list the first name as a Boesky, not a Bowski, which does make more sense.

22:58 / 24.02.03
Has anyone here tried to learn classical Greek on their own? Were you successful, if so, how did you do it?
William Sack
10:05 / 28.02.03
I'm sure I recently heard a term meaning gay man as non-threatening affirming sidekick/accessory to Bridget Jonesy type straight woman. Any ideas?

And totally unrelated, and I'm not even sure why I'm asking - has Bruce Willis died in any film other than the obvious twist-in-the-tail one?
10:30 / 28.02.03
'Armlessgayman, and Armageddon.
12:31 / 28.02.03
and "death becomes her"
Spatula Clarke
15:01 / 28.02.03
Twelve Monkeys, unless that was the twist one you meant.
Charles Darwin
01:33 / 01.03.03
The one who introduces the wolf website, yes, you're the one, thank you. I dunno how that person records the howling, does he lives in the wild oe what? Anyway, thanks.
11:11 / 01.03.03
I'm sure I recently heard a term meaning gay man as non-threatening affirming sidekick/accessory to Bridget Jonesy type straight woman. Any ideas?

It's from --or at least it's in-- BJD: hag fag.
Charles Darwin
23:02 / 02.03.03
Hi, everybody, why is it that West Bromiwch is always among the last 3 positions on the table, and it loses 1-0 to ?????. WHEN? TELL ME WHEN?!
16:02 / 03.03.03
The one who introduces the wolf website, yes, you're the one, thank you. I dunno how that person records the howling, does he lives in the wild oe what? Anyway, thanks.

Meet the shotgun microphone.
16:15 / 03.03.03
Mazarine - I didn't learn it on my own, but I did learn it from scratch, so that may be useful. I think one important question is what you are trying to read with it...what period/authors are you aiming at?
The local Goth prototype has become a run-of-the-mill example of the apocalypse.
17:21 / 03.03.03
Thanks grant, the shotgun microphone, I hope to try it out some of these days. haven't thought of what I'll use it on, maybe birds chirping or whatever.

BTW, I've been having episodes of blank stares again last nite. I suspected it to be similar to the onset of diabetic blindness although I can't be too sure. 'Cause I have piportil injection, then I have taken chinese herbal tonic from my godma in the past, and recently I see the chinese physician (whom my tenant work for) for schizo and I have drank the cocoction (which my mother brewed) prescribed by the physician. I read somewhere in one of barbelith post that the consumption of certain plants will bring about blank stares. But I just can't recall what I read the other time. In my attempt to get rid of my blank stares, I have tried chewing & swallowing bougainvilla leaves. But the leaves are damn bitter. Lalang leaves (long leaves with sharp edges) are better tasting. Anyone have any idea what I am going thru to help me out?

BTW, it seem to me that sex and doing back flex at the same time to get rid of kidney pains just don't mix. If you decide to do back flex, then no sex. Or if you used to have sex 3 times a month, cut it down to once a month, then cut it down again to none before you start doing back flex. Am I right with all these crap?
The local Goth prototype has become a run-of-the-mill example of the apocalypse.
17:22 / 03.03.03
BTW, I forgot to add, always use your rubber friend no matter how hot the chick is.
Goodness Gracious Meme
17:28 / 03.03.03
I'm sure I recently heard a term meaning gay man as non-threatening affirming sidekick/accessory to Bridget Jonesy type straight woman. Any ideas?

I've also heard fag-bangle bandied about. For a particularly stylish accessory...Think 'nesh pointed me at that one...

Okay, do my work for my time:

In Florence (and possibly other Tuscan cities), there's a tradition of evening promenading, getting dolled up and strolling the main piazzas, checking and being checked out. It's got a specific name. Anyone?
13:27 / 07.03.03
what are the current economic and social conditions in vietnam?
13:28 / 07.03.03
I've recently acquired a dollar bill. how do i fold it over so i can see the twin towers burning?
20:03 / 07.03.03
Doesn't it have to be a $20 to see the towers burning?
Since this forum is so largely populated by you lovely Brits, I have a question. I've been listening to The Streets and I want to know: what's a geezer? I know a fair bit of British slang (most from Guy Ritchie movies and Arab Strap records), but I don't know this one.
Also, do you think it's hilarious that in the US we call a waist purse a "fanny pack"?
Cat Chant
21:13 / 07.03.03
More disturbing than hilarious, praying mantis: "fanny" is a sort of weird childish guilty word that makes my skin go peculiar, particularly when used in conjunction with "pack". But that might just be me. And I thought they were bum bags, rather than waist purses (by which I would understand "money belt")?

A "geezer" is just a bloke, but it has all sorts of connotations that I can't explain due to being middle-class and raised by Communists.

Hmmm. I don't seem to have any questions today. Oh, hang on: if the fuse has gone in the plug on my kettle, how can I tell? Do I just plug it in, turn it on, find that nothing is happening, change the fuse, and find that it works? (This is my experience of fuses going, but on telly there usually seems to be a comedy explosion.) My Snape-is-a-kettle metaphor hangs on the answer...
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
22:27 / 07.03.03
praying mantis - The thing about the Geezer is that he’s hard to pin down but instantly recognizable. Involved in a bit of this and a bit of that. Can be seen wearing Reebock classics, Timberlands, Ben Sherman or Ralf Loren shirts, Versache jean, CK duds, gold bracelet, necklace and earrings, Stone Island jumper or jacket or maybe Duffer, sometimes leather jackets. Hair either short or in a pony-tail, if the latter can get away with a sheepskin coat or a longer leather jacket. Like to give it the large. Favorite drug: -Charlie, followed by E. Getting into the whole E, ketamine, crack thing (an entropic stereotype). Similar to the “casuals” but London based and more into duck’n’dive crime than footie hooliganism. If you want to listen to modern “geezer” music check out the Audio Bullies. But “Geezer” has/is/was a cool name for someone who was “clued-up”. Sorted Geezer. (this phrase illustrates the Geezers involvement in drug dealing).
lolita nation
23:44 / 07.03.03
The father of the USA's current president, George Walker Bush, God fuck him, is named George Herbert Walker Bush. What does this mean? I get Dickens naming one of his kids Henry Fielding Dickens. But is there a connection between the Bush family and English Renaissance religious lyric that I should know about? Or is it a coincidence?
01:19 / 08.03.03
Haus: I believe I'm shooting for Attic Greek. This has my ever present theater focus, (Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Euripides, Sophocles), Homer, and Aristotle, primarily. I may be able to hire a tutor from amongst the classics grad students.
02:30 / 08.03.03
Which chaos magic books should I buy off Amazon?? Liber kaos with Liber Null & Psychonaut OR Liber kaos & Prime Chaos: Adventures on Chaos magic?? Any other good book suggestions?

Is there anything worthwile in these that cant be found on the net??

Also where's the link so this site gets money

15:56 / 08.03.03
Deva: I guess yr right, a waist purse could be more like a money belt...I just don't even know what to call those tacky things, if not a fanny pack. I mean, 'bum bag' is a literal British translation for 'fanny pack'. I wonder how all that got started...that to us a fanny is an ass, and to you guys a fanny is a cunt. And isn't it funny how terribly offensive the word cunt is in the states, since you all can practically toss it around in front of the *vicar*.
Xs: you did that on purpose, I know, didn't you. LOL. I understood only about 3/4 of yr post...hah. Thus, I need more definitions: "like to give it the large"? "-Charlie"? "similar to the 'casuals' but London based"? and more into "duck n' dive crime"? than "footie hooliganism."? the dark across the pond, yrs fondly, praying mantis.
I mean, what I'm sorta seeing is, like, a gangsta type dude? But in a British way? Sigh, I really need to come visit London.

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