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The Return Of Rothkoid
22:38 / 04.12.02
From here.

As for why buttons on men's clothing are on the opposite side of the garment from women's, this again was a bow to convention. Most people are right-handed. Men generally dressed themselves, so their buttons are on the right. Women, on the other hand, at least those who could afford garments with buttons, frequently had a lady's maid to assist with the dressing process -- so the buttons were reversed to make it easier for the maid to do them up.
Baz Auckland
23:59 / 04.12.02
This doesn't appear to be in the FAQs, so, can I close down Kazaa mid-download and then resume downloading at a later stage?

08:33 / 05.12.02

According to the "Textbook of Abnormal Psychology" (Macmillan, revised edition, 1967), the 'feeble-minded' may be classified as follows:

Moron: 50-75 IQ
Imbecile: 25-50 IQ
Idiot: Below 25 IQ

Does anyone know when those words - which most of us are probably only familiar with as insults - were last used in this way? Are they still used, even?
Baz Auckland
10:58 / 05.12.02
I think they were legally used. An 'idiot' was free from responsibility in crimes due to idiocy... They may have just changed the term or something...
Goodness Gracious Meme
12:50 / 05.12.02
Rothkoid: thank you very much. That's been bugging me for ages. Off to find myself a dresser/slave.

Buuuut - didn't well-to-do menfolk also have dressers (valets, butlers etc?) to lay out and help them into their vestements. Or have I been reading too much P.G.Wodehouse (again)
13:18 / 05.12.02
Men's clothes had far fewer buttons.
15:42 / 05.12.02
What with it being a new page, and no one bothering to look at previous ones, I'm reposting the questions from page 8 that weren't complelely answered.

*peering at sheet of paper through half-moon specs*

mixmage writes:

"Mirrors again.

Went for a pint in a pub called the Dragon in Brighton. As I was drinking, I noticed my reflection in the mirror behind the corner of the bar. But...

As I moved, my reflection moved the opposite way: If I moved to my left, the enantimorph moved to my right and vice versa.


Saveloy writes:

"According to the "Textbook of Abnormal Psychology" (Macmillan, revised edition, 1967), the 'feeble-minded' may be classified as follows:

Moron: 50-75 IQ
Imbecile: 25-50 IQ
Idiot: Below 25 IQ

Does anyone know when those words - which most of us are probably only familiar with as insults - were last used in this way? Are they still used, even? "

BiP> have your button questions been answered to your satisfaction?
02:04 / 08.12.02
i need the name of trees indigenous to britain, well n.ireland but you know what i mean, with barks that can be described as 'wizened' looking (not oak).
it's pretty important, seriously!
00:23 / 11.12.02
Another geekard comic book question from Maz: Okay, I know Ultimates #8 was supposed to be out like, the first or second week of November, and I know in spite of the seizures I've had on the floors of many comics retailers over the past month that it is not out yet. My question is, does anyone know what's causing the delay? I'd feel so much better if I just knew...
13:49 / 11.12.02
wow, I can't believe my buttons joke was actually the right answer...
Wrecks City-Zen
21:57 / 11.12.02
Okay, I'm sure this one has been asked by others but...curiousity has the better of me.

Glassin the cats? Where and when did the legendary shunning of GM take place?And what does it mean...?


Goodness Gracious Meme
22:02 / 11.12.02
Yes thank you, Saveloy. I feel sated now.

Buuuuuuut... Why do people either like or loathe Marmite?
Wrecks City-Zen
22:05 / 11.12.02
A: Because it tastes like salty beer paste...MMMMM!
Saint Keggers
12:33 / 12.12.02
The reason I had heard for the button placement was that they were placed that way on mens clothing so that they would not get tangle when trying to draw your sword.
14:41 / 12.12.02

"Why do people either like or loathe Marmite?"

Softies will tell you it's just a matter of taste and that strong flavours are likely to elicit strong reactions, but the plain fact of the matter is that there are people who are right and there are people who are wrong and the Marmite taste test is the quickest way to find out who falls into each category. People who loathe Marmite are wrong and should be electronically tagged or kept under close observation at all times by a policeman, minister of the church or lollipop lady.
Saint Keggers
20:26 / 12.12.02
What's Marmite?
Linus Dunce
22:30 / 12.12.02
Marmite. Ugh. I guess the effect is similar to strong blue cheese -- some love it, to others it tastes like a protein overdose. Thing is, I like strong cheese, but Marmite tastes ... inedible.
Saint Keggers
00:08 / 13.12.02
Cool. Must find some if the budget can afford me such plesures.

Q: Does anyone know if I can find the book "The Pantom Tollbooth" online? Not a link to a site to buy it but the actual text?
Spatula Clarke
00:31 / 13.12.02
Twiglets. Aren't Twiglets coated in Marmite, or am I thinking of something else? Cat shit, perhaps.
02:01 / 19.12.02
what's the significant difference between college and university in N.America?
02:03 / 19.12.02
what is the significance of copyright in the authorship of photographs?
Charles Darwin
02:07 / 19.12.02
May I know what you call that thing which you heat with a lighter a kind of long strand of brown powder placed on a long rectangular aluminium foil and then you suck the fume with a straw?
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:36 / 19.12.02
s c f: presumably, the same significance as copyright has in any other medium - it determines under law how (in theory) the rights for the image fall. I think the photographer holds copyright unless they sell on the shots/negs.

cd: I don't think the equipment has any special terminology, given that it's not as specific as something like a crackpipe or bong. The process of heroin smoking is called "chasing the dragon", though, iirc.
Baz Auckland
04:21 / 19.12.02
America I don't know really. I think there is no real difference...

Canada: Universities are post-secondary institutions that do the liberal arts, med school, law school, science, and you get a degree at the end. (M.A. B.A., etc.)
Colleges are for technical stuff like film production, graphic design, fashion, art other than fine art, mechanics, welding, etc., and you get a diploma.
Cat Chant
08:54 / 19.12.02
Who takes Harry Potter to the opticians (before he gets to Hogwarts)? It is unlikely to be the Dursleys, who wouldn't pay the money for his specs if they won't even buy him clothes, and it can't be school or Social Services because I suspect if they took that minimal amount of interest in his well-being they would notice that he is being kept in a cupboard and put him into care. So, who?
Linus Dunce
11:11 / 19.12.02
SCF- Copyright law depends on what country you're in, and what you want to do with the image. IIRC, photos can be tricky, e.g. for academic works, you can't use them as freely as you might quotes from a text. But there are international rules and I think the copyright symbol is now optional, i.e. even without it, a work is still copyright.

You'd have to ask a US person, but IIRC the distinction between college and university over there is blurred. Some colleges are part of universities, some are universities but are called colleges, and the word college is a generic term. Academics argue that universities teach and do research, colleges just teach.

Community colleges are probably the closest thing to vocational colleges (though work done there can count towards later degree study).
11:23 / 19.12.02
What's the difference between proper 50s rock'n'roll and proper 50s rockabilly? Is rockabilly just r'n'r with a dash of, um, hillbilly or c&w?
Linus Dunce
12:02 / 19.12.02
I'm going to answer this one not because I think I am the fount of all knowledge but so I can put off finishing the decorating.

I don't think the word rockabilly was used until much later. Real rock'n'roll was made by black musicians, and the form was taken up by white record companies using their own artists. Rockabilly I suspect was a term invented by music journos and marketeers (the same people really), perhaps in the 1980s(?) to describe later, more syncretised versions that incorporated elements from, yes, white culture including C&W.
13:21 / 19.12.02
I'm gonna differ slightly with Ignatius on this one - original rock and roll was made by fusing black blues with white-trash hillbilly music. It was still considered "race music". But yeah, I think the label came later.
Actually, hang on... this etymology site claims the word was "first attested in 1956". The word "rock" as a verb pertaining to music goes back to 1948, and although "rock and roll" had been a blues euphemism for having sex as early as the 30s, it only described a distinct style of music in 1954. "Rockabilly" came after "rock and roll" but before "rock music."
Go figure.

what's the significant difference between college and university in N.America?

A university has a graduate department - gives out Masters and Doctorates. A college, in almost all cases, doesn't - only goes up to the Bachelors level.
Vocational/trade stuff is usually the realm of tech schools and "community colleges" - where you get an Associate's Degree.
In some universities, "colleges" are used to describe subsidiary parts of the school, as in "College of Medicine," or (in the case of Rice University) to describe residence halls.

Here's a question: should the words "Masters" and "Bachelors" above have apostrophes? And if so, where?

Who takes Harry Potter to the opticians (before he gets to Hogwarts)? It is unlikely to be the Dursleys, who wouldn't pay the money for his specs if they won't even buy him clothes, and it can't be school or Social Services because I suspect if they took that minimal amount of interest in his well-being they would notice that he is being kept in a cupboard and put him into care. So, who?

It's the school. The fact that he lives in a cupboard under the stairs is kept well-hidden by the Dursleys, besides which, the school nurse doesn't make house calls.

Better question: if he can do magic, and is at a school where the medical staff can *regrow broken bones*, why doesn't he just get his eyes *fixed*?
13:31 / 19.12.02
what is the significance of copyright in the authorship of photographs?

Significant. If you're using the image, you gotta pay the person who *made* the image. And professional photographers do talk about "making" pictures rather than "taking" pictures.
If you alter it to the point of unrecognizability, however, you're making your own creative work.
That's my understanding.
There's a whole staff at the paper whose job it is to track down photographers and photo agencies to pay them for pictures.

May I know what you call that thing which you heat with a lighter a kind of long strand of brown powder placed on a long rectangular aluminium foil and then you suck the fume with a straw?

The dragon (as in "riding the dragon").
Mr. Brownstone (as in "dancing with Mister Brownstone.
14:03 / 19.12.02
Wish you could all help me with a quiz that's going around the office, its little pictures of album covers, we've got them all apart from one.

Its a woman with blond hair sitting on a chair, kinda reclining chair and her face is repeated in the blue background. Long shot but does anyone know?
Saint Keggers
14:19 / 19.12.02
" Better question: if he can do magic, and is at a school where the medical staff can *regrow broken bones*, why doesn't he just get his eyes *fixed*?"

I read in an interview with J.K.P. that the glasses are going to be a major focal point in later books. She was very adamente about him having glasses in all the illustrations. They have something to do with them being his weakness.
14:24 / 19.12.02
Ian Van Dahl btw

And Harry was given his glasses by Stig while he was visiting the dump.
Cat Chant
15:31 / 19.12.02
Grant - thanks. I suppose it is perfectly possible for Harry's abusive home situation to go undetected (though I still don't see the Dursleys shelling out for the pretty specs he wears: they'd abolished NHS specs by 1991, when Harry started at Hogwarts)... on which note, since I have decided I now need to write a story featuring Harry's social worker (I hate my brain), does anyone have info/links on child protection agencies and/or protocols in the UK?

A potential solution occurred to me of the left-right mirror problem, but it's so easily susceptible of disproof that it's very unlikely to be correct: are you absolutely sure it was a mirror? Cos I once thought I was looking into a mirror behind a bar and it turned out that I was looking at someone on the other side of the bar who really, really looked like me. True fact.
Charles Darwin
18:38 / 19.12.02
TRoR:THanks much. Thanks for even telling me about crackpipe or bong.
Grant:Oooooh, chasing the dragon.

Now, does anyone happen to have any exploded view of a Colt M1911A1 from USA or Llama M82 or M62 from Spain with loadable 15 rounds preferably in PDF format? I would like to examine the dropping block sysytem of blocking the breech closely. If not then how about the Argentina Hafdasa? Or Mexican Obregon?

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