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20:38 / 24.10.03
On your second, I'm not sure they are, but I can see where learning penmanship would be kinda difficult if you kept switching sides.
Spatula Clarke
20:41 / 24.10.03
I was wondering the same thing a few weeks ago and was reliably informed by the two primary school teachers in the family that kids are no longer forced to choose a hand, and haven't been for quite some time.
Cat Chant
07:47 / 25.10.03
Whereabouts in Leeds are you living, Pingle? I've been in Leeds 4/6 for the last four years and have never heard such a thing in amongst the extra-window beery chanting.

Will go and ask the Leeds Utd fan downstairs, hang on...
Cat Chant
08:09 / 25.10.03
She doesn't know. We think it might be rugby.
08:44 / 27.10.03
E Randy Dupre: Ah, thank'ee. I've a friend who was made to do so, but I don't know how long ago that'd have been. I'd guess around 13 years or so...

... So does anyone know why they used to force kids to choose one hand or the other?

Deva: Thanks for reply and asking housemate. Live in LS1 (next to the Corn Exchange), and it's usually to be heard two or three times every night (possibly more if the window's open and no music's on to drown it all out). We're truly baffled. Perhaps someone here at w*rk will have an idea...
09:21 / 27.10.03

Forcing children to write with one hand stems from Victorian times, when they used to bind the left hand of a child behind their back if they looked like favouring it. This happened to my Grandad with the result that he became perfectly ambidextrous. I think it was really just superstition and prejudice handed down through the ages which made the Victorians behave like this, they may have considered it wrong to be left-handed because of reasons such as this;

The Bible contains over 100 favourable references to the right hand and 25 unfavourable references to the left hand. For instance, is is said: The right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly, the right hand of the Lord is exalted (Psalm 118 v15,16).

The sheep are set on Christ’s right hand and the goats on the left. Those on the right inherit the kingdom of God while those on the left depart into everlasting fire.

The situation is much the same in Judaism and Islam. In Islam, the left hand and everything associated with it is seen as unclean. This stems from the West Asian custom of using the left hand and water instead of toilet paper.

For thousands of years, the Devil has been associated with the left hand in various ways and is normally portrayed as being left-handed in pictures and other images. (Joan of Arc - burned at the stake in 1431 for being a heretic and a witch was depicted as left-handed, she may have been depicted in this way to make her seem evil.)

Evil spirits lurk over the left shoulder and the custom of throwing salt over this shoulder is to ward them off. (In Roman times, salt was a very valuable commodity, giving rise to the word 'salary' and was considered a form of money at the time. If salt was spilled, it was considered bad luck, which could only be avoided by throwing some of the spilled salt over your left shoulder to placate the devil.)

Wedding rings worn on the third finger of the left hand originated with the Greeks and Romans, who wore them to fend off evil associated with the left-hand.

The right hand often symbolises ‘male’ while the left hand is ‘female’.

Silly customs:

Getting out of bed with the left foot first means that you will have a bad day and be bad tempered.

A ringing in the right ear means that someone is praising you. In the left ear, it means that someone is cursing or maligning you.

An itchy right palm means that you will receive money. An itchy left palm means you will have to give money.

All of course a load of old rubbish, as everybody knows lefthanders are the greatest.
15:44 / 27.10.03
Pingle - I've asked a pal who lives in Leeds (LS9) and is pretty knowledgeable about sport, but after banging on about how posh LS1 is, he decided that he had no idea what it could be about. Massively unhelpful, except perhaps to push you that bit nearer to the conclusion that it's a private gag/celebration thingy. They're not singing the Patti Smith song, are they?
09:08 / 28.10.03
Patti Smith song? Is it of the same name? Once the 'net's back up on my computer at home, could download it to see...

But! The plot thickens! In a way it wouldn't be unreasonable to consider to be made up!

So: my girlfriend's brother (Dead Flower on Barbelith) reports that while staying on the sofa in our flat a few nights ago, the usual shout was heard rather close. On looking out of the window, around ten men (indeed of the beery bloke variety) in a circle in front of the Corn Exchange, one in the middle, jumping around ("Weyyyheyyy"-stylee), shouting very loudly.

... And if I never find out the meaning of this it'll torture me forever.
09:14 / 28.10.03
... Oh, and:

Olulabelle - I'd wondered about that possibility ("The left hand goes to the devil!"), but... children are/were forced to choose either hand. Unless the matter of which hand became irrelevant but people still felt the need to force them to choose one or the other?

... And I thought it seemed a little odd that ancient superstitions that even fundamentalists are unlikely to believe could still be professional protocol as little as fifteen years or less ago...

The right hand often symbolises ‘male’ while the left hand is ‘female’.

18:37 / 28.10.03
You know those light switches you get in bathrooms - the ones that are operated by pulling on a chord that hangs from the ceiling? Is there a name for them? My girlfriend thinks they're called 'Lazy Bettys' or something. Has she lost her mind?
Linus Dunce
19:39 / 28.10.03
Smoothly -- I believe they're called toggle switches. "Lazy Betty"? Weird. Does her mum knit loo-roll covers?
10:49 / 31.10.03
Ignatius, Mrs. Weaving says that that's *exactly* the kind of person who uses that expression. People who have doilies.

However, the vomit thickens...
You know those serving turntables you sometimes find in Asian restaurants? They're known as 'Lazy Susans', apparently.

*slashes wrists*
11:00 / 31.10.03
Q: The Lizard Brain - which bit of the brain is it? Is it really the source of our base, uncivilized, animal urges? If not, what does it do?
11:40 / 31.10.03
Saveloy. I'm pretty sure that the Limbic system at the centre of the brain is the bit associated with 'the lizard brain', and that it is the focus for our simplest drives and instincts.

Ah, more info here.
Saint Keggers
13:18 / 31.10.03
When there's a plague what's the technical for the point of origin?
16:23 / 31.10.03
A plague is spread by vectors. Is that the word you're looking for?

The source in a particular area would be that area's plague vector.

You know those serving turntables you sometimes find in Asian restaurants? They're known as 'Lazy Susans', apparently.

I'd never heard Lazy Betty, but I've got a couple lazy susans -- vital for getting the most stuff in a small cabinet.

I thought a toggle switch was one of the long, rounded kind that came out of the wall...
Yeah, like so:

On a web search, "lazy betty" only turns up recipes for a fast-n-dirty apple betty.
15:34 / 02.11.03
Sorry, I feel like I'm abusing this thread; I'd assume there to be an equation for how many times one's allowed to post here based on the number of posts to other threads, but I'm getting a little desperate:

Computer died. Though I've managed to bring it back to life by means of a new hard drive and lots of tedious tinkering, it has come out of it all hideously disfigured and even aesthetically offensive to look at.

Basically, because the drivers have been lost somewhere at my parents' house, and I'm now stuck with a screen showing 16 colours, 800x600 (argh!), I need the ability to identify my graphics card based on the random things written on it. Google has failed me (though it seems to say it's based on the "SiS315" chipset, if that helps), and Barbelith's the only place I can think of where people might know such things. So:

J&J S315 128M TV.DP1101

Anyone? Pleeaaase?
16:53 / 02.11.03
I think the lizard brain section is the brainstem rather than the limbic system.
11:10 / 03.11.03
Re: Lizard brain

Thanks chaps. Haus is correct according to this. But from that it appears that Smoothly Weaving might be right in identifying the limbic system as the sourse of the things I described above. According to that little article, the neocortex does all the conscious, higher function stuff, so perhaps everything below that (including limbic system and brain stem) might be said to be the source of red mists etc.

So that's my next Q: has there been much writing, theorising or research done on the subject of, erm, 'the neocortex as civilized slave to the selfish limbic system/brain stem'?
Not Here Still
18:29 / 03.11.03
Pingle: My guess on the song which is being sung is Gloris, by Them/ Van Morrison.

According to the site I've linked to, it is a sung often at Harlequins' games, but it doesn't seem to have a specific Harlequins link is quite possible that the song is sung by other teams too...
Not Here Still
18:31 / 03.11.03
And why should you not trust someone who can't even get the word 'Gloria', the whole point of the original question, not spelt right?
Not Here Still
18:37 / 03.11.03
Or uses Such bad phrasing it makes his post atoning for being an idiot even more idiotic than the original post?
Disco is My Class War
02:58 / 04.11.03
One may be weathering difficult and painful events in one's life. One is simultaneously attempting to finish the year's academic work, with a deadline of about a week. One is tempted to procrastinate forever, and one is even invited to do so by the presence of a 24-hour internet connection.

What are some strategies by which one might pull oneself out of the slough of despond and apply oneself to the work at hand?
Disco is My Class War
03:01 / 04.11.03
(This is of course advice, not a general knowledge question. Sometimes I really miss the old 'Help' section, and the simultaneous-but-fitting divergences it made into life questions and technical help.)
Linus Dunce
11:01 / 04.11.03
Pingle -- The SiS site here seems as good a place as any to start. There is an "identify your product" link to a gizmo that could be useful in getting an exact match. (Advice offered here on a "worth a try" basis -- no money refunded. Good luck!)
11:21 / 04.11.03
This is a question for anyone who lives in or knows London well. I've got some private research to do for a concert and it's pretty obscure stuff (welsh bardic tradition). Trouble I am no longer attached to a university and the county libraries are pants. However I can get into London. I know the British Library exists, but I don't really know how to approach it and it scares me.

So yeah, I am asking either about other more accessible libraries or how to use the British Library (if I can).
11:46 / 04.11.03
sav, y'ask me all of david icke's para-bunk has exactly that conceit at its heart, dreadfully over literalised by a man who has all the poetic sensitivity of, well, a goalkeeper.

and there's that bit in elektra assassin where she uses ninja magic to place her lizard brain in charge and make her more badass. do you really need more than that?
12:05 / 04.11.03
NMA: Thank'ee... I've downloaded it on my computer at home and now just need the sound to start working again (argh, drivers again). If that's what it is you may have saved my sanity (although I'll probably then go on to, "But why in Leeds city centre?" and so forth)...

Ignatius: Thank you for looking, but have already attempted the SiS site. I think perhaps the identifier only works if you have an SiS-manufactured graphics card rather than just one based on an SiS chipset. Darn them. Have asked my parents to have another look for the drivers, but may end up having to go back home to get them at some point...
21:15 / 04.11.03
Mister Disco:
What are some strategies by which one might pull oneself out of the slough of despond and apply oneself to the work at hand?

If I knew the answer to that, I'd probably have a PhD now. I suspecting having your phone disconnected would possibly help, or else falling madly in love with someone who would only be impressed by the finished version of whatever it is you're working on.

Totally agree with you about the Help section, though.
21:21 / 04.11.03
Mister Disco, would it help if we, the barbelithians, play that part? Come on then...

We, the barbelithians will only be impressed if you finish whatever it is your working on. Come on now, you have a whole messageboard of love waiting for you. Finish it, Finish it, Finish it.
09:12 / 05.11.03
Khaologan23ris> That'll do me! Thanks.

Next Q:
What's the quickest and simplest way to make mp3s available on the web these days? Are there any free services around? Preferably one that doesn't care about copyright issues (ie samples).
18:07 / 05.11.03 seems to be OK.

I'm not sure how seriously they take the "America" part, so you might run into static on that, but they do have an option for other countries on their sign-in form, so maybe it's cool.
Not Here Still
18:41 / 05.11.03
Mr Disco: Convince yourself that only by throwing yourself into your work, will you be able to rise above. Or possibly do lots of speed, but this really should not be advised and you will end up feeling far worse for it at comedown time. And the academic work will probably just be the word 'fuck' typed 20,000 times.

Okay kids: Googling "raw onion headaches" gives me just one page on which people say raw onions gives them headaches. Many others say it can cure headaches. I'm in the former camp, so anyone know why raw onions give me headaches? No problem with the cooked version, which suggests it may be some chemical which is altered in the cooking process, but that is as far as I've got. Any ideas....?
19:18 / 05.11.03
You allergic to sulfites?
Raw onion contains allicins, sulfur compounds that get broken down in the cooking process.
I know some people are allergic to sulfur compounds in wine (thus the "contains sulfites" warning label on some wines), but have no idea if the same thing would carry over to onions. A google search turns up a few references to onions and sulfur allergies, but I'm not up for wading through them to find semi-reputable reports right now.
Cat Chant
09:00 / 09.11.03
Does anyone (by which I mean Xoc and Ganesh) have any info on what I would need to do to make my girlfriend my legal next-of-kin, and how much the lawyer's fees are likely to be? (like, hundreds? Thousands? Millions?) I'm reading Why Can't Sharon Kowalski Come Home? at the moment** and haunted with worry about, like, what if Nova comes to live with me, and we get a joint loan for the loft conversion, and then I get run over by a bus, and my parents go mad with grief and kick her out of the house (which they lent me the money for), and it fucks up her legal right to stay in Britain, and... etc.

**info on the Sharon Kowalski case here for those who aren't familiar with it. She has come home now, though.

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