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15:35 / 03.09.03
*evil* Woo haa haa haar! 1015 replies! Woo haa haa haaaar! *evil*

Right, now that's out the way:

Question: emotional maturity - I keep hearing the phrase, but have never really sussed out what you have to do (or be) to be considered 'emotionally mature'. Is it all about suppressing childish, lizard-brain reactions to things (eg: Self 1: "Wah! You hurt me, I want to kill you!" Self 2: "Now now, calm down...") or do you have to get to a stage where you no longer have those childish feelings in the first place? Or is it none of the above?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:48 / 03.09.03
Saveloy -

Does it make a diiference, as long as the ultimate outcome is the same?
Whisky Priestess
00:26 / 04.09.03
Emotional maturity involves reacting to something in the way people hope you will for their personal convenience. Take break-up:

Girl: Yeah, I wanted to talk to you cos ... I think we shouldn't see each other any more.
Boy: Oh, actually that's been buggin me too. Let's call it a day, eh? I think it's best for both of us.
Girl: Oh, what a relief. Thank you for being so emotionally mature.
Boy: No problem. No-one's to blame, it's just one of those things. Would you like a glass of chilled Chardonnay and your CDs back?
Girl: No, I;ve really got to go.
Boy: Of course, I'll see you to your car.
(Plants kiss on cheek when they say goodbye)
Boy: (back in room) WAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! No no nO NO NO NO NO you heartless bitch! I'm going to get drunk and burn all your knickers and then fuck your mum AND your brother and send you the video ... but I'll be thinking of you while I do it ... *sob*.

00:39 / 04.09.03
Hi Everybody!

If I am a guy, I wouldn't dare to ask a pretty lady to put her head on my shoulder; like a hopeless romatic like David Blubley. More, I wouldn't dare to be myself in front of her.

Anybody got any idea in helping me out before my testosterone takes over my estrogen or progesterone?
07:23 / 04.09.03
I have a question:

The lead guy in the Jim Beam Advertisement. Was he trying to portray a mild schizoprenic who become suspicious that the drink the bartender pour for him is not Jim Beam? When the bartender pour him Jim Beam, something gone thru his head and he thinks that the drink is not Jim Beam and so he says, "This ain't Jim Beam." When the bartender change another way of pouring for him, then he says "Jim Beam". Only when the bartender change another way of pouring for him, then he is convinced that the drink is Jim Beam. Am I right?

Furthermore, when the guy says "This ain't Jim Beam", he is so convinced it is not Jim Beam so much so that you could see him beaMING on television. What else can I say but JIM BEAM! By the way, is there a Jim Beam website?
19:47 / 04.09.03
I have no idea what you just said, but try
12:03 / 08.09.03
This is a really deeply unimportant question, but you know the run-in to 'Malcolm in the Middle', where there's a brief clip of some cartoon character with long dark hair and a fairly stupid, self-satisfied grin? What's he from?
13:06 / 08.09.03
Because it will persistently nag at the back of my mind if I don't find an answer:

What's wrong with ambidextrosity?

Why are the ambidextrous forced to "choose a hand and stick with it"? From what horrors are medical experts trying to save us by ensuring that no-one is capable of using both hands equally well?
15:48 / 08.09.03
Whisky Preistess:

"Boy: (back in room) WAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! No no nO NO NO NO NO you heartless bitch! I'm going to get drunk and burn all your knickers and then fuck your mum AND your brother and send you the video ... but I'll be thinking of you while I do it ... *sob*."

Heh heh, thanks Whisky, spot on! I've been treated to a real life demonstration of your example recently, by a couple of friends. They both agreed to a sensible, civilized split and were all very stiff-upper-lip and mature about it, until the day came when the young fella had to move out: he threatened to nail his ex-girlfriend's cat to the door, then got pissed and phoned her mum* to explain to her just how much of a c..t she was**. He's apologised since, mind, and rang the mum back to explain that he was the c..t.

* the girlfriend's mum, not the cat's mum
** the girlfriend, not the mum (see * above)
07:50 / 10.09.03
Hi All

I am conducting a trial-run or a pilot run of a project called History-loco-nomics (nomics is a compression of economics). It's like this. I saw this can of Jim Beam standing there with a price tag of $4.95. Could anyone, say Mr A, from Jim Beam manufacturer from the US send me this money of $4.95? Then I will make a mark on each of these dollar notes. Then I will time and trace all the notes circulated around the globe till they end up back in Mr A hands again. In this way, not only have I give you a run for your money of how the very first economy works in history, I also help you in learning all SARs victims are traced. If you need more information, meet me at crazy horse pub. Ain't no other thing gonna give you a better picture of economic history and SARs tracing.

N/.B. Pls do not, I repeat, do not show a documentart of sting rays copulating while making love, the ladies especially would be more facinated by the male sting ray body movement than where she is.
19:08 / 10.09.03
This one's kind of for the Film mods, I suspect - is there a thread to discuss 'The Piano Teacher' which I saw last week on Channel 4 and now sort of want to bitch about? I looked (I even looked up the French title, so I'm not just being lazy), but could not find - I think there was one, but it might've passed out of existence.

Didn't there used to be a thread to ask about other threads and the locations thereof?
Spatula Clarke
14:01 / 15.09.03
What's the name of that three-panel online comic strip with a penguin in it and where is it? The one Riz was always linking to?

(BTW, Chol, I've been trying to find the answer to your Malcolm in the Middle question, but no luck so far.)
14:43 / 15.09.03
E. Randy - I was just listening to yer mix cd with the chupacabra yesterday while making pancakes, and today, you bring me further into nostalgia.

Pokey the Penguin is what you want; he just turned up in conversation last friday, when a friend at the Weekly World News was tossing around the idea of getting a regular comic strip. Doesn't look like they can afford Peter Bagge, alas.
Spatula Clarke
14:47 / 15.09.03
02:29 / 17.09.03
What's the difference between a hipster and a hepster?
03:46 / 17.09.03
just guessing Maz, but I reckon it's got something to do with that old line:

"I was hip back when it was hep to be hip"

... just variations. The Nu-Cool. A lot like the old cool, but cooler, cuz newer.
03:50 / 17.09.03
or... a hepster is keenly aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.

... whereas hipsters are jeans with a low cut waist.

The difference being, Hepsters will never be out of fashion
Saint Keggers
03:54 / 17.09.03
From what I could gather from websurfing...
Hepster means what mixmage just said whereas hipster means the same but especially a devotee of modern jazz.

Now then my question: Is it possible to get a glow-in-the-dark tattoo?
Saint Keggers
04:08 / 17.09.03
...and also, What's the song being played in the commercial fo rthe movie Underworld???
11:26 / 17.09.03
Well says it's possible, but they're not sure if it's safe and it'll discolor your skin over time.

And people who've tried it say don't. Ever.
Jackie Susann
07:23 / 18.09.03
What is the origin of the phrase 'jumping the shark' (as used a couple times in the NXM #146 thread), and what does it mean?
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:15 / 18.09.03
When something "jumps the shark", it becomes crap. That's all it means. It's usually related to TV shows, as a reference to the Happy Days episode when Fonzie went water-skiing and actually jumped a shark. This was deemed to be the definitive nosedive moment. Hence, there's ratings and endless speculation about whether some programs have, indeed, jumped the shark.

The guy who coined it was, I believe, a roommate of the person who runs this website.
17:49 / 19.09.03
Why are people here so paranoid these days? Like there is a conspircay of this and that and everyone is yelling at a dead person.

You people confuse me so I fart in your general direction.

And you call me a "nutter."
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:31 / 19.09.03
I still can't find a magick shop in Barcelona. I had to buy my new tarot deck in East Anglia, and it's all your fault.
Whisky Priestess
15:48 / 20.09.03
Some 'Nam questions for y'all which I haven't enough time to google:

When exactly did the Vietnam War end? I've heard anything from 1972 to 79.

What might lead a soldier who died or went missing in the conflict to NOT have his name up on the big remembrance wall in Washington DC? And is the wall even in Washington?

If someone is MIA in a war, how long is it before they are legally declared dead and their name put on a memorial (see above)

How many British servicemen, if any, were involved in the Nam conflict?
17:30 / 20.09.03

I still can't find a magick shop in Barcelona. I had to buy my new tarot deck in East Anglia, and it's all your fault.

Does this place seem promising?
Or here might be good, which I found over here.

Why are people here so paranoid these days?

Signal to noise ratios often skew public perceptions. Although I think the fact that it's an equinox weekend has something to do with it.


When exactly did the Vietnam War end? I've heard anything from 1972 to 79.

It wasn't a war, it was a police action or "combat." So dates will get fuzzy. Has the second Persian Gulf War ended yet?
This may help. And this gives even more information.

Viewing both timelines, I'd say 1975.

What might lead a soldier who died or went missing in the conflict to NOT have his name up on the big remembrance wall in Washington DC? And is the wall even in Washington?

It's on the mall, yes, I think. One part points towards the Washington Monument, the other towards the Lincoln Memorial.

Everything you need to know is here on that.

Soldiers who weren't officially in service -- or who died/MIA outside the officially declared combat zone -- would not be on the wall.

This may include operatives working undercover in Cambodia, although that page mentions Cambodia and Laos as combat zones. Vietnam, moreso than previous combats, seemed to involve an awful lot of spies and spooky stuff.

If someone is MIA in a war, how long is it before they are legally declared dead and their name put on a memorial (see above)

The Wall includes officially MIA, although their status does change once remains are found.

From the link: In addition, status changes occur when remains of missing-in-action (MIA) servicemen are identified, an ongoing process conducted by DOD. The VVMF works in conjunction with DOD to determine name additions and status changes and with the National Park Service which operates and maintains the Memorial. The cost of additional inscriptions is paid by the VVMF which has always been funded exclusively by private supporters.

I'm not sure how long a search goes on for before you're officially MIA, but I'd imagine it's closer to months than years.

How many British servicemen, if any, were involved in the Nam conflict?

Tricky question. Cuz of the spooky stuff. And the colonial/empire stuff. Officially, none -- well, not at the same time as the Americans. They were there in the 1940s, but handed it over to the French. There are some to Indian troops staying on (and this was before India's independence, so they'd count, I think).

Actually, if you follow the "next" link on that page (and this sort of surprises me) they have exactly what you're looking for.

I sort of "knew" Australians were there (pop culture), but didn't really know it. Dig this: The Australian SAS Regiment "The Jungle Ghosts" arrived in South Vietnam on the 15th June 1966.

So. Jungle Ghosts. If they count, they're there. New Zealand also committed troops.

That site's brilliant - check that out.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:05 / 21.09.03
Grant: across services and including about 1,000 civilians, there were 60,000 Australians involved. That page has NZ info too, I believe.

Sent over on Qantas jets, brought back on slow transports.
16:02 / 22.09.03
Does anybody know anything about floaters, the sort you get in your eyes? Mine are bloody swimming with them, and have been for some time (at least 6 months). I've been to a doctor (who looked to be no more than 15 yrs old - never get ill in August!) who referred me to a specialist but I won't even get a letter making an appointment for at least six weeks, which gives me plenty of time to worry about all the nasty conditions I might have.

Detached retina is NOT suspected (I don't have the flashing lights or black curtain), so what else might it be?
Spatula Clarke
17:14 / 22.09.03
There's a floaters thread here, Sav. It doesn't really give many answers, though.
Linus Dunce
17:30 / 22.09.03
Saveloy -- I always think that internet message boards are the worst places to look for medical advice. But I will say that I have had floaters for years, since I was a kid. If you can't wait until your specialist appointment, book an eye test and discuss it with the optician. They'll be able to give you some reliable info.
Jack Vincennes
11:03 / 23.09.03
I had always heard that floaters are dead cells in your eyes, and that they're always there but you only notice them when you're too tired. That doesn't sound right for what you're talking about though...

Is there a better name for the punctuation marks many people call 'curly brackets'? I'm sure I used to call them something which sounded far more technical, but can't remember what it was.
11:15 / 23.09.03
Vincennes, they're called "Braces" don't know why though.
10:07 / 24.09.03
Thanks, chaps. Ignatius J-- I expect you're right about message boards, but I thought it might be worth asking on the off-chance that someone would pipe up with "I had that and it turned out to be gonorrhea," or something. I'm a sucker for worriment, me.
unheimlich manoeuvre
17:18 / 24.09.03
21 GRAMS is the next film from Academy Award®-nominated director of Amores Perros, Alejandro González Iñárritu


well the film title is apparently inspired by the idea that the bodies lose 21 grams after death, which some people claim is the soul.
is there any truth to this?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:29 / 24.09.03
Thanks, grant!

Now, does anyone know if there's anywhere I can read The Book of Thoth online? An e-book or something, I mean.

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