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16:38 / 08.01.04
Does anyone know if Chicken and Mushroom Pot Noodles are suitable for veggies? I know they're mostly Soya but I'm not sure about all the E's and the other crap in them... the website is crap. Or how about a site with major UK foods and their status?
01:02 / 09.01.04
Hi All

I am advertising for anyone to provide me with the service of helping me to acquire a speed of 10 light years in 1 second. Other alternatives include building me a netware machine build into the internet of acquiring this speed. I have do my studies. With a speed of 2.3 GHz, achieving speed of 10 light years in 1 second is viable. At this speed, everything will resonant, and follows at this speed. Worm holes will be turn sunny side up. Worm hole will remain on this side up, and be found on earth by kneading the dough. Then, additional egg beater with 3/4 ounce floor and salt. Yeast will facilitate smooth movement and absorb heat during movement of the oven at 200 degree celcius. Please do quote me your best price. Quote reference of edible sphagetti strip suit for travelling at this speed.
06:21 / 09.01.04
All right. Here's an odd one. Is silica in anyway a core component of say fiberglass or some sort of plastic? I ask because I need to have an android sweating clothes and skin that LOOKS realistic from afar but that falls to sand once he's done using it.
08:39 / 09.01.04
Brother Bear, if you do a search in google thus there are several sites which all seem to agree that chicken and mushrooom pot noodles are suitable for vegetarians.

Several sites including a site which is entirely dedicated to food for filling up boarders tuck boxes.
Cat Chant
12:13 / 09.01.04
I wish someone would teach the French to footnote... Anyway, I'm reading Paul Virilio's Speed and Politics and he quotes the phrase ubi pedes, ibi patria, which is, like, the final chapter of my PhD in four words. He doesn't give any reference for it at all (beyond "Roman law claime") though. I've tried searching the Perseus library ( but their search function is shit and they don't have much late Latin stuff online anyway. I don't suppose anyone has any idea where or how I could start looking for the source of this quote?

If not, I suppose I can devote a paragraph or two to the vagaries of archiving that set citations travelling contextlessly across texts and historical periods, so that'll get me closer to a respectable-length PhD anyway...
21:16 / 10.01.04
Deva: Google delivers one (1) result for that phrase. But this one is everywhere.

It may come from Aesop or from Milton or Voltaire, depening on who you ask..
22:26 / 10.01.04
Bear; it just so happens I am both veggie, and sitting next to an empty chicken and mushroom pot-noodle. Yes, I believe they're full of non-meatie GM goodness. Let us know if otherwise, and I'll continue to eat them, but with a shred of guilt. No chicken on the ingredients list anyway.
pointless and uncalled for
23:32 / 10.01.04
Brother Bear - The answer is a little more complex, as well you suspect it would seem.

According to reports from various groups the actual derivative roots of E-numbers is often overlooked by manufactuerers, especially when applying that little label that says suitable for vegetarians. just because the manufacturer didn't get it from an animal it doesn't mean that the supplier didn't either.

Firstly you need to know what it is that the E number stands for and for that you can go here Food Additives. It's an interesting site but is mainly geared towards the legal aspects.

Secondly you should be looking here - The Vegetarian Society. The state that the only food additive that cannot be vegetarian is E120 - Cochineal. Note to all vegetarians, this is one that is used very widely. IIRC it's a yellow colouring and comes in a lot of stuff although for the none veggies reading this it is one of the less harmful ones.

Other sites list other additives as strictly non-vegetarian an more importantly the matter of gelatin carriers will be raised. I can't tell you who to trust on this one and it will become a matter of personal choice. However one final site that I would reccomend looking at is this one which lists some of the non-culinary effects of certain E-numbers.

Lucky for all us the ranting and raving about GM food distracted us from noticing that the biochemists were introducing a few more nasty substances.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
07:58 / 26.01.04
Hopelessly obscure I suspect but we'll give it a go.

On an episode of Witchblade the TV series there is a snatch of a new metalish sounding cover of Cry Little Sister by Gerard McMann which is the theme tune to the Lost Boys, having searched a humber of sights I've come across a dance remix for it and many people who seem to think that the song is a Sisters of Mercy song but no new metal version. Does anyone have any idea what the song was or even how/where to find out what it was? Also why do so many people seem to think it was a Sister's of Mercy track?

Thanks for your help.
Baz Auckland
16:12 / 28.01.04
I've downloaded a few .avi movies in the last couple of days, but Windows Media Player doesn't have the codex for them, or "an unknown error has occured". I tried a few other DivX players, but again, no luck.

Should I assume it's the file at fault? Or are there any really good .avi/movie players out there?
14:44 / 30.01.04
I'm not sure if this is a stupid question or not...

Why is it that smoking too many ciggarettes makes you feel sick. The smoke goes through your lungs into your bloodstream, doesn't it? Where does your stomach get involved?

Can anyone give me a medical explanation for this?
16:46 / 30.01.04
Sorry no expert here but i'd say that when you've had too many cigs the nicotine level gets that high in your bloodstream that it makes you feel lightheaded and dizzy, and add that to the fact that your building up a big amount of the 'taste' in your throat/back of the tongue 'tastebuds' and it feels just like it would when you feel sick with food, so maybe your mind associates it to the nearest thing : feeling sick from food/drink etc.

Not an expert in the area of medicine etc, but pretty well experienced in feeling sick from smoking too much so i thought i'd add my bit. Hopefully the next person can either tell you i'm full of shit or expand on this.
18:29 / 30.01.04
40 (can I call you 40?), I think there's an area in the brain that monitors the levels of chemicals in the bloodstream. When it detects an excess of something it perceives as toxic, it triggers the vomitting response regardless of how the pollutant entered your system. In other words, nausea causes the action in your stomach, not the other way around.
Nausea is interesting though. For instance I can understand how this reaction has evolved to cause poisons to be ejected from the body, or deter us from allowing them in in the first place (eg. the mere smell of rotten meat etc); but it makes less sense to me as a response to travelling in boats, nervous anticipation or Yet there it is.
21:47 / 30.01.04
Yeah that sounds better than my attempt.
21:53 / 30.01.04
How do I make a white russian?
22:04 / 30.01.04
Leave him in the cold. Sorry.

Did they get rid of clause/section 28 in the end? I didnt hear any more about it, past a debate if i recall correctly.
23:18 / 30.01.04
Suedehead - Ice, vodka, a good splash of Kuhlua and the same of full-fat milk.
One of my favourites.
William Sack
06:32 / 31.01.04
Yes, Gingerbop. It was repealed in November, though one Local Education Authority, Kent's, planned to incorporate its old provisions into their curricula. I have a feeling those plans came to nothing as the schools themselves rejected the proposals, though I can't be sure.
Jack Vincennes
13:09 / 31.01.04
Smoothly Weaving -I think that the nervous anticipation nausea is something to do with fight or flight, so it's a different kind of nausea. You're in a position where you feel threatened, so your body is preparing to void itself of excess weight so you can run faster if you have to. That's what I heard, anyway (and I'm not sure if or how travelling in boats really works with that explaination...)

Also, single cream is good in White Russians, although the full fat milk way is how the Dude drinks it...
Saint Keggers
14:45 / 31.01.04
Does anyone know of a website where I can lookup which songs played in different tvshows? Im trying to find out the name of the song that played at the end of last weeks Line of Fire
16:25 / 31.01.04
Thanks Eon and Smoothly. The nausea response thing does make sense. I find the interlinking of bodily functions strange and fascinating, and the feeling of sickness is particularly interesting. For example, today I was nursing a particularly bad hangover, and I put on a compilation CD with all kinds of different music. I found that some songs tended to increase the sensation of sickness in my stomach and others relieved it. You don't want to listen to Placebo when you're feeling sick, I'll tell you that.

As far as the nausea reaction to goes, I see it as partly symoblic. When you're hungry, you want to welcome something into your system. When you feel sick, you don't want to allow anything into your system. It's partly a pre-emptive message that tells you not to try and put anything in. So when you see something that you find distasteful, the feeling of nausea is symbolic of your desire to keep that thing out, to not allow it into your system, psychologically or emotionally. That's how I've interpreted my experiences like that. It's an extreme manifestation of the desire to reject or expel something.

Smoothly - Hope the name change helps : )
16:44 / 31.01.04
Can anyone tell me what the population of India is with a quotable source? Are there any good websites to find out things like that?
Saint Keggers
19:53 / 31.01.04
40%, You can check out this site:
The last census taken was in 2001 but there should have been one released in december of '03. However I dont believe the results are on the net yet.

Hope this helps.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
20:32 / 31.01.04
The last Indian census was conducted in 2001, which has returned the figure of 1,027,000,000. This makes India only the second country to break the billion barrier (after China).

Its population has increased 21.3% since the last census in 1991. There won't be another official figure until the reults of the 2011 census are released.

THIS web-page on the official census site pretty much sums up all the data you might need.
20:58 / 31.01.04
Thanks folks.
Baz Auckland
21:32 / 31.01.04
Another great source for country facts is The CIA World Factbook

They list the 2003 estimated population at 1,049,700,118 (July 2003 est.)
23:27 / 12.02.04
As I sit here every night, I lean on my left elbow, often with my forehead on my hand. As a habit, I pull the hair at the front of my head.

Will I get a receeding hairline from this?
23:32 / 12.02.04
Yes and you'll soon be a balding old lady whom no-one wants to shag

And sometimes you'll meet people in odd and secluded cafe's who have the same balding hairline and who will whisper to you, "Dearie, did you used post on Barrrrbelithhhh?"
00:43 / 13.02.04
I know that tying your hair too tightly back can cause that, and I've seen a few retired Russian gymnasts with upside-down "V" hairlines. Its not pretty.

I havent tied my hair up much ever, but will I really really seriously go baldish, and should I start tying my hands to the keyboard?

Oh. And I'll always have you and the other Barbeslags
14:50 / 16.02.04
Question 1.
Over on this thread about the Anglican Church's new position on the "Three Kings" on another board, I got to wondering about the magi. Specifically, who decided they should be three – and who named them. Because, according to tradition, they're named Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. My question, then, is who came up with that?


Question 2.
On another message board I frequent, the admin shut down a jokey thread in their fluffy equivalent of the Conversation forum because it was reaching 10 pages in length – apparently because that length was consuming board resources. Does that mean it would be more efficient, from the board software point of view, to end this topic here and start a part two? Or is the difference between two kinda big threads and one colossal thread minimal here on Barbelith (or on message boards in general)?
15:02 / 16.02.04
Oh, and gingerbop, I think that anything that pulls hair out by its roots will eventually cause thinning. But I've also heard (this is lore, not science) that *scalp massage* will keep those follicles stimulated and producing. Baldness, in most cases, isn't caused by a lack of follicles but by the cells becoming dormant. Those new baldness-curing shampoos work by waking them up again.
15:17 / 16.02.04
Grant - in Umberto Eco's "Baudolino" there's a great little bit about the Magi, and their origins, as well as their many names. The three names you mention that have stuck - if I remember correctly are of Persian origin as these wisemen were Zoroastrians.
Char Aina
16:33 / 16.02.04
further to grants query, are there any ways in which we can reduce the bandwidth needed for the site generally? any 'good practices' we should adhere to?

(and if we do lock this thread, we should definitely store it someplace.)
The Puck
17:11 / 16.02.04
For a really good white russian, serve with ice, and with most spirts put the ice in first then Kahula (depending on taste in dont like a lot, but some do) Tia Maria can be added for a substitue,Vodka is next i prefer to use a vannila flavour vodka (stoli or sminoff if you want to slum) stir these together first before adding the milk (50% full fat milk %50 cream is good but again its down to taste) add the milk slowly stirring as you go, the idea is, so the mixture doesnt settle.

if that sounds like an effort try making a couple of jugs up and storeing it in the fridge (a couple of scoops of plain ice cream wouldnt be out of place)

if your into a challenge try watching the big L and match the Dude drink for drink.
00:21 / 17.02.04
Hi All
May I know the windows 98 start up sound, is windows releasing windows code? How do I achieve this sound? Do I use more than 2 speakers or do I use a synthesier keyboard? I already have a synthesier keyboard freeware in my PC. Or do I visit a musical instrument for rent shop? My PC got a 24bit spatialiser, how do I program the left or right speaker separately? Do I need their spatialiser port address to write to their port? If u don't wanna me to be a M.F. thats OK with me.

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