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William Sack
13:57 / 15.08.03
This site has a whole load of stuff about colours and pigments, including history of their uses (commercial, domestic and artistic), and their sources, Cholister.
Whisky Priestess
14:08 / 15.08.03
not quite what you're after, but not bad:


more useful and also more fun
14:16 / 15.08.03
Thank you, lovely lovely people.
01:25 / 23.08.03
Hi All

Have any of you played pinball machines?

I've been trying to figure out What's the target that my pinball should hit to accomplish the different stages. I don't understand the messages shown by the pinball machine. I just know that on some machines, after hitting the pinball all over, I get multiball.

I don't even know how to play the pinball provided in Windows ME. I don't understand the rules in the pinball helpfile. There's worm hole and other what's nought in Win ME pinball.

Please help.
02:20 / 23.08.03
Ever since I was a young boy, I've played the Silver Ball...

Bonuses and features are usually specific to each model, but as a general rule of thumb, shoot for:

-Anything that traps the ball. Lock 3 balls to launch M-M-M-MULTIBALL!
-Anything flashing. These are usually the targets to unlock features.
-Ramps. Always give bonuses, occasionally unlock features.
-Jets/bumpers. Those things that bounce the ball between themselves really fast. Always add to your score and, in some cases, reaching a certain number of hits will unlock features and bonuses.
-Skill shot: when you launch a new ball, you may find that hitting the flippers will move a light between 3 possible routes the ball can take. Sometimes you gotta get the ball thru the lit path, sometimes you gotta light all three paths to gain a bonus multiplyer.
-Drop targets. usually in sets of 3 to 4, ranged on either side of the table. Hit each target to drop it, drop all of a set to unlock features and bonuses.

Generally, the table will show you what to aim for with lit arrows or "paths" of sequential lights. Shoot for the Lights!

Most tables work on variations of the above. With the introduction of Backscreen video games, things get a little trickier. If you launch a video feature, the table will usually go dark, hold the ball out of play and you use the flippers to move left/right and the Launch button to fire. If the ball remains in play, shoot for the most noticably lit area of the table.

If you have a particular model/table you need specifics for, post the name and I'll give you a rundown of features/bonuses.
02:25 / 23.08.03
Ha! Thanks Maygan... didn't even know I had that on my machine... has most of the features above. Will get back to you when I have demoralised it so much that it refuses to launch!
Saint Keggers
02:44 / 23.08.03
What do the Different MI mean as in MI5 MI6 ect...
03:14 / 23.08.03
Ministry [of] Intelligence? Information, not sure... Here's the official juice. MI5 is domestic intel, MI6 dealing with intel abroad.
03:18 / 23.08.03

"In January 1916 it became part of a new Directorate of Military Intelligence and was then titled MI5."

Close, but no cigar.
03:26 / 23.08.03
... and yeah, Pentium = Intel Inside
Saint Keggers
04:31 / 23.08.03
But what was MI 1 to 4???
09:18 / 23.08.03
Kell and Cumming decided to divide their work. Thereafter, ‘K’ was responsible for counter-espionage within the British Isles (MI5) while ‘C’ was responsible for gathering intelligence overseas (MI6).

Just noticed that K and C are two of the three kenaz runes ["kenning"/knowing] extant in the English alphabet. Q [eh, Bond fans] makes the triplicity.

As far as Mi1 to 4 go... I believe they went MIA
unheimlich manoeuvre
13:05 / 23.08.03
Kegboy - iirc the story with MI5 and MI6 is the same as with the SAS. they were numbered in such a way as to appear more numerous than they were.

some good links available about the british intelligence community here.
15:02 / 23.08.03
RE: missing MI numbers, if I recall correctly, there were indeed an whole range of MI departments operating during WW2, which were subsequently disbanded. There was an MI dept responsible for POW breakouts, one for codebreaking, one for catering and so forth...
waxy dan
16:06 / 23.08.03
Quick dietary question:
Fool that I am, I'm doing that Nike RunLondon thing in a few weeks as a result of a bet gone badly wrong. I've been kiiiiindaaaaa doing a fitness 'regime' for most of this year. And , judging by this morning's heart-shattering test, will be able to do the 10k in about 75 mins or so. Not great by most standards, but I'm happy with it.

So... my diet's pretty good. Mostly noodles, fruit and fresh vegtables. But I figure I need MORE. But more of what? I'm guessing red meat (logic being that in order to provide the nessecary materials for muscle growth: eating another creature's muscles will probably do it). Any other things I should be looking at?
Mr Messy
16:37 / 23.08.03
Long dietary answer:
Hey waxy, good to hear you'll be running that sunday.

This is what i know about eating when you are running:
When you exercise, your muscles burn a type of carbohydrate called glycogen for fuel. To keep your fuel levels up you should eat lots of grains, beans, potatoes, and other types of high-carbohydrate foods. V important. Carbo loading is good pre and post races to fuel and refuel.

Keep your fluid levels up when training hard. Mostly this should be water, but after a long workout a sports drink containing carbohydrates and electrolytes can be good.

Really fit people need more protein than the average joe. It's especially important after workouts when your body repairs muscle damage. Soy, fish, eggs, and lean meat are all good. So you don't just need red meat - the only benefit i can think of that you'll get from meat is that it is loaded with zinc, especially beef. this isn't particularly crucial to running though.

Calcium will help strengthen your bones with all of that pounding the streets you are doing.


Good luck, I'll be running a 10k that day too, but in hyde park, it'll be a much more intimate event. Let us know how you do.
Jackie Susann
08:29 / 25.08.03
I've been trying to open a word file i emailed to myself on a friend's computer, but it keeps giving me a message that says 'the file "keyaccess" must be in the system folder when your computer is started to run this application'. Any idea how to fix this? (I tried just hitting restart and it didn't help any.)
10:22 / 25.08.03
The only list i have for the Military Intellegence units is:

MI1 Director of Military Intelligence; also cryptography
MI2 Responsible for Russia & Scandinavia
MI3 Responsible for Germany & Eastern Europe
MI4 Aerial Reconnaissance during WWII
MI5 Domestic intelligence and security
MI6 Foreign intelligence and security
MI8 Interception & interpretation of communications
MI9 Clandestine operations; Escape & Evasion
MI10 Weapons and technical analysis
MI11 Field Security Police
MI14 German specialists
MI17 Secretariat body for MI departments
MI19 POW debriefing unit

However, now I need to know what the missing ones are, even if they never actually existed, I have to know what they were called.
Grand Panjandrum of the Pointless
12:10 / 25.08.03
The MI numbers were nothing but a distraction really-they were used to give the impression that a civilian agency was in fact part of the military when they were no such thing. This explains why the numbering is arbitrary and has lots of holes in it.
I recently read a biography of the first head of MI6, the wonderfully named Mansfield Smith-Cumming. In it, I discovered the abovementioned, and that MI6 used to be called MI1.c. God knows what a&b, if they ever existed.
Also that the British Government once nearly lost the entire MI6 budget allocation when they deposited it in the private bank account of a spymaster who had just popped his clogs.(Since MI6 didn't exist, it couldn't very well have a bank account of its own)
00:39 / 27.08.03
Hi All

May I know which computer games should I play? My PC is a 7-- MHz with 64 MB. Tha harDD is 20 GB, ya, I think is 20. I have seen demo of LoTR, but I haven't seen WarCraft, The ???? throne. How much do each cost? 30 lbs? Is the current game on going is SoBig? How do I play the game of SoBig?
Linus Dunce
00:48 / 27.08.03
Maygan -- you'd be much better off playing W32.Blaster. It's a cinch to install -- just turn off your firewall. Firewalls are evil spywares that Bill Gates installs on your computer to stop you connecting to Susan's handset via webcam and co-axial cable on 12V DC. Keep your eyes open for the upgrade, Welchia. Happy gaming!
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:33 / 27.08.03
Quick question: parents' computer won't let me delete emails from the inbox. They're POP mails, downloaded into OE6, and when you try to delete or move them, you get an error saying that they can't be deleted because the disk is full. Which it isn't. I tried renaming folders.dbx to folders.old, but still it persists. Is there a way to fix this up before I have to install Eudora and do the import/export shuffle? It's a Win98 machine, patched to latest.

Actually, tag a rider onto that: which mail program is worth using now? In terms of flexibility with rules-based management, lots of folders, blah blah blah...
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:39 / 27.08.03
Scratch that request: deleting the deleted items .dbx file and restarting OE seemed to fix it. Odd.
08:42 / 29.08.03
There used to be a pub in Notting Hill called The Devonshire right outside the Tube. I know it chaged to be called Mooks or something, but haven't been down those parts (E by gum) for about 18 months. Does anyone know what it's called now?
10:43 / 31.08.03
Can anyone recommend me a good biography type thing of Alexander the Great, and one of Joan of Arc?
Kit-Cat Club
14:41 / 01.09.03
Sgt Jub - I go past it every two weeks or so on the Oxford Tube and it is still called Mooks (or something very like it, possibly Mook).
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:33 / 01.09.03
Does anyone know where I can find a magick shop in Barcelona?
23:42 / 01.09.03
The one that forsaken self development is doomed!
So I shall developed meeself.

I'm thinking of buying the copyright of skycar and mass producing it. But I need help in writing a business plan. I have $20 000 to spare. Please help. I also need help in developing a traffic system for skycar. Can I outsoiuce to the campany Cardillac?
11:14 / 02.09.03
what kind of apples are the good, crunchy kind, not the grainy soft kind?
once i know this, i will be able to take over the world.
11:19 / 02.09.03
Most apples can be either. Stuff like Braeburns, Sundowners, Granny Smiths are probably more likely to be crisp though.

I maintain that any apple variety can be lovely if you get a really nice one.
wembley can change in 28 days
11:50 / 02.09.03
Cholister re: Joan of Arc -

I haven't got a great bio for you in the traditional sense, but the book I read that gave me the most insight into her life and the politics of the situation was actually Shaw's play Saint Joan - especially his excellent introduction. It's by no means an exhaustive study of all the facts, but Shaw is just so fucking shrewd that I can't imagine leaving his piece out.

Praying mantis re: apples -
Go for braeburns or, in north america, macintoshes. Ah, how I miss macintosh apples!
11:55 / 02.09.03
Thankee, wembley.
15:28 / 02.09.03
Actually, I've found Macintoshes can go either way. Braeburns are your best bet, followed by Fijis and Galas.
Only rarely have I had a mealy Golden Delicious, as well, but they're milder.

I love a crunchy apple.
15:53 / 02.09.03
thanks chol; wembley; and always, grant; when i achieve world domination, i'll remember you kindly, to the tune of ONE MILLION DOLLARS EACH!!!!!
also i will dismantle the patriarchy.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:59 / 03.09.03
For a really good apple experience, try to get local produce, and don't put your apples in the fridge. The longer they're refrigerated, the mealier they get. Ditto tomatoes.

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