I know we had a thread somewhere around here for posting up the most recent happy-making crap that you'd bought, but I can't find it and am a lazy bastard.
I am also, as is about to be shown, a shallow bastard.
Our own lovely grant halped me to get hold of this little beauty by being the stand-up kind of guy he is and ordering it for me, getting it sent to his house and then sending it on to me himself. Lovely grant. And it had arrived here when I got home from work tonight.
It is, for those wondering, a limited edition release of a Korean music game for the PSP. I will now explode this page with a picture frenzy.
The box (huge, weighs a ton):

Open up the magnetic (!) flap. Inside:

Underneath the presentation paper thang:

That photo's not come out too well. What you're looking at there are a beautiful card DVD case (the text is all slightly different coloured shades of black and looks fantastic in certain lights), held closed with an elasticy cotton band thing with a metal clasp at the end, the game box itself (with a holographic pattern effect missing from the regular release - you can just about make it out on the pic) and a big box containing a jigsaw puzzle.
Inside the DVD case:

Three soundtrack CDs - two regular, one containing remixes. The two DJ MAX Portable games contain the greatest soundtracks ever, as far as I'm concerned, and this was the main reason I was so desperate to get hold of this package - I'll most likey take copies and chuck them your way, g. Korean pop and hip-hop stuff, which is all massively tastytasty and seems to mix up the widest range of influences and genres possible, yet still manages to sound fantastic (there's also some dead interesting stuff going on with rhythm in some of the hip hop tracks). If this is what the charts sound like over there, I think it might be time to emigrate.
The book fixed into the first flap contains:

.. artwork, lyrics and other info on the music.
Inside the jigsaw puzzle box (which is also opened by a magnetic [!] flap):

The jigsaw puzzle itself, a load of great art cards and a super-high quality (the paper's got this really thick plastic quality to it) poster.
And that's it. But hang on:

What's this hidden underneath the DVD case/game box containing unit?

It's only a gorgeous art/lyrics book, including a load of design sketches.
This, friends, is possibly the greatest videogame limited edition ever. Now I just need to find a copy of the one for the first game... |