Mmmm, Peter Garrett as Environment Minister may be a step up, but he's still anti-abortion.
I'm very tired tonight, but happy. In a week I'll be in Thailand, and in a couple of weeks after that, Vietnam. I love my house at the moment, so I'm kind of sad to leave, but... Bangkok! Noodles at 3am!
But before I go, I get to play some. We're hosting a Fame-inspired theme party tomorrow night. We're gonna have an outdoor cinema in the backyard, screening Fame obviously, and if the weather's good, we'll be able to hang out all weekend watching shit on a big screen. Plus, I'm borrowing a mixer for the party... Rather excited about the opportunity to play around with the equipment. I've been downloading music all day.
Finally, I get me a new laptop tomorrow. Whee! Yay for new toys. |