
Today I went to the community orchestra I signed up for the other week, and the above picture is of the old fruitmarket in the city halls, where we play. It was fucking great! I was totally out of my depth, in that I've really not played much of at all in about seven years, but I wasn't the only one in that position. It seems though, that I'm the only Double Bass to have signed up, meaning that it's just me and two professional BBC musicians, who I obviously hung about with and are both lovely. One of them has offered me lessons to get back up to speed, and I have his phone number if I want comp tickets to see them perform in the full BBC orchestra most Thursdays.
Also it seems my old Double Bass teacher, who taught me in school and in my old orchestra, now works in the same building. She's an incredibly cool woman, by far my favourite teacher from all of school, and I've been waiting for the opportunity to catch back up with her ever since I last stopped playing. I kind of knew it would as soon as I properly picked the instrument back up again, and it has! Everything falls into place!
Also, directly after and only five minutes walk away, I got another shift in my favourite pub, working down in the venue. It was really busy and everything was running a bit late, but there was this one girl sitting near the bar for most of the time who caught my eye. Very pretty with beautiful big eyes and a lovely wee smile. Quite a small girl, petite. Quite quiet. Sat by herself for most of the time.
Then, as the last band came on, she got up, walked on stage, sat down behind the drumkit and thrashed it out for the next half an hour.
Today is big sloppy grin day. |