Yes. More Robinson Caruso = big grins here. Please. Otherwise we might have to get an even bigger boat. And that would be wrong.
One of my oldest and closest friends and her partner just asked me to be the support person at the birth of their child. It feels like such a huge privilege to be asked. I am so proud of them. They are seriously the best and most lovely people I know who could possibly bear children, and I'm proud that I'm gonna be there, helping this little person into the world. Now I get to do all sorts of researches on what happens at a home birth, and figure out how to be the best supportive tea-maker and 24 hour cook and water boiler there ever was. Cool!
Plus, last week a bigtime queer theory academic gave me his email address so that I could send him my writing, because supposedly 'more people should be reading my work.' Nothing like that sort of encouragement to make one jump madly for joy. In fact, career and writing-wise, things have never been so good. A lot of past hard work is paying off right now. And a lot of past decisions about my direction in life and what I wanted to do with it are also paying off, in spades. I'm exactly where I should be. That feels fucking awesome. |