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Gives me a happy


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10:44 / 09.02.07
Pornography Bee is trying to start a dance-dance revolution:

porn party 006
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
11:55 / 09.02.07
Pornography Bee seems to have a gangrenous right hand.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
13:36 / 09.02.07
Pornography Bee as the first thing on page 69 of a Happy thread makes me happy.
14:03 / 09.02.07

Princess is John Hannah and I claim my five pounds.
18:54 / 10.02.07
I am made happy by the word "Pigmentocracy".
18:58 / 10.02.07
Who wouldn't be?
imaginary mice
11:21 / 11.02.07
I had a look at the cover of a gossip mag whilst waiting at the supermarket check-out this morning. It was subtitled "Life! Death! Prizes!". How brilliant is that? That should so be an album title.
13:13 / 11.02.07
My application finally being under 100 words.

"I appreciate the work put in by previous campaigns officers but I think the time has come for a radical new approach.
If elected, I will drastically increase the number of campaigns run. I will make the campaigns more interesting and noticeable. Campaigns should generate discussion, newsprint and attention. Releasing balloons doesn’t cut it anymore.
Along with the standard campaigns, I will highlight issues of Trans-rights, bi-phobia and the currently marginalised role of non-male LGBT people. I will set up liaisons with human rights charities to see how we can help LGBT people suffering human rights abuses abroad."

Rocking eh?
13:16 / 11.02.07
Why is "Trans" capitalised and "bi" not? Not trying to make a particular point here, but it's something I see quite often and I'm never quite sure as to the grammar logic.
16:07 / 11.02.07
Me neither. I'm following the grammar advice as given to me. The specifics of capitilization are slightly beyond me.
But yeah, it is odd. I'll ask the guy who did my grammar for me.
Lama glama
17:10 / 11.02.07
Princess, you should absolutely put a picture of yourself as pornography bee on your campaign leaflet.

Hell, you should go out campaigning as pornography bee.
Leigh Monster loses its cool
17:54 / 11.02.07
i saw something i'd never seen before, a group of Romani women (I assume). They were hanging out by a corner store and had lots of layers of ruffly skirts, and headkerchiefs tied under their chins. I never expected to see Romani people in Ireland, but apparently the first wave of Romani refugees to Ireland was in 1998...anyway this isn't maybe the most cheerful subject, but it was cool see, even for a brief second, a group of people who seem to live by their own traditions in the middle of a city like Cork.
Leigh Monster loses its cool
17:56 / 11.02.07
also, now i'm off to go see mono's band perform.
14:44 / 12.02.07
It's sunny and warm, I have a job and I'm off to take some photos and later, to meet some friends for a hot chocolate. Simple pleasures.
16:53 / 12.02.07
My ballet teacher (fiercely crushworthy) asked me to help her demonstrate how corrections are given. Like this (lifts my arm, taps my spine) not like this (runs her hands all over my body and falls at my feet).

16:57 / 12.02.07
laoi- how were they? Us Hackney kids worry when our bands leave the borough, let alone cross the sea. Tell us all! Then, perhaps, you can give US all a happy too!
18:01 / 12.02.07
My Mum's macaroni cheese made with good cheddar, English mustard, worcestershire sauce and mushrooms.

Like pudding, but with salt.
Leigh Monster loses its cool
18:29 / 12.02.07
they were WONDERFUL. mono's voice is really something amazing; it just kind of soars. it reminded me of the way seagulls do those really smooth, breathtaking aerial banks and turns, and if you're watching closely your heart kind of jumps with them....The drummer had a broken knuckle, so they did without, and apparently did all this acoustic stuff completely unrehearsed, but you couldn't tell at all.

they've got a really cool cellist too, and we talked for about two minutes before finding out we had a mutual friend in Rhode Island.

even more happy--after having the refrain from one of their songs playing in my head all day today, i met them at the market, and we had carrot cake and talked about Father Ted.

Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:17 / 13.02.07
Ron Stoppable
15:22 / 13.02.07
Bought an apple at lunchtime, forgetting I have a dark chocolate KitKat chilling in the office fridge. Have just replaced the one with the other.

Excellent, that.
19:05 / 13.02.07
I was just holding a banana ready to eat it, and I shook it like a bottle of drink. This made me happy far more than it should have.

Also my walk to work is currently making me happy, through some pretty little streets and across two nice squares.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
19:22 / 13.02.07
Even though I've only been given a temporary position at one of the branches of the library system I work for, and as such am still technically a casual/auxilary circ clerk, I'll be getting a key for the branch tomorrow! And will be supervising on Saturday more officially than I might normally. It's a small thing but it's cool.
Dead Megatron
13:30 / 14.02.07
Carnaval is on, baby!!!

See you guys in a week or so... if I survive.

kisses to all
13:51 / 14.02.07
A study in the British Medical Journal found that "Higher IQ at age 10 years was associated with an increased likelihood of being vegetarian at age 30 [...] IQ remained a statistically significant predictor of being vegetarian as an adult

That gives me a happy.
09:16 / 15.02.07
This is page 69 of this thread and I came to praise this joke, one of the few reasons I still think some jokes are funny.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:57 / 15.02.07
This might be the greatest movie ever made.
Saint Keggers
20:24 / 15.02.07
While looking for pics of montreal in the snow I found this:

I couldnt imagine Haus was rentable let alone right here in Montreal.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:24 / 15.02.07
He's full of secrets, that Haus.
20:34 / 15.02.07
When you say "he's full of secrets", do you mean to imply that sometimes his arms bend back?

(Sorry... I'm watching Twin Peaks DVDs at the moment...)
08:51 / 16.02.07
A TOOTH! It comes. I can feel it!
09:31 / 16.02.07
I think I'll join Megatron on embarking on the cultural voyage that is carnaval. Go back to see my folks, my friends, don some form of weird attire and get duly plastered for three days. Ah, the joy of catholic dogma erasing previous pagan rituals, only to turn into the most decadent lawful binge-drinking marathon.
Evil Scientist
10:24 / 16.02.07
I'll give you a happy.

Happy Chinese New Year everybody!

Get your pig on!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:11 / 16.02.07
Last time I got my pig on the police showed up to my house.
16:15 / 16.02.07
They did that last time I tried to get my pig off too.
16:19 / 16.02.07

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