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Gives me a happy


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03:50 / 31.01.07
I am in New Zealand.

I have been in New Zealand for over a week.

I have spent my time here in the company of damned sweet people, a dog, a baby and my Zen Master.

I am more relaxed, content and loving than i have felt for over a year.

I am looking forward to going back home and sharing this love with my Love, my friends and my family.

The food here has been damn good too.

For these reasons, and others which i would list if it didn't involve me sitting at a computer instead of looking at the view, I am Given a Happy.

(oh - I love you guys!)

15:19 / 31.01.07

that's badass!
15:20 / 31.01.07
We love you too, .t
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:18 / 31.01.07
That's wonderful!
16:25 / 31.01.07
Aww, glad it all worked out!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:55 / 31.01.07
Does he have David Tennant's coat?

No, but he doesn't need to have Tennant's coat.
18:26 / 31.01.07
This is more a "Youtube" thread thing, but it makes me very happy, so, here we are...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:33 / 31.01.07
Today I'm all about Mist posting those utterly gorgeous pictures over in the Harry Potter thread. Way to warm Mrs. Robinson's heart over here.
19:19 / 31.01.07
Always glad to help!
Mourne Kransky
19:53 / 31.01.07
And I'm feeling chirpy because I have seats in the front stalls for Equus at the Lyric in March, featuring nubile young Daniel Radcliff, so I'll let you know just how gorgeous both he and über-beary old Richard Griffiths are, Kali.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
09:17 / 01.02.07
Wow. Things are working out. Complications abound, of course, but ... wow. Big life changes ahead. I'm in love. Starshine and flowers. Hootie and the Blowfish make so much sense now.
Essential Dazzler
09:37 / 01.02.07
Congratulations Matt, that's brilliant news.

Why isn't everyone in love? It is severely awesome.
09:48 / 01.02.07
I'm in love! me!

And my love is moving in with me, real soon now.

And we got a fridge!

And I didn't get charged a dishonour fee!
20:31 / 01.02.07
I was going to post this in the BDSM thread, but that's about questions, and I just wanted to brag.
My fiance has agreed to hit me in the face, and he hasn't said when he's going to do it. At some point in the unknown future my boyfriend is going to break my nose.

I don't think many people ever get this level of excited tension in their relationships. I am sooooo excited.
20:34 / 01.02.07
Well, I'm sure you know what you're doing, but what the fuck, couldn't you just get a fridge together?
20:47 / 01.02.07
Nah, we don't have our own space yet.
20:51 / 01.02.07
Okay, then- broken nose it is!
20:56 / 01.02.07
How old is your boyfriend, PS? Has he done this much before?
20:59 / 01.02.07
Shit, I wish Xoc would break my nose.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:02 / 01.02.07
Princess: I affirm your right as a mature consenting adult to express and explore your own body and sexuality jut as you see fit, but WHAT THE FUCK?
21:10 / 01.02.07
I don't care if I'm not supposed to say anything and I know that it's up to you what you do with your body but I think getting your boyfriend to break your nose is a ludicrous idea. Quite apart from the obvious, you could very easily permanently damage your nose. You need your nose, mostly for breathing and smelling. If you break your nose you could very well end up being a mouth-breather in the future. I say future but in actual fact you appear to be nudging mouth-breathing territory already with this frankly ridiculous idea.

Plus, your poor boyfriend! How's he going to feel? There are kicks and there is stupidity. There are ways you know Princess, and I don't think breaking your nose is one of them.
21:16 / 01.02.07
Let's not make judgements, Ling-Ling. PS' fiancé might be entirely well-adjusted to the idea, and might feel nothing but exultation afterwards. As, indeed, might PS. However, this might certainly be one of the things that it would be good for all parties to have thought quite hard about.
21:20 / 01.02.07
Leaving aside the broken nose for a moment, Princess, I wonder about your comment about what other people feel in their relationships -- why, out of morbid curiosity, do you feel the need to compare? I mean, how would you know, one way or the other? The bragging aspect of this seems like something that might bear further investigation. What's that all about?
21:49 / 01.02.07
The bragging thing is just because I'm really, really excited about this. I'm amused by this. I like the fact that I'm the kind of person who has relationships like this. Comparing it to other relationships and trying to gain the superlative was probably a bit silly. I'm not, for example, eating his cooked penis whilst his body cools in the freezer. There are more dramaticly violent/sex relationships out there. But still, every sensation feels bigger when it's your own I suppose. I was just being self-centric.

Haus, he's a year older than me, and has never punched anyone (except me, in playfighting) ever before.

Ling, we have discussed it, and he agreed to the idea. If he really feels like he doesn't want to do it then he always has the option of not doing it. The details of broken noses where all a bit new to me though, so further research may be needed between now and the next time I see him. Thanks for the head's up. There is always the chance that he wouldn't break my nose, it's not like he's a particularly martial person.

And as to why, well, can no one see why it might be slightly cool? Intense sensation, crossing boundaries, just letting yourself be crazy for a teeny-tiny length of time. It's not like I think the moment of impact will be fun, but it will be pure, and weird, and intense. It'l be new. It will be something unexpected and shocking and it will be a story to tell later.

Probably not to the grandkids though.
22:02 / 01.02.07
... he's a year older than me, and has never punched anyone (except me, in playfighting) ever before.

Just be sure that he thinks it's as crazysexycool as you do. His never having done anything like this before suggests to me that his emotional response to placing himself in such a role ('fantasy assailant'? 'abusive partner'? 'violent aggressor'?) may be impossible to predict. If he's doing this primarily because you're urging him to do so rather than because it's a turn-on for him, he may feel incredibly guilty, however irrationally.
Lama glama
22:06 / 01.02.07
I once got punched in the face (it was during tae kwon do training, and the other person was profusely apologetic afterwards). It's not the most life-affirming or exciting of feelings but hey, if it's what you want to do, knock yourself out.

Hopefully not literally, though.
Leigh Monster loses its cool
22:09 / 01.02.07
Nah, man. I get where you're coming from. Make sure he patches you up real good, and enjoy =)
22:11 / 01.02.07
It's not so much the "turn-on" that we're doing it for. He says that he doesn't feel exciting, so I said he should just do something exciting. That was the first thing I thought of.

I'll talk it through with him a few times more, but he seemed comfortable with the idea. Well, not comfortable, but part of the excercise is that we are both meant to be uncomfortable. Are broken noses really that much of a health risk? I thought they were one of those bones you could break with impunity. Like toe bones. I'll look into it some more and direct him to this thread.
22:11 / 01.02.07
I probably shouldn't have made light of it quite so much. I do respect your right to do what you really want to, I would certainly urge you to examine the possible negative outcomes and take care not to permanently fuck yourself up.
22:13 / 01.02.07
Sorry, crosspost whatnot, that's cool and all and I'm sure no one wants to rain on your happy.
22:16 / 01.02.07
My suggestion might, in fact, be to avoid the nose. An inept break and/or resetting can lead to permanent disfigurement and breathing problems. Not to mention the broader dangers of blows to the head, which actually probably should be mentioned.

If you're set on this, you'd better assume that you'd need a trip to casualty, unless you have a friendly doctor on tap, and probably quite a long wait for treatment. You might also want to think up a cover story to explain why you have a broken nose. Bear in mind that your fiancé can be prosecuted for assault without you pressing charges.

On preview:

It's not so much the "turn-on" that we're doing it for. He says that he doesn't feel exciting, so I said he should just do something exciting. That was the first thing I thought of.

That being the case, maybe it would be better to find something that _does_ turn you both on, is spontaneous, but doesn't risk your good looks? Some sort of sack-over-the-head abduction, or similar?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
22:53 / 01.02.07
Have you ever been punched in the nose before?

It sucks, man. I was sucker-punched by this fucker once, and my nose is now slightly crooked forever, and I have a little scar on the bridge where the bone and cartilage seperated and ripped through the skin. So, I guess, beyond all the other warnings on this thread, I would point out that you can become permanently less pretty after having your nose broken.
22:56 / 01.02.07
Are broken noses really that much of a health risk? I thought they were one of those bones you could break with impunity. Like toe bones.

One of the mnemonics of emergency medicine is a simple ABC etc., of which the A stands for 'airway'. This is to emphasise the prime importance of unobstructed breathing in, well, the maintenance of life. You breathe through your nose. You do not breathe through your toes.

Why not get him to stamp on your toe? Unexpectedly and excitingly.
00:20 / 02.02.07
Princess, darling.*

There is an entire range of activities and sensation to chose from. I'm sure there are people out there that decide they want candy and buy candy stores. People who want something new so they have a baby. People who want excitement so they break their lover's bones.

Let's break this down a bit more shall we?

Conflict doesn't automaticly blossom into intimacy. Going through an intense event with a lover doesn't always have the desired outcome. Let's look at what you're excited about with a tighter focus....

Is it that you and your sweetie have enough trust, playfulness, and zest for life to engage in a risky taboo manner? Is it the thrill of crossing a line and the bodily rush that comes with a big fat dose of pain? Is it the potential for a sexy new body mod with a sexy story? Or the transformative act of offering yourself up to create an interactive piece of performance art with someone you adore?

There's a particular thrill to inviting your lover to step over a line with you and I understand what you mean by wanting to be the person who does this. It can be pretty great to swing out over the cliff and know you did so of your own free will.

Yet as other have pointed out with this particular manifestation there are some serious downsides. Keep the desire and intent and modify the manifestation. One can slice one's self with a sharpened metal comb or one can have beautiful scarification done in a drumming circle with sterile tools.

To put it plainly: enough shitty things happen to us at the best of times. To play with harmful things without adding to the horror of the world requires the transformative alchemy of thoughtfulness.

Are you being thoughtful or just swept up in an intoxicating idea that resonates with a powerful desire?

*These are all obviously my opinions and as such should not be read as judgments.
00:47 / 02.02.07
Also, one of your things is to become famous, yes? Possibly more difficult with a potentially disfiguring facial injury.

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