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Gives me a happy


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00:48 / 02.02.07
And, as the Tan House says, your boyfriend could be charged without you pressing charges and a statement of "Oh no! I asked him to do it!" Might sound a leetle bit hollow.
13:59 / 02.02.07
Have you thought about hiring Burt Kwouk to do it, instead? I'm sure he'd be better insured.
Seriously, though Swash, I think I know where you're coming from (I've never hit anyone in my life and I'm mildly curious), but starting somewhere a bit less damaging/painful would be a good idea.
jentacular dreams
14:21 / 02.02.07
One of my friends broke my nose once (in wales as it would happen). Blood went everywhere and it did feel rubbish at the time. Much like Jake's mine is now slightly crooked, with a tiny scar on the breakpoint, and not only does it feel much weaker, but I can now only breathe through one nostril at a time.

Of course as it was an accident I didn't hold it against him, but he felt awful. And he's not the kind of guy who dwells on things, but once (when drunk) he told me how awful he feels every time he sees me in profile and remembers that he was the one who did it.

So try to be sure that a (possibly unpredictable depending on how the blow is directed) change in nose shape is something which won't bother you, and that you're not unwittingly putting your SO in a position for future remorse. Because that's something I can guarantee both of you will regret.
15:56 / 02.02.07
On the one hand, Owen Wilson.

On the other hand, maybe not fatal, but not not pleasant, either.

The bullet point about cerebrospinal fluid leakage would be the key one for me.
16:11 / 02.02.07
Just don't ok. Please. You're young. You'll probably end up getting your nose broken at some point anyway. The very real dangers are, well, very real and as someone else upthread said, life's hard enough without damaging your loved ones.

Plus, you will have to answer he question "how'd you break your nose" for ever, and this will mean lying to people that you don't want to explain it to, and freaking out people that you do. What if you don't end up forever with this person? It'd be like having the proverbial tattoo of JULIE on your chest, whilst married to Debbie.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:12 / 02.02.07
I am, however, re-evaluating the whole Clouseau/Kato relationship. Hmmm.
Saint Keggers
16:28 / 02.02.07
heheh, that's the first thing that I thought of too.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:32 / 02.02.07
And I'm feeling chirpy because I have seats in the front stalls for Equus at the Lyric in March, featuring nubile young Daniel Radcliff, so I'll let you know just how gorgeous both he and über-beary old Richard Griffiths are, Kali.

You have no idea the level of envy I am displaying at the moment.
Blake Head
18:57 / 02.02.07
I have an Einsturzende Neubauten t-shirt. That makes me happy.
19:08 / 02.02.07
Google "Blixa" and "Hornbach" and you'll be happier still.
Blake Head
19:15 / 02.02.07
Oh! I am, I am!
19:18 / 02.02.07
I have a new crop of stuntreaders digging into my book.
The local bookstore said if I go with the self publishing route they'll carry it.
I'm commisioning the cover illustration now.

I can honestly say I don't care if it is a giant money pit as long as a handful of people who would never have read it and liked it get a chance to do so.

YAY for people who like space opera!
19:50 / 02.02.07
Go XK!
Blake Head
19:54 / 02.02.07
YAY for XK!
Blake Head
19:55 / 02.02.07
And is there some facility for sending you good English Pounds Sterling to acquire said book?
19:59 / 02.02.07
well stunt readers who want to read it via a word doc just have to agree to tell me what they thought and PM me an email address. People who want it in their paws need to wait for the thing to go to production.
20:05 / 02.02.07
I'll probably ho out a few freebies to you, my beloved board mates.
I'm going to sell it for cost when it does go up for sale anyhow.

Though I'm a teller not a shower so some folks may not dig the style.
No worries if you think it's stinko. It makes me happy and I'm quite aware that it is not the Great Novel. It's a fun bit of escapism. Well, until the 3rd book...
Lama glama
20:18 / 02.02.07
Space Opera? Hell yeah! I absolutely adore space opera, XK, so I'll definitely be looking to buy a copy after it goes into production. Keep us informed!
Whisky Priestess
21:14 / 02.02.07
Princess, have you ever seen a film called Fight Club?

It came out a few years ago, I think you might enjoy it.
21:21 / 02.02.07
I loved Fight Club!
Although there is that one beautiful man whose face gets destroyed.
Hmm, I think I'm being rapidly convinced that I should rethink this plan.
Essential Dazzler
23:32 / 02.02.07
We're engaged!
00:09 / 03.02.07
Quarter Circle: Hooray!

...there isn't any punching involved, is there?

Princess- yeah, do what you wanna do and all that, but listen to some of the good advice you've been given. It's good.

XK: yay!
00:16 / 03.02.07
yay for engaged!

yay for really productive feedback!
anti-yay for having to rewrite the entire first part of the book!
yay for having really great people explain what I need to fix in helpful ruthless ways!
08:40 / 03.02.07
Double yay for engaged.

Xk, I'm really chuffed for you. I will exchange cash money for a copy.
09:22 / 03.02.07
Qaurter Circle: w00t! I couldn't think of a nicer couple. You two rock.
13:57 / 03.02.07
well to frame this in a happy thing sort of way....

The Universe has answered my request of 'Please help me make my book better before I publish it' by providing me with someone who is very helpful and constructively critical.
However this does mean I'm now looking at a massive rewrite.

YAY!!The book you read someday will be better than the book as it is right now. That is a happy thought.
14:05 / 03.02.07
Space Opera makes me happy.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:04 / 03.02.07
I am incredibly in love with possibly the most amazing man on the planet, and no, he isn't English or an actor.
19:40 / 03.02.07
*grins at Kali* not quite as amazing as mine :P

Stoatie; No, no punching!

Me happy too *giggles*

(slightly terrified of having to explain to my mum, who has managed to get through 3 husbands, and whose mum is on her 7th... 8th? but otherwise; Very Shiny Yays!!!)

Ooh, and Yay for XK's book!

And, urm, good luck whichever way you decide Princess

Happy Hugs!!
Mon Oncle Ignatius
19:55 / 03.02.07
Well, good on you, XK! Space opera is fun.

Princess, please take the reconsidering option very, very seriously.

It may be better all round to regret something you have done than something you haven't done, but an elective smack upside the nose probably doesn't count.
Alex's Grandma
22:00 / 03.02.07
I think you should get on with applying for 'Big Brother' though, Princess. All the problems you're worried about at the moment will be replaced by new ones, yes, but the new rack of horrors will be much more marketable, basically.

You are an intelligent man, facing lunatic times, and the thing to do is crush your enemies, if poss.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:46 / 05.02.07
No, no, I still say mine is pretty ace.

I dunno if this qualifies under "Gives me a happy," maybe more like "Gives me a chuckle," but I was driving past a hair salon that was called (no lie, I swear to you): Minge! A Hair Salon.

I almost wrecked my car doing a double-take.
13:53 / 05.02.07
That is good.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:07 / 05.02.07
What, that I almost wrecked my car? Or that I think I have found the next place to get my hair done?
14:36 / 05.02.07

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