Well, if we were to take the Gilbert and Sullivan scale of coolness into account, pirates rock because they have the coolest operetta about them. And it proves that they understand honour and leap-years and arcane marriage-rights and other quandries. In addition, to pillaging, rocking hard and cutting a swathe through the ladies. What do we find representing Ninjahood? The Mikado. Hardly Mission Impossible, and with a higher rate of duff songs than anything else in the G&S canon. Except, perhaps, Cox & Box, maybe.
So yes. According to the Operetta Scale, pirates ROCK FUCKING HARD. And rule. And stuff.
Oh, and they survived being frozen in ice for 300 years. Off the coast of Greenland. And STILL ROCK. Witness: The Scurvy Pirates.
And they are the entire reason for the Monkey Island series of games. Which is reason enough for them to win, especially as it introduced grog to masses of kids. Which those wussy ninjas would never do. |