But scurvy is where pirates get their spooky magical powers from.
Also, if anime has taught me anything, it's that ninja may have REAL ULTIMATE power, but they also tend to die in droves at the hands of one or two samurai and/or ninja who happen to have even more REAL ULTIMATE power. The odds are stacked against the survival of the run-of-the-mill black-PJs ninja - sure you can take out five pirates or samurai of an equal or lesser value, but eventually some guy with a mysterious past, a dark secret, and a female companion with breasts that defy physics and biology all at once is going to dice you and three hundred of your pals without breaking a sweat. The odds your average ninja is going to see thirty are pretty slim; by forty you're hitting a bottleneck effect...but if you live to see about sixty, you're fucking unkillable. Ancient ninjas are more durable than your average tank. |