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Another on of those weekends.....


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21:57 / 10.05.02
just read my last post and i sound drunk - so bed time for me! Night night,
Captain Zoom
21:57 / 10.05.02
Ariadne, it's funny you should ask that today of all days, as it's been my slowest day in over a month. I am having trouble keeping my eyes open as I type, and I'm going to close the store 10 minutes early 'cause my friends are all getting together right now in a place that I can't afford to eat.

God Damn! I've been reading Restaurant at the End of the Universe, and I think Marvin's starting to wear off on me. I'll be much cheerier later this weekend.

(Soon to be ex-)Hippie Zoom.
22:13 / 10.05.02
All this talk of barbemeets almost makes me wish I lived in London, where people live in castles and take tea at a civilized hour.

Marvin isn't depressed. He's a realist.
14:48 / 11.05.02
time for me tp step in and help fend off these slanderous "hippie" comments. a'ight youse, me semester o' edumacation be done, and me am happy. can be iginant again. bran hurts. no, brain hurts. bran can hurt too though... well, i'm moving back to the *ahem* "garden state" this weekend, tho i've yet to start packing and i know notwhen i shall load up my chariot of liars and lug me shit back to the motherland. drugs and alcohol shall be of utmost importance. and.....i may not be here for a while, cuz i've no more computer. so if i wantto talk to youse guys, i gots to goes to da "library." if i disappear for a bit, this thread better be here when i get back.

MODERATORS: don't change the fucking name of this thread! the missing e is part of its charm
14:56 / 11.05.02
Of course, this thread will still be here when you come back. It'll always be here.

I should really stop looking at sites for old video games. I'm feeling all nostalgic. I wish my Nintendo hadn't been thrown away. I had some cool games. Ninja Turtles, Ninja Gaiden, Final Fantasy, Double Dragon 3. Damn, that still pisses me off. Maybe I'll hit the flea market tomorrow and see if I can pick one up cheap.
14:58 / 11.05.02
i need a new nintendo console, cuz i burnt mine out last semester on the original Dragon Warrior. despite my anti-gaming rant in the GameCube thread, i'm thinking about buying a PS2...
15:04 / 11.05.02
I really want a PS2. For two reasons. One being Final Fantasy 10 and the second being that my poor PSX is on its last legs. Of course, its been on its last legs for about 2 years now.

I just don't have the 300 dollars. I plan on getting a job this summer as soon as transportation makes itself available again, so that'll soon become a moot point. Problem is I'm going to have to justify spending 300 dollars on something to play games on. Of course, there's always the DVD playing aspect of it. Ok, 300 dollar is now justified. Now all I need to find is some poor fool that'll hire me and I'm in business.

I wasn't really a fan of the original Dragon Warrior. I think it was the fact I couldn't see my character.
Captain Zoom
15:07 / 11.05.02
Out garage saling this morning and a friend of mine found a sega for $3. And last year my brother managed to track down just about one of each different kind, so occasionally we have video game parties.

Hippie Zoom.
15:10 / 11.05.02
I had a dream I found an old nintendo in perfect working condition with a bunch of games for $10. In the dream, there was a woman looking for a game console for her snot-nosed little brat and the person selling the console grabbed it right out of my hands. So, I did the only thing I could. I used the nintendo controllers as nunchuks and beat those people into submission.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
15:22 / 11.05.02
On my "weekend day" of Thursday, I finished up Max Payne on my X-Box and was happy. It is very rare that I get to finish a video game, since usually I get distracted halfway through, it's too hard or the final boss is impossible to beat.

I was called in to work yesterday, but I only stayed for three hours. I already had plans for Friday night, and to be honest, I have had enough of "People are blowing off their shifts, you need to cover it." I let the employees know that I could NOT cover it and they had to find someone who could...and after about 2 hours of saying they couldn't, they worked out an agreement to cover the shift.

Maybe I should be more of a hard-ass about finding people to cover shifts when people blow them off instead of taking them "to make it easier for people."

Of course, last night they had a kid blast another one with a fire extinguisher, the place is a mess and the residents are irritated about how things went, so it's a three edged sword.


So I'm here today until 3, then I'm going home and jumping on the exercise bike to watch 3 more episodes of "The Prisoner".

Be Seeing You.
18:38 / 11.05.02
you could see your character in Dragon Warrior. he was a lil blue marching thingee that fit perfectly into the square map design of the game. my problem with PS2, and i've been debating buying one for about a year and a half now, isn't the console price, but shelling out $40-60 for a fucking game. if i've got $60 bucks...well, it's not going to video games

The Hong Kong Cavaliers fucking rock. fuck Evil Dead 4, where's The Further Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai?
18:39 / 11.05.02
woo-hoo, 10 pages!
18:45 / 11.05.02
When I said you couldn't see your character, I meant during battle. I think that's why I prefered the original Final Fantasy. I actually got to see my little characters beat innocent forest creatures on the head.

They've got some greatest hits games out now. I'm pretty sure some of the more popular games that are currently $50 or $60 will become greatest hits. $35 is a crazy price for a memory card though.

I actually checked out some of those rent to own places. Thinking it'd be a bit like layaway or something only you got the product right away. I figured it'd be a bit more than just straight out buying the console. Ha! It costs like $1200 all told. That's ludicrous.

We need Evil Dead 4. Army of Darkness left the series wide open for a sequel.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:29 / 11.05.02
I have to spend my weekend trying to build my laser-harp circuit on a breadboard with bits of wire stuck in it, aided by a multimeter which I can't unscrew to get the battery into, and a bunch of photoresistors that aren't the ones I asked for and which I don't know the ratings of.

AND I STILL DON'T HAVE MY COCKSMOKING PIGBUGGERING BLOODY LASERS!!!!, because apparently Maplin don't make 'em anymore and Farnell's prices are too rich for my Uni's blood.

Any murders I may commit over the next day-and-a-half therefore constitute justifiable homicide.
19:35 / 11.05.02
Sounds like fun.

When is this due? Think you could talk to the professor and get an extension so that you can get the correct parts?

All you need to do is take a few deep calming breaths and let the force flow through you. Do or do not, there is no try.
Captain Zoom
19:44 / 11.05.02
Mordant, I haven't forgotten about the business plan. Honest. I have to e-mail it from home to work to actually open it (Don't ask!), so I'll send it to you tomorrow from here. Assuming my brain doesn't leak out my ears from the boredom.....

19:48 / 11.05.02
If your brains start dribbling out either from overwork or boredom, shove them back up your nose. Why the nose? Well its better to have a stuffed up nose than stuffed up ears. You need to do this quickly. If not your brains will dry out.
Johnson Chong
19:57 / 11.05.02
Some people just have a head full of nothing else but dicks........I say it's time to give the land back to the Mohicans, But r u ready to give back what you have taken, or r u ready to give them what you have created. With all these heavy indutrialisation and chemicals released into the air, that's why there is no more snow at some winter resorts. So WAKE THE FUCK UP AND DON"T ALWAYS HAVE ME REMINDING YOU OF ALL THESE, even if you don't get sick of these, I am already sick and tired of it myself. You should learn to generate ideas all by yourself and not thru interaction with other peoples.

Yeah, r u ready to give them back what you have created, like after you have stolen the goods, killed the owner, convert the goods into cash and created something, r u ready to give that something back to the deceased owner's children?
19:58 / 11.05.02
Hey, how's it going? Did that problem you had with little johnson work out alright?
Johnson Chong
20:03 / 11.05.02
Yeah, r u ready to give them back what you have created, like after you have stolen the goods, killed the owner, convert the goods into cash and created something, r u ready to give that something back to the deceased owner's children?

Little johnson? I roll up the foreskin a second time and still find nothing. But the lump feeling has disappeared. Is it saved?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:04 / 11.05.02
Fuck you. Fuck you all. I USED TO HAVE A FUCKING MOHICAN AND NOBODY EVER GAVE ME ANY LAND!!! All they ever did was track mud into my carpets.
Johnson Chong
20:09 / 11.05.02
Talking to the professor is no use, they'll say you ain't no student of my school so I can;t let you use the equipment or the components in my lab. Not even browsing thru the data books in the laboratory.
20:10 / 11.05.02
I ate a mohican once. I think I botched the recipe though. I used jalapeno peppers instead of green peppers. Oh well, it was still mighty tasty, with the sherry sauce and the garlic potatoes.
Captain Zoom
20:12 / 11.05.02
I'd just like to chime in and thank everyone for this little dose of surreality. Thanks.

Johnson Chong
20:13 / 11.05.02
Hey look, even if you got no land back, that doesn;t mean the society owe you something. Instead you owe the society something as the society has given you much, like the computer you type your messages into. So you should go to church more often and warn certain priest not to commit sexual sins and love thy neighbour as Jesus has love you thru the very end of time.
20:15 / 11.05.02
Surreality? What are you talkin' 'bout? Bastard was trespassing on ma land. So's I did what any man would do. I shot the bastard dead. Now 'round these parts we don' waste nothin' so's I butchered him. Ya know skinnin' a man is much like skinnin' a deer? You hang him by his feet and slice down his chest.
Johnson Chong
20:20 / 11.05.02
I'm trying to cook a spaghetti for someone to try but I just don't have the chance. Should I cook it for my mother on this mothers' day? Or should I visit some masseur and become a motherfuckers? BUt the priest have gotten so sick of my confessions that he has stopped asking God to forgive me. All he's interested in is asking me "How many times?" And I always forgot to tell him that "Once you started, you just don't want to stop, where the heck do you still wanna count how many times you did it?"
Johnson Chong
20:23 / 11.05.02
Yeah, I got some surgical knives blades myself but I just don't know where to buy the handle. Butchering and dissection is fun and interesting provided you r the one doing it. One of these days, I gonna find myself a job as a pork butcher and butchered the hell out of every pig!
20:25 / 11.05.02
Pig butcherin' is ok, but I recommend cow butcherin'. You know, cause ya gotta stalk them, jump on their back, and slit their throat.
Johnson Chong
20:27 / 11.05.02
whats you mean track mud on your carpets, I got a 11 yr old who always like to hide drumstick behind the television.
Johnson Chong
20:29 / 11.05.02
How you gonna slit their throat on their back, I thought you lead them by the river of babylon, while theyre excited in the act of copulation then slit their throat.
20:32 / 11.05.02
See ya gotta reach around their head. Careful uv their teef now, acause they's bite and when they does they do it hard. YA wanna git yirself a good strong nive cause youse gotta cut through lotta flesh to sever the arterie.
Johnson Chong
20:41 / 11.05.02
How you gonna get a good strong knife?
Johnson Chong
20:44 / 11.05.02
Sea ya gotta have a reasonably long nive and when you slit a chicken, you gotta say prayers. Unless you can talk psychic to the animal.
20:44 / 11.05.02
Do it yor ownself. Learn to forge yur own wepeins. Cause if the damm guv'ment gets its own way, wepeins is goin'na be outlawed soon. Git yor wepeins whiles you stills can.

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