I was, for a little while, getting copies of Previews in for sale, but, 8 months later, I've decided to stop, 'cause no one ever bought 'em, and I don't need promotional cards that badly. My busiest day by far is Sunday, when I have my Mage Knight tournament. I don't know if it's just 'cause people see all the kiddies in here and wander in, but the store gets almost crowded sometimes. I don't think there's the Previews audience here. The vast majority of my regulars are Marvel/DC/Image people, with a bit of Dark Horse thrown in. I do my best, but sometimes it's just a losing battle. Hard to sell Gloomcookie when there's 8 million variant covers for the new Transformers.
I'm feeling punchy today, can you tell.
Holy shit! I've been open for 7 minutes, and I've already done $70. That bodes really fuckin' well.
On the other hand, I love getting the new Previews. I mean, I loved it when I got it and I was a customer, but now that I'm a retailer, it's like christmas once a month. Like last month, found a book by Neil Gaiman about The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I just about jumped for joy. I love going through and even if I'm not going to order 90% of them, seeing all the cool indie stuff that's coming out is awesome. There's so much.
Ah, overtime, how I miss thee.
So I'm actually about halfway through Hitchhiker's Guide once more. It's one of those books I have to read periodically to remind me of the inherent absurdity of everything. Well, that and it's a good laugh.
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