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Collective Comics Project.


Page: 12345(6)78910

22:04 / 28.03.02
Moriarty -

When's the Toronto convention?
Tucker Tripp
22:24 / 28.03.02
Are there still writers looking for artists? If so I am an artist who is eager to draw for a good story. I'm very good by the way. Just email me
22:38 / 28.03.02
dlotemp, it's in late August.
rizla mission
20:03 / 29.03.02
I've nearly finished my first page .. in case anyone's taking notes.
21:46 / 29.03.02
I just sent Captain Zoom the thumbnails for his story. That was lots of fun. I hope he likes them.
Nelson Evergreen
22:44 / 29.03.02
I just bought a lovely new shiny HB pencil.
Nelson Evergreen
22:44 / 29.03.02
And I have now sharpened it.
Nelson Evergreen
22:45 / 29.03.02
Over and out. See you in Comics Nirvana!
10:27 / 01.04.02
Lentil - I'm having trouble e-mailing you back cos my computer's crap (he said Ludditely). The changes you suggested sound great, as does the format for the first page of the story. Fire away there, boy! Can't wait to see it.
17:22 / 04.04.02
Some progress on the Shifter FAQ.

See it here.

Not much, but I'm getting there. I have three Shifter stories thumbnailed and ready to go.
10:58 / 05.04.02
O, The Fool where art thou???
the Fool
00:07 / 08.04.02
err... yes well, um. I've been a bit distracted over that last two weeks (easter, too many drugs, C+C music factory?, excellent nightclubbing, new flyer job possibility) so haven't got a lot more done. This week I'll give that redraft of page one I said I'd do a bash and try to get on to page 2...

Sorry about the delay...
17:19 / 08.04.02
dude, tonite I'll be finishing the last page of the second part, and I'll be sending it to you tomorrow, ok?
12:34 / 17.04.02
The Fool, mate, I just sent you the second part of the story. Let's get this baby going, ok??
04:40 / 18.04.02
so..are there _any_ drawn pages out there?
@ Bod (The Second)
06:18 / 18.04.02
am i toolate?
can i do something for this?
07:58 / 18.04.02
can I play?

okay... already got an Ideeer... It'll take me a while to draw it.
13:12 / 18.04.02
The Fool, mate, I just sent you the second part of the story. Let's get this baby going, ok??

sorry for being a pain in the ass, but I'm really interested in seeing this thing done.
10:35 / 20.04.02
Picked up Comics International and read this yesterday:

"James Robinson and Paul Smith are bringing a Homage title back to Image.
"Launched by the Wildstorm imprint in 1996, their LEAVE IT TO CHANCE focuses on the daughter etc etc"

Bastards must have been reading our thread.
11:21 / 22.04.02
The Foooool, I'm agonizing here...
the Fool
05:40 / 23.04.02
Okay, okay. Admittedly I've been a bit distracted of late. And I haven't done what I said I was going to do. So tonight you have my complete attention. A page will be in the mail tomorrow.

Though I fear it will still be in foolcutestyle. I really don't have the time to hand draw and scan, but we'll see...
Captain Zoom
14:24 / 24.04.02
I wondered if it might be neat for there to be a bit of an update. How are your projects coming along? Anything you want to show us yet?

16:56 / 24.04.02
Levon is pencilling now. I'm beside myself.
17:09 / 24.04.02
Hey Ho!

Making my business plan is crippling me. I have all my reference, and four of the pages compositioned and lightly pencilled. Unfortunately, I'm goign to Montreal tomorrow, and I dare not brign my pages with me for fear that they will get damaged. So, it doesn't look like I'll be done in time for Free Comic Day. Sorry, Captain. I'd rush it if it were my story, but because I'm working off someone else's script I don't want to botch it.

On a related note, I'm still considering coming to Oakville for FCD. Is that still cool?
Captain Zoom
17:17 / 24.04.02
Dude, I just got all my shit in for FCD and it's amazing. Every publisher you can think of is represented. It's awesome. Yeah, c'mon down, I'm having all my buds do their best to come and give stuff out and hang about. I want it to be a party. That goes for any Ontarian. If you can get here, do it!

Happy to hear things are coming along. I'm very excited about this project. Enjoy Montreal.

00:04 / 27.04.02
Grant, check your email.
page 1 is inked and lettered and ready for press.yey.
15:00 / 29.04.02
Just saw it and am still coming in my pants.
20:35 / 11.05.02
So, how we doing?

*drums fingers impatiently, smug in the knowledge that it took him eleven minutes to churn out a "script" and wonders what's keeping all these artistic types so long*
Captain Zoom
21:00 / 11.05.02
*begins drumming fingers with Sax*

rizla mission
15:38 / 12.05.02
I dun 2 pages.

(other stuff's got in the way, otherwise I'd suely have finished)
07:39 / 13.05.02
I was going to write a post that made me sound all professional and important, y'know, "I'm afraid it had to go on the back burner for a while due to other projects", but Rizla has burst my bubble with his workmanlike pragmatism so I'll just nod and mumble "Yeah, um, what he said." so yeah, 2 pages dans le sac.

Also - implausible idea coming up - I was showing a (non-Barbelith)mate Sax's script and the pages i've been working on last night. He was very enthusiastic and said he'd love to do something similar. Don't suppose there are any spare scripts knocking about? I know it's a bit late to get started for this one, but there's going to be a second volume, right?
08:15 / 13.05.02
I was kicking another idea about, which I can probably get done by the weekend. But if anyone gets there first, feel free to e-mail it to Lentil.

And I can't wait to see it, MC.
09:57 / 14.05.02
Raffles has pinstriped trousers and a dinner jacket with tails.
11:48 / 14.05.02
Mmmm. And lasers? Did you manage to do lasers?
14:27 / 14.05.02
yup. not loads of lasers, and all on the same plane, but lasers nonetheless.

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