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Collective Comics Project.


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14:39 / 24.01.02
I've jump started the original Open Source Character thread to discuss the legal issues surrounding the project. We'll save this thread for the organizational and artistic side. I strongly suggest that anyone interested in participating read through the thread linked above.
15:17 / 24.01.02
Like Zoom, my only drawing skill consists of really anatomically incorrect stick figures and the occasional drunken doodle of what could very well be the Elephant Man in a clown costume. I think. Could anyone help?
Mr Tricks
17:23 / 24.01.02
On art... I still have to examine how much time I can devote to this particular project as it is... sorry,

On the open source charactors & the like...

I haven't read that other thred yet, but I wanted to address any factors on having an "opensource charactor" interect with "personally created" charactors... should we clearly indicate which charactors Can be used by other creators & which charactor Can't?

also the factors of permissions granted for a "single time" sort of use?

A "shifter's club" thing could be fun...

On the Story-with-in-a-story concept... there could be some really cool twists... but it would probably require some more commited planning... perhaps if not for this particular project than a next one?
18:10 / 24.01.02
First off, one of the advantages this project has over the Barbelith Corpse is that you don't have anyone breathing down your neck. I will be cracking the whip a little when we start, but it will be more along the lines of a cheerleading, morale boosting nagging then anything else. If you start and don't finish, start and take three years, or don't even start at all, it's ok. Hopefully enough of us can get the ball rolling that we can involve other people. I know a few friends who would like a shot at something like this. Anyway, if you can't devote much time to it, work within your means. Do a two page quickie, or a one page gag strip. A pin-up even.

I strongly recommend you read the other thread. I will address your concerns here, because it ties in somewhat with both your questions, but for the most part we should try and keep them separate (or should we?).

Captain Zoom and I create our story. In the story is a farmer. He's seen milking cows in the background. Rizla has been dying to draw the adventures of a cow farmer all his life. So, he uses that farmer character in his own story, which takes place at the same time as the story Captain Zoom and I created, but from the farmer's viewpoint. It's that simple.

Now, if someone wanted to make it more complex then that, and have various stories snaking in and out of one another in weird ways, then they would either have to work it out with other teams, or create all the intersecting stories themsleves. So, Captain Zoom and I could do the Shifter's story, the Farmer's story, the cow's story, and the story of the guy who drank the cow's milk. This option is a little more complex, but again, not rocket science.

Meanwhile, Dekapot thinks we're full of nonsense and does a good old fashioned rip roaring adventure story that has nothing to do with our mini-epic.

Now, back to the example of Rizla and his appropriation of the farmer character. Let's say the farmer character is near and dear to the Captain's heart. He plans on doing his own self-published comic with the farmer. If Rizla used the character, he might be a little ticked off. So, let's say that Rizla asked him, the Captain agreed to this one time use, and Rizla created his story.

Here's the problem with this. Down the road Grant sees the farmer character being used by Rizla and thinks his take on the character is genius. So Grant does a story, without Captain Zoom's permission. He does this accidentally, believing that all the minor characters in the original story were copyright free. Captain Zoom calls him on it, Grant feels as if he's been misled because this project was supposed to be copyright free, and then there's all sorts of problems. And it might not be someone as agreeable as Grant. You could be dealing with a complete stranger. And in order to keep your rights, you have to deal with him.

To complicate matters even further, any concept created by the individual creators becomes the property of that creator. Say Dekapot makes the Shifter equivalent of the Fortress of Solitude. No one else can use that concept without his permission, even if it's considered an integral part of the mythos. If Dekapot gets snarky on us some day, he might end up pulling the rights out from under us. Sure, the project would survive, but it would sure suck.

The Shifter (and/or hopefully any other character created in the initial phases of this project) is public domain or copyright free, or shareware, whatever we decide is the best way to go. I created her, and goddammit, she's free.

My solution? Don't create anything you can't give up. Look at the paragraph above. I just did it. It's simple. I say we make it an established rule that anything that falls within the project is created under the same terms that the Shifter was created in. If you have a something that you want to keep, don't bring it to the table.

If you want to try and copyright various aspects of any story you create, be my guest. No one can stop you. However, don't be surprised if people accidentally use your ideas without premission and you're forced to take action against them. That isn't within the scope of this project.
22:31 / 24.01.02
Haven't posted here for a couple of days but i see things are moving - nice. Definitely a good idea to define the main pd character quite closely; recognisable visuual characteristics a big plus. Personally I haven't been posting on/ reading Barbelith long enough to make the best use of a 'story of us' idea (mental pics having not fully coalesced), but I think there's scope for a combination of the two, incorporating moriarty's point early in the thread about creating a mouthpiece/filter for the ideas opinions nosense genius expressed on the board. I was quite taken with Captain Zoom's "I'd like to find out what I've been up to recently" - perhaps ze could be some amalgam of all the original contributors.

How direct does the interaction between the link character and each individual story have to be? for example, would a a shot of a character in my story walking past a poster advertising the new single by Jenny Everywhere and the Shifters' Club suffice?

No problem at all with having whatever i create available to everyone else. It'll be like having a whole posse of babysitters. I plan to do one piece of 'all my own work', but I'd also be into helping bring someone else's work to life. But as yet none of you know what my stuff looks like - i wouldn't want to lump a writer with a style they didn't like.

Continuity - yeah, we definitely don't want to push that too hard. Moriarty, the examples you gave were very interesting and a nice pointer for how overlapping stories etc could work, I do think any creators using common events should reach a consensus (what happened to whom and where etc) before getting busy. Of course, the characters they use could have completely different takes on what happened, or may have missed it entirely because they were in bed. which is where i'm goign.
Nelson Evergreen
01:21 / 25.01.02
The very idea of continuity is a nightmare. Unless we're all telepathic.

I do like the idea of a big sprawling free-for-all with Julie Everywhere/ The Shifter/ Quantum Man/ God/ Whoever (and friends?) as the 'glue'. What's more, there's plenty of space for Barbelith Fictionsuits to drop into the various threads as and when they feel the need.

Frankly I'm pencil happy and I need to be told what to do next.....
12:38 / 25.01.02
What's Jenny Everywhere's favorite food?

Why does she travel?

What are her parents like?

What does she look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

What kind of music does she like?

What makes her mad?
rizla mission
13:01 / 25.01.02
What's Jenny Everywhere's favorite food?


Why does she travel?

I constant drive to escape boredom.

What are her parents like?


What does she look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

similar dimension hopping potential.

What kind of music does she like?


What makes her mad?

all the same stuff that makes us mad.
Mr Tricks
16:29 / 25.01.02

I think I've got something brewing...
22:28 / 26.01.02
Everything still jumping here? [/LIST]
23:02 / 26.01.02
I started "The All New Adventures of Suede!"

Fuck knows. This thread brought it on. It may continue... well... at least for three more pages, anyway.
bio k9
05:53 / 28.01.02
i think that in order to be included in this shabang you should have to give all rights to everything you add to it to public domain.

I also think that the shifter(s) should be some sort of dimension hopping, alternate reality characters. Luther Arkwright meets Days of Futures Past...
15:51 / 29.01.02
These are rough.

With one exception, all prominent characters and their respective distinctive likenesses featured herein are trademarks of the respective creators. The character of The Shifter is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This incidia must be included in any publication involving The Shifter, in order that others may use this property as they wish. Any stories involving The Shifter may be eligible, with the permission of the respective authors, for inclusion to The Shifter Club, a yearly periodical. For more information, please contact us at, or email Shifter Central at

That's the kind of long version.

The character of The Shifter is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This incidia must be included in any publication involving The Shifter, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.

And that's the short version.

Here's the dilemna involving this project. Much as I wish we could make it so that every character used in the comics would become Open Source, that is just not feasible. People are going to use their own characters, or even licenced characters (like Batman or the X-men or something). I imagine alot of people won't notice the incidia, or if they do they won't care. To be honest, it doesn't concern us. There is no way that any editorializing could be done on this. Someone could do the ultimate degradation of the character, and there's no way we could stop it. Why should we? It's not our character.

Likewise, though we can determine various aspects of The Shifter's past and personality (and I think it's cool that we do), they're going to fly out the window the second someone decides they don't like them. C'est la vie.

Here's my stance in a nutshell. I could have saved alot of space if I had just said this in the beginning. No matter what any of you do, odds are I'm going to make Shifter stories that have nothing to do with any other Shifter stories (but I do reserve the right to change my mind). Fun, exciting, self contained, out of continuity pulp adventures. I look forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with, and how different it will be from my own comics. I want to see a rainbow of diverse stories all surrounding this one character and her world. And I want to see lots of different sides of her. I want everyone who has a Shifter story to tell to be able to tell it with no restrictions, to use the Shifter as a tool to get their point across.

Idealistic? Sure. We may not even get three stories out of this, and no one outside of the board may even notice. But I think if it clicks, it could be very interesting. And fun.

On a final note, we must decide on at least two things. One, the name of the character. I'm open to anything, but I will say we shouldn't incorporate the name "Jenny" into the title, only because it's similar to Jenny Sparks. "Julie?" Something else? Two, does anyone obect to the look of the character as seen in my sketches?

I'm hoping to do my 24 hour comic based on the character, so if we could decide on these matters by the end of the week that would be swell. If anyone feels we need more time, please say so. We're all very democratic.

[ 29-01-2002: Message edited by: moriarty ]
11:06 / 30.01.02
I can't believe I've only just got around to looking at moriarty's shifter sketches. I think I'll have her flying a biplane - she's very biggles. Maybe she could assume a different pseudonym in each story, or each dimension she visits. Could get a little diffuse though.
I think she travels purely to recruit people to the Shifter's Club, and is a famous pop star on her long - forgotten homeworld.
I din't quite get the thing about the incidia, is there a specific design or logo we all need to use?

[ 30-01-2002: Message edited by: Madd Crisp Lentil ]
13:04 / 30.01.02
"Jenny Everywhere" sounds really good.
It's the 'e' sound.
Kelly Everywhere would come close.
Shelly's too goofy and Penny's too old.
Peggy gets drunk at office parties. Ellie hates it when people call her Beth.
Emma... hmmm. Emma Everywhere. A bit noticeable.
16:54 / 30.01.02
I think if it is called "_____ Everywhere" that she only be referred to by her first name, just like Doctor Who was always just called the Doctor.
21:31 / 30.01.02
Mary Shelley:
"You have not given me your full name, Ms. Everywhere"

The Shifter:
"No. I have not."
15:50 / 31.01.02
by the way, I've been following, and I'm working something with a favourite artist of mine. yay. Go team!

~decides to refrain from saying Zoom.~
Ethan Hawke
13:06 / 01.02.02
Is there a deadline for this set up, yet? I'm interested in doing something pretty short, just because I like the name "Jenny Everywhere" and the fact that she enjoys toast. I can already picture the first frame of my contribution, and I only hope to be able to realize it with my atrophied drawing skills (I think I am going to try to do it all in Illustrator, actually).

Any advice on writing a script for a short comic like this? Any examples of scripts for a 4-12 pager?
15:28 / 01.02.02
No name yet. Just make sure that you can fix it up later if we change our minds if you're looking to start now.

Oh, and one more thing. You can obviously do what you want in any form, but I would like to print contributions up in a booklet and on the web. With the web, there's no problem with size. We should really determine a size for the booklet form, though. I think standard comic size would be good. The proportions should be that the top of the page is 2/3 the side of the page. The standard is 10 inches by 15 inches, shrunk down. But anything drawn in those proportions can be shrunk down to the proper size.

Again, this is entirely open to debate. And, if you are starting something now, please make sure your lettering is legible (unless that is not your intent).


PS Almost forgot your question about scripts. As someone both writing and drawing, you don't really need a proper script. You can go full script, Marvel style, thumbnails, or do as Schulz, Ware and Clowes do, and go from the top left hand corner and work down.

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: moriarty ]
12:23 / 04.02.02
Yes to the proportions, was meaning to ask about that.
19:25 / 04.02.02
In a nutshell.

We will be making comics based upon one common character and/or her world. Each contributor is welcome to make their comic in any way, without editorial constraints. The object is to create a body of work which is centred by this one thing, which is free to anyone to use. We will release this creation to the world, and hopefully see the character grow through use.

To reiterate, their is no editoral on this project. No one looking over your shoulder. Anything is fair game, from the look of the character to her love of toast. It will be up to the individual to determine what is canon and what is not.

The Bare Bones.

So far we don't have a name for the character. Suggestions include The Shifter, Jenny Everywhere, and _______ Everywhere (the blank to be filled by a proper name). She may not be known by this code name, much like the Doctor in Doctor Who.

The character's powers, if any, are still ambiguous. The idea that she may exist in all dimensions at once is the main possibility. What is known is that she can fit in most any kind of setting or genre.

She appears to wear goggles on top of her head, has a long scarf, and wears casual clothes. She also has short dark hair.

The character is fairly happy-go-lucky, and easily adaptable to most situations. She prefers to figure her way out of trouble without the use of powers (if she actually possesses any). She likes toast.

Any and all of these characteristics can be changed. All of them will be figured out by this Friday. If we haven't reached a consensus by then, I will make the final decisions.

We must also determine just how much the individual works will be entered into the public domain, and how we are going to accomplish that.

The Presentation

One last thing to keep in mind. You may do a story in whatever medium, size, or length you want. However, I plan on making a 'zine (both print and internet) based on the stories completed. If you want your piece in the print 'zine, then your work must be standard comic size (the top of the drawing area must be 2/3 of the side), the lettering must be legible, and it must print well in black and white. Also, it is possible that any story over the page count of eight pages will be split up into a serial, in order to afford the other creators the room to show their work. If inclusion in the 'zine is not a concern of yours, please feel free to ignore the above suggestions.


The response to this has been astounding. Let's get it on.

[ 04-02-2002: Message edited by: moriarty ]
Nelson Evergreen
20:41 / 04.02.02
This is exciting. I'm drawing stuff for about a million people at the moment, so I'll try and gatecrash the party later on. Make it a good one.
11:31 / 05.02.02
She likes toast not only for its aesthetic qualities but because it is the trigger for her power: she is able to leave a dimension at will (although she may not have any control over her destination), but only while consuming toast, or the dimensional equivalent thereof. In, for example, prehistoric Europe, a charred piece of bark would be an acceptable substitute.
rizla mission
12:57 / 05.02.02
stoopid question: what size are you planning to make the print zine? A4 or A5?
17:54 / 05.02.02
From Page Three of my 24 hour comic.

Wish me luck.

Rizla. I am Canadian. I have no idea what you mean. I imagine that the print version will either be an 11 by 17 folded in half, or an 8 and 1/2 by 11 folded in half. Probably the former. If this thing gets rolling, I may put them out in different sizes, dependent of the size of the originals. Good question, though.
02:37 / 06.02.02
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:05 / 06.02.02
Wooo. Some nice stuff ya got there m.

Um - what's the current timetable for this supposed to be?
07:30 / 06.02.02
mmm... 24 hours of pure creativity. i need a couple of days off.

The Shifter is <blaxploitation> HOT! </blaxploitation> on stage. Does this mean your story is set on "earth-1" ?
08:56 / 06.02.02
Format A4 is 21 cm by 29.7 centimeters.
A5 is the half so 21x14.85.
10:43 / 12.02.02
just posting cos there hasn't been one for a couple of days really. what's the deal? who's started work, and should we agree a timescale? or do people feel we need to iron out more stuff re OS character/ copyright and ownership?
Captain Zoom
12:58 / 12.02.02
Mr. Moriarty has my script. I'm fairly fucking stoked about this project. I will flog this product in my store to anyone. Also, May 4 this year is national free comic book day. yes really. I'm getting about 600 free comics from various publishers to just hand out. If we can manage to get this thing printed up cheaply, it'll go out too. And anyone who's got a small press thing they'd like distributed, let me know and we'll do it.

13:37 / 12.02.02
Well, we had a good start to the project, but it looks like my call to set things in stone was largely ignored. Whatever. I still intend on moving forward. When I get the time I will write up the "final" rules on the project.

The Open Source info doesn't need to be ready until we make our comics public, so there's still time for that to be sorted out.

Judging by the speed of the Barbelith Corpse submissions, I'm not sure if we'll have anything ready by the start of May. For the next month I have to put together my portfolio. During that time I might put together some reference material.

So, if anyone wants to get started, go ahead. Any lingering questions, email me or post them here.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:16 / 12.02.02
What exactly do you want set in stone? I can tell you my plan at the moment if you like - I'm writing a story that might be 4, more likely be 6 pages, revolving primarily around the character of Jen aka Shifter (Shifter is her 'tag' name in this universe...), she'll have all of the visual signifiers and the innate sense of mischief and fun I perceive in the original sense, but mine might be a bit more prone to senseless violence... Hopefully the script will be done by the end of the month. I don't have an artist yet but I'm hoping I can persuade one of you lovely folk to do it...
15:25 / 12.02.02
Things which still need definition.

Her name. The Shifter of Jenny Everywhere or None of the Above? In Tom's script, and in most of my conversations about her, it's always been "The Shifter." I like how you're hedging your bets and making "The Shifter" an alias of hers, Flyboy.

Her powers. I'm pulling for "Exists in all dimensions at once, rarely uses any other side effects of said abilities," but I'm not sure if everyone else agrees.

The rights. All things created in a Shifter story go public, or just the Shifter herself? I think it would be more inviting, and safer, to just make it the Shifter herself.

The page size. I've already dealt with this, but just to reiterate, the top of the page should be two-thirds the size of the sides. Common comic book dimensions are 10 inches by 15 inches. You may want to go even smaller than that at 6inches by 9 inches. Or anything, really. Just remember that this will be shrunk down so PRINT CLEARLY. I cannot emphasize this enough. It is by far the biggest problem I have encountered in people's work. Any page sizes not in this dimension, or drawn in such a way as to not be legible in a shrunk down format will have to wait until I copy off a book to match their size, if that day ever comes.

Oh, and Flyboy. It sounds a-ok to me.

[ 12-02-2002: Message edited by: moriarty ]

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