This is a copy of an email I sent to someone asking for info on the project. I thought I'd post it here for anyone coming in late.
quote:A FAQ is in the works. I'm real short on time right now, so it probably won't be up and running until the end of the month. I'll tell you the bare bones, but it might raise more questions than answers.
The Shifter is open source (or copyright free, I still haven't figured out the difference). Anyone can use her as a character so long as they stipulate that she is free for all to use, thereby passing along the privilige to all who read her adventures. You own the story, but not the character.
Now, here's where it gets tricky. While you can do anything you want with the character, and print it wherever and however you want, that does not mean that you have automatic entrance to the Shifter zine or webzine. Unlike the project itself, both those outlets have rules. Basically, for either the print or webzine, your version of the Shifter has to have some sort of basis on the original Shifter concept. The closer that better. For the print zine we've limited the page count to around 8 pages. Anything higher than that will be broken up into pieces and serialized. This is to prevent someone from taking up a whole issue. Also, it's probably a good idea to have the width of your comic be 2/3 the height, or, standard comic size. 10 x 15 inches, as an example. I'm not altogether sure what the final size of the print zine will be. I'll decide that when I get the work. If you're only contributing to the webzine, size, dimension and page count don't really matter. No matter what, PRINT LEGIBLY! I can't emphasize this enough.
There are no finished submissions yet, though someone did send me a story with a Shifter cameo, and that made me laugh. There are about 5 to 10 stories currently in the works. There are no due dates, though we have been telling people that they have to complete at least one page a month, just to crack the whip a little. Once I have one or two issues worth of stories, I'll start printing them up.
I think that answers all your questions. If you have anymore, feel free to email me again, or post on Barbelith itself. G'wan! You know you want to!
One more thing to add. The print zine will probably be an 8 1/2 by 11 inch piece of paper (your standard piece of paper) folded in half, making a real cute little zine. Odds are we will have stories that were produced at such a size that this might not look too great. That's cool, we'll just do one that's an 11 by 17 inch piece of paper folded in half, which will be twice the size and closer to the dimensions of a regular comic book. And, to make things even more complex, if enough people get it together to make comics in a different dimension, like, say, square, then we'll put one together compiling those comics specifically. Let me know if you plan on doing it before you start, so we can figure out how to best print it. And make sure you have enough people to fill an issue (at least 12 pages/2 stories).
Oh, and I just caught a sneak peek at a wonderful little story by two regulars that contains a Shifter cameo. She's so damn cute. |