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Collective Comics Project.


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11:02 / 17.06.02
So, Lentil, how`s the Head doing with our story?
Nelson Evergreen
23:16 / 17.06.02
Looking good, Lentil.

"We want the finest Jennys known to humanity. We want them here and we want them now!"
06:21 / 24.06.02
How's about we have a little update as to where everyone is with their Shifter stories?
rizla mission
08:46 / 24.06.02
A couple more captions to write and page 3 will be finished. I'm afraid it's a bit shit.. if I had more time (read= could be bothered) I'd do it again.. but, er, who cares, time to move on to the next pages!
13:32 / 24.06.02
Jade, last time I spoke to him about it he was researching & doing sketches for the setting, but that was a few weeks ago. I emailed him towards the end of last week but haven't heard back - I think he might be on a walking holiday in Wales at the moment.

Sax, first three pages are completed, page 4 is pencilled. I haven't done the title banner or inked any lettering.
13:55 / 24.06.02
Art is hard. But my will to power continues....

I suspect I'll be an issue two kinda guy...
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:35 / 08.07.02
An extremely exciting sneak preview:

If this comic were a song, it would be a cross between Comet Gain's 'The Kids At The Club' and The Beatnuts' 'It's Da Nuts'. That's my take on it anyway - the artist may have his own, deeply twisted ideas...
Nelson Evergreen
22:11 / 08.07.02
Indeed he does. In truth, I've been inking to the likes of "Quick Cheap Buzz" by The Herbal Tease, and "Taking On The Ravers" by The Young Companions, both of which have made their bawdy presence felt in the resulting pics.
06:47 / 09.07.02
Fuck snigs, as they say in Wigan. That am good stuff.

Lentil, I hear the sound of a gauntlet crashing to the floor...
07:44 / 09.07.02
Along with my fucking self - confidence, mate!

Actually no, I've got to stop being so nice to Nelson. You listening to me, Evergreen? Your bendy Hewlett pastiche wilts before my crispy goodness! I'm gonna burn your retinas and leave you quivering in a pool of blood and ink!

Doc, I'm currently throwing together a little something for Boy In A Suitcase's "Plucky Duck Comics" project. This has to be finito in about two weeks so I'll have to leave Jenny with her pulpy paramour for the time being, I'm afraid.
rizla mission
11:12 / 09.07.02
that page rocks so much..
Nelson Evergreen
12:52 / 09.07.02
Ah, but 'quivering in a pool of blood and ink' is par for the course at the end of a typical working day Chez Evergreen.
09:38 / 10.07.02
Why you slippery sonofagun......

I blame Sax for my outburst. I was goaded.
Nelson Evergreen
21:57 / 10.07.02
No, it's my fault. I really should get that bloody gauntlet soundproofed. And stop dropping it in moments of excitement, for that matter.
18:32 / 12.07.02
ok, my head is back in the game. here's my attempt at a page one. please tell me what you think...

Captain Zoom
19:11 / 12.07.02
That is fantastic. I love it. I want more of this comic.

Nelson Evergreen
23:57 / 13.07.02

I'm grinning like a fool. This is going to be the greatest.
15:46 / 14.07.02
Rock and roll.

I wish levon would surface again. So high, so low.
07:19 / 15.07.02
[eastend wideboy] I am properly loving this. It's gonna be dope as the pope. [/eastend wideboy]. Good work Gridley!
09:41 / 15.07.02
It'll be good, all right. Call me a cynical old bastard, but I hope this doesn't go tits up like most Barbeprojects.
09:55 / 23.07.02

I haven't read all of the thread yet, so I don't know if it's going to happen, but if it is, shall we set up a group somewhere so that we can see this baby through? I don't know how many people are still involved but I'm really excited by what i've seen and personally feel that I don't want my work to go to waste.

(BTW, Sax, if you're thinking "What fucking work?", I have 3 pages at scannable size and will be sending them to you as soon as I get my hands on a scanner. Which will probably be tomorrow.)
10:29 / 23.07.02
Agreed. Anyone got access to a bulletin board thing we can use (displaying my complete and total lack of web-fu now!)

And can't wait to see the pages, Lentil.
11:22 / 23.07.02
I'm not sure how you do it, but isn't pretty simple to set up a group on Yahoo (say) which basically functions like a standalone thread? for example if I set it up i could just post a link here and everyone still in on the Shifter thang could go and join it. Um... like Sax my web-fu is limp but I'll give it a go, unless
a) someone has a better idea
b) Barbelith stays open
c) no-one's interested

c) is not an option. Be later this week anyway as I am Mr. Busy Lentil right now.
13:06 / 23.07.02
lentil, how's our Head friend doing?
15:25 / 23.07.02
would everyone on here please PM me your email addresses under "Collective Comics" subject line?
19:47 / 23.07.02
Well, the last time i spoke to him he was doing six twelve-hour shifts a week as a security guard at B&Q (an enormous hardware store) in Lakeside shopping centre. Nasty. So... um... I'm guessing he won't have done anything in the past couple of weeks. I don't know what else to tell you... sorry about this Jade. Would like his email address? PM me if so.
rizla mission
08:50 / 24.07.02
I have an almost toally unused Yahoo group hich could be used for this, or any other Barbelith creative malarky, if the board goes down:
11:19 / 24.07.02
Forget about it. I give up.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:37 / 24.07.02
We can always use the official back-up forum - Pocket Barbelith.
Nelson Evergreen
18:44 / 25.07.02
Has anyone PM'd / emailed Moriarty about this? He seems to have been pretty scarce of late...
Captain Zoom
18:51 / 25.07.02
Just e-mailed him to let him know.

19:11 / 25.07.02
i did too, a couple of days ago, but no response as yet. Zoom, you know him IRL anyway, don'cha? So he should get the message one way or another
19:27 / 25.07.02
Sorry everyone. I'm right smack dab in the middle of moving to a new city, waiting to hear about school, and trying to get a job, not to mention regular, chronic and mysterious nosebleeds.

I got both messages and I sent one to grant with my email addy. Thanks for thinking of me!
06:16 / 26.07.02
Jade said: Forget about it. I give up.

Jade, cool your jets, hombre. These things take time, and people have stuff to do. Like sell plant pots to people.

Writing the shit like we've done is the easiest bit. These guys with their pencils and whatnot have the tough job. Chill, sweetie.
09:40 / 05.08.02
Just like to say Lentil e-mailed me the first three pages of the Jenny stuff at the weekend and it's absolutely fabulous. Can't wait for this to happen, folks.

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