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14:28 / 05.08.02
oooh thanks matey, glad you liked it.
Gridley, I've just noticed that there's an incorrectly placed comma in one of your panels, before "my husband". It has to go! The more I look at that page the more familiar the faces look. Uncanny.
14:30 / 05.08.02
Pardon me, it's between "my" and "husband".
Lentil him waste posts! Him still not reach daily limit!
14:55 / 05.08.02
Thanks man. Consider it fixed.
Captain Zoom
16:16 / 06.08.02
Not that I wish to seem pushy, but kegboy and moriarty, anything?

07:55 / 16.08.02
down the funny stairs...
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:45 / 16.08.02
Nelson is still busy working on my script, and in the meantime I'm writing another. Which will be drawn by Igor Kordey.
15:21 / 03.09.02
Lentil's nearly completed "My Bloody Valentine". Do we get a prize if we finish first?
Nelson Evergreen
23:19 / 03.09.02
Yes. You both sit around for however many weeks (or - god forbid - months) it takes the rest of us to hit the finish line, and you get to mock us.

Me, I'm in sight of the halfway mark (but I've had loads and loads of things going on which are no longer going on, at least not for the forseeable future, so it should be in the bag deliciously soon...)
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:54 / 12.09.02
Finished version of the page shown earlier:

I would show you some of Nelson's other finished pages, but I'm a tease...
12:55 / 12.09.02
Damn, that's really fine-looking stuff!
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:49 / 12.09.02
This doesn't really work until you've seen some of the other pages, but Nelson and I are currently more than a little disturbed by the *completely accidental* resemblance between his Jenny and Karen O, lead singer of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs:

If you squint a little the two guys in that photo look a little like the two of us, as well. Fuckin' spooksome.
14:29 / 17.09.02
OK everybody, it's official:


my plane leaves at 9am tomorrow and i haven't finished. ah shucks. I'm really close, though! One more panel of the last page to pencil.... sorry Sax but you'll have to wait a few more weeks, I'll send you some stuff tonight if i can fit in between packing and whatever else you have to do before a holiday.

Actually I just didn't want to look like the swotty nerd who hands in his GCSE coursework 3 weeks before the deadline. It's been finished for months.
16:47 / 21.09.02
Just a brief word to say that I'm still in the ring, though barely.

I have a couple major projects every week that involve my drawing dozens upon dozens of pictures, leaving me pretty well drained at the end of the day. I an't no Jack Kirby. Whenever I get the chance I'll be working on Jenny. Worse comes to worse, I have three weeks with nothing to do in December to get at least Zoom's story done. My mightiest apologies to you, Captain. On the plus side, my brother is taking multi-media and wants to practice his mad skillz, so I'll do my best to get him to help me cobble together a site for our work. I may even be able to integrate what I'm learning into the site as well.
20:00 / 23.09.02
Flyboy. Nelson.
I hate you both.
21:29 / 01.10.02
Hey kids, here's a sample panel from "My Bloody Valentine". One panel only as I haven't got the original reduced yet. I haven't done the lettering yet, as you can probably tell.

02:04 / 02.10.02
I miss Levon.
13:38 / 02.10.02
Damn. Wet my chair again.
Nelson Evergreen
00:32 / 03.10.02
Lentil: Splendid bit of monster, that.

Moriarty: December has been designated a Christmas-free zone for you, soldier.

I got my first glimpse of the finish line today, and by god it's taken bloody ages to get there. Such is this ghastly world in which Real Life is allowed to become a more pressing concern than Making Comics For Fun. I'd suggest we all go and live rent free in a big tent on a heath somewhere and devote ourselves to the cause full time, but such an arrangement would no doubt prove to be both unhygenic and violent.

Gobshite aside, isn't it a tad worrying how the initial list of contributors has dwindled, or more specifically the list of artists able to commit the time? This doesn't bode well if we fancy the idea of seeing issue 2 emerge anytime this decade, bearing in mind the lengthy delays we nib-pushers have already had getting the first one together. So. How about a quick 'sub-thread' aimed at recruiting further inky types? The scripts seem to be there. Grant, you're obviously still into this, Levon or no Levon. Jade quite understandably vanished in a puff of exasperation a page or two ago, but I'm sure he could be tempted back (in fact he could, and should, be persuaded to draw his script himself if that lovely sketch he did was anything to go by).

On second thoughts, why worry? Once issue 1 finally hits the web/shelves in all it's ridiculous multi-dimensional genius, we'll be fighting the fuckers off.

How's everyone else doing?
00:50 / 03.10.02
I'm sure I am, in fact, still waiting for some sort of script. Damn writer types. Can't get the staff, yew know.

You better watch out, I might start recruiting a veritable who's who of comics to come and live with me in my recently purchased tent...
the Fool
03:21 / 03.10.02
This is the single page I finished for Jade. Thought I'd post it rather than let it gather electrodust on me computer...

05:58 / 03.10.02
Awww. So cute...

Nelson, I finish school in the first week of December and my mom doesn't come back from Ireland until Christmas Eve. I will have a Shifter Christmas. This I swear.

I think it might be for the best if we hold off on widespread recruitment. If individuals in need of artists or writers want to start separate threads, pm people, or even go to other boards, I think that would be rad. Like you say, once we get this puppy started hopefully we'll be swamped with submissions. I mentioned the Shifter project in my blog, if that helps.

I will ask my brother about a Shifter website. He might be able to use it for his Multi-Media course. If anyone has any scrap pieces of Shifter art, we might be able to use it for design elements in the site. Thanks.
14:54 / 03.10.02
I'm sure I am, in fact, still waiting for some sort of script. Damn writer types. Can't get the staff, yew know.

16:48 / 03.10.02
He's mine, grant, I saw him first. Step back... unless you like the taste of elbow!
10:38 / 04.10.02
Good points, well made, Nelson. I was also thinking, with the current lineup of stories that are getting done, issue one isn't going to be particularly large. quality not quantity though, eh? And what happened to Rizla? He seemed to be plugging away a little while ago...

I still feel pangs of guilt about the non - production of Jade's script. Sorry! I did say my friend wasn't exactly a bastion of reliability.

Why not live in a tent? Lack of hygiene strengthens the immune system. I don't see why it would be violent... unless you want to start something, Evergreen. Oh, and there's Grant and Jade tussling over Suede (mmm... sounds like the start of good slash)
rizla mission
11:08 / 04.10.02
And what happened to Rizla? He seemed to be plugging away a little while ago...

right... now here's what I think happened..

(runs away)

Ok, Ok, I spent absolutely ages doing one story and completed it up to just before the point where the Shifter arrives .. then realised that apart from the first page (which is quite good), it's a complete bunch of arse..

So I started another story, which again has a quite good first page, and is a slightly more lighthearted music in-joke filled 2000AD style thing .. but again I don't know where the fuck it's going beyond a few weak gags and can't really be arsed with it..

So my limited creative talents failed me basically.. and what with it being my final Uni. year I haven't got that much spare time for comics, and that which I do have is being used to continue my own comic very slloowwly .. so, er, sorry, fucked up basically.

Though I've got a couple of nice first pages..
rizla mission
11:11 / 04.10.02
For the record, of things I start, at least three quarters generally get abandoned along the way, so this kind of thing is par for the course really .. I can't rule out the possibility of me having a fantastic idea and finishing a new Shifter comic over one weekend or something..
12:12 / 04.10.02
I'm sure I am, in fact, still waiting for some sort of script. Damn writer types. Can't get the staff, yew know.

*hangs head in shame* That lazy git would be me. I'm so sorry, man. I'm up to my ears in a full semester and writing projects for a class I'm taking. So I can't quite say I'm dropping out of this or not.

I'm just now finishing research on Vajrayana which ties into my plot for it but if grant or Jade need ya more, Suede, go for the gold with every blessing I can muster. Prose was what I had to do over a script anyhow.

We'll always have Paris.
Nelson Evergreen
00:11 / 14.10.02
Ah, The Fool... I'd say that page deserves a teary eyed "One's That Got Away" section on the website all to itself....
12:19 / 14.10.02
Nice idea!

By the way, chums, [teacher's pet] I've finished![/teacher's pet]

Well, apart from the title. But the rest is dans le sac.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:39 / 24.10.02
Jenny Everywhere in 'Name's Not Down'

Doing the dance of joy here.
10:51 / 24.10.02
I've only looked at the first two pages and I'm jigging already. So much FUNK in that shit!

I'd intended to have done something similar by now but progress has been hampered by my not actually having enough money to reduce my originals. Pathetic, i know.
12:11 / 24.10.02
Brilliant work, boys, that gorgeous two page spread at the end should be the background for Barbelith...
14:16 / 24.10.02
Wow. That is really, really excellent. Please tell me we're going to get this project off the ground..? Can we club together and have a proper print run on nice paper and everything?


BTW, already made that double-spread my wallpaper on my work PC, if that's okay.
14:18 / 24.10.02
Oh, and I'm suddenly beset by fears that mine and Lentil's story is incredibly un-PC. How you doing, anyway, MC?
14:36 / 24.10.02
Fuuuck. Nice work, guys. Made me inspired to get back in the game. This is all I've got so far but I'm working on it, I swear.

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