Lentil: Splendid bit of monster, that.
Moriarty: December has been designated a Christmas-free zone for you, soldier.
I got my first glimpse of the finish line today, and by god it's taken bloody ages to get there. Such is this ghastly world in which Real Life is allowed to become a more pressing concern than Making Comics For Fun. I'd suggest we all go and live rent free in a big tent on a heath somewhere and devote ourselves to the cause full time, but such an arrangement would no doubt prove to be both unhygenic and violent.
Gobshite aside, isn't it a tad worrying how the initial list of contributors has dwindled, or more specifically the list of artists able to commit the time? This doesn't bode well if we fancy the idea of seeing issue 2 emerge anytime this decade, bearing in mind the lengthy delays we nib-pushers have already had getting the first one together. So. How about a quick 'sub-thread' aimed at recruiting further inky types? The scripts seem to be there. Grant, you're obviously still into this, Levon or no Levon. Jade quite understandably vanished in a puff of exasperation a page or two ago, but I'm sure he could be tempted back (in fact he could, and should, be persuaded to draw his script himself if that lovely sketch he did was anything to go by).
On second thoughts, why worry? Once issue 1 finally hits the web/shelves in all it's ridiculous multi-dimensional genius, we'll be fighting the fuckers off.
How's everyone else doing? |