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Donnie Darko (Spoilers)


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The Falcon
05:31 / 30.09.02
Seen this?

Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay

jUne, a sunshiny month
07:32 / 30.09.02
cap Zooooooooom:
MC, this film put me in mind of Mason Lang talking about films made by invisibles for invisibles. It's fantastic. Tara and I are still talking about it, trying to suss out exactly what went on, if such a thing is possible. Highest recommendation.

200% on this. having re-read the exact run where Mason talk about this invisibles>invisibles things a few days after i saw the movie, i got this exact thought.

net_banshee :
...Also noted, Hi-Res did this site (an awfully pretty one at that) and did the Requiem for a Dream site as well. Was thinking after the viewing of Donnie that there was a little similarity between the two flicks...then to head back to the site and see some of the same constructs.

200% on this too ; the way both flicks were done gave me kind of similarities thoughts too, and it was quite strange and interesting to see the connection between the 2 related websites, both done by these great great great web creators at hi-res.
primaeval soup
19:49 / 06.10.02
A heads-up for any Irish here who’ve had their curiosity piqued by this thread – Donnie Darko makes its way to the IFC in Dublin in November.

If you’re living in the provinces, I’m guessing that your local art-house cinema – the Kino in Cork, QFT in Belfast, etc. – will be getting their hands on prints of the movie around the same time. Give ‘em a ring and ask.

…Just checked the Cork Film Festival website. Next Saturday night (12th October) in the Opera House, 11.30 pm.
uncle retrospective
21:00 / 06.10.02
Cheers Evil, I was wondering where that was.
primaeval soup
06:27 / 07.10.02
There’s lots of cool stuff in the new IFC listings, Uncle R.

The EyeThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari…A Todd Browning double-bill – Freaks and Devil Doll…If you’ve been enjoying League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, there’s an adaption of The Picture of Dorian Gray that might be interesting (oh, hang on, I’m getting mixed up – Dorian Gray isn’t in the comic book, is he?)…I’m going to check out Triumph of the Will too, and see just how good that Nazi propaganda really was…And then you’ve got the Hallowe’en line-up, which includes Witchfinder General! Yummy!

Eh…there’s also a Mike Leigh season to go with his new movie, if you’re into that sort of thing…

(My apologies for the thread-rot. I will stop now.)
Tom Coates
13:34 / 07.10.02
It looks like the film is now released sometime around October 24th. I've seen it at the cinema and on DVD a couple of times, but I'm so excited that I can now take my friends to it and get their reactions...
16:02 / 07.10.02
Like a lot of you I've been a Donnie Darko evangelist since I saw the flick at Frightfest in London in August. I've since purchased the US version of the DVD, and would recommend anyone who loves the movie to watch it again on DVD, and then with the commentary. It explains a great deal of the intent behind the film. This is the kind of movies that DVDs were made for.

If you're still reading this then you enjoy spoilers...

Basically Kelly states that at the point where the airline jet engine falls into the house at the beginning of the movie a "tangent universe" (as he calls it) comes into existence. Donnie is now hyperaware and the tangent universe keeps sending him messages about how he can fix this parallel universe. Even down to the words "Cellar Door" on the blackboard. In order to fix this universe he has to do things in a certain set order, and finally he has to kill Frank (who ironically is his sister's boyfriend). That's why he keeps telling people "everything is going to be better". Everyone in the tangent universe is vaguely aware that something is amiss, but only Donnie can fix things. He does this by killing someone, and then sacrificing his own life subsequently. The amazing scene is when the jet engine hits and everyone wakes up, with the tangent universe only a lingering dream in their minds.

So, from Kelly's perspective this is not about a mental disorder, though what happens to Donnie does obviously impinge upon his mental wellbeing.

I plan on picking up the soundtrack of the movie eventually, if only for that superb version of Mad World - though the score is very good too.

It certainly is inspiring that a first-time writer/director like Kelly can create such an interesting movie, and that despite itself, Hollywood helps out. Good on Drew Barrymore and her production company I say. He was hawking it around Hollywood for 3 years before anyone agreed to make it - despite everyone agreeing it was great.

Uniformly excellent performances all around. I loved the "realness" of the family, with its love and awkwardness. The deleted scenes on the DVD give the family a lot more dimension too. And Patrick Swayze has to be given credit for playing such a sleezy character to perfection - not something many actors would have the courage to do (especially since it's to do with "kiddy porn").

Let me stop now before I go on, and on, and on...
bio k9
10:01 / 08.10.02

Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:49 / 17.10.02
It's just opened in Australia, and will apparently be out on DVD here in the New Year.

I think I'll have to head along - judiciously avoiding the rest of the thread until I've seen it...
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:53 / 20.10.02
Saw it last night. Beautiful. Just beautiful. Something about it that seemed to work; the theory aspects made me think of Being John Malkovich a little.

Will tease it out more when I get home, maybe, but did anyone else watching this get Jacob's Ladder flashbacks while watching? Admittedly, there's a bit more to it than that, but the idea of possible futures and making a choice struck home really strongly to me...

And yes, I dreamt of a fucking six-foot rabbit last night, too. That, I wasn't so keen on.
23:55 / 20.10.02
Just saw it today, having not read any of the supplementary material on the net (or this thread). The film seemed to work perfectly without it - do people recommend delving into it? Awesome movie.
Tom Coates
15:32 / 21.10.02
Ok. So basically this is a film that we as barbelites respond to extremely well, and it's a film that I personally love. There is also a preview screening at the Odeon on Shaftesbury Avenue on Thursday evening at 6.30pm. I'm going to suggest a kidn of detournement of the preview, claiming it as a barbelith event (and I'll cross promote it with haddock, etc) and I think we should treat it as OURS, get as many people to go to it as possible with us and then all break up and go in various places for drinks afterwards. I'll be there and very much looking forward to it already... i'm putting up a little micro-site for it immediately... Spread the word, and I hope to see you there!

Mystery Gypt
17:15 / 21.10.02
so why exactly is getting together with a bunch of online friend to see a movie a "detournement"?

christ next thing you know, ad execs are going to figure out to call the next Christman Gap Sales Event a detournement. in fact, i'm think i'll call them up and pitch the concept...
Tom Coates
17:47 / 21.10.02
Yeah yeah, blah blah, whatever. Kind of expected that reaction. It's not really a detournement in any practical way except that it's a film that a lot of us liked, that didn't get any attention and one that I had hoped that we could turn its preview into a very friendly gathering kind of thing. And to be honest, I much prefer the angle that groups of people who are interested in film co-operatively organise themselves to go to see it rather than do so because advertising people tell them to. But none of this is important. I would have thought the important thing would be that we could all go, see a rgeat film and get drunk afterwards with a really communal vibe. But it's not going to happen anyway now, cos it's sold out.
23:28 / 26.10.02
Looks like Donnie Darko's hit popculture
The Natural Way
16:15 / 27.10.02
Yeah, yeah, 4th dimensional breakdowns...yeah. But there's so much more to Darko than that stuff (fun as it is). The only teen-movie I've seen that really got me choked with memory. The directors my age; our hormones were kicking in big-style round 88 and, it turns out, the girls had the same haircuts. The film is very successful in it's attempt to capture teenage emotion/experience... The way it takes time out to pull huge 80's musical sequences - who gives a fuck if Tears for Fears weren't cool? It works. It's honest. It was THERE and THEN. Like a ghost from another time we flit around the school and the past draws in close around us and then, when we're caught, those memories and hormones and funny, clumsy feelings do a fucking dance routine for us. God, it's so celebratory...but from a distance...there's a melancholy feeling about all this too, a sadness. Wave goodbye to yr past and all that potential. Goodbye Donnie.

I think Donne Darko is possibly the most loving, affectionate wake for youth I've seen in a long while.

And I loved the race-to-the-finale/rescue-on-yr-bikes bit. Cheekyness.

Jesus figure? Yeah. Donny gladly waves goodbye to himself in order to save the people he loves. And I love the fact that it won't all be perfect - everything's as messed up as ever - but Gretchen's ALIVE. Everyone else is still around, but there's a Donny shaped hole.

Also love the idea of God as a scary bunny.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:09 / 27.10.02

Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay

OK, I came out of the cinema feeling a little disappointed, but on reading this thread it has perked me right up. Not knowing about the tangent universe thing really meant that for me a lot of Donnie's actions made no sense (I suppose we are to presume that Donnie drove the car into the wormhole thing in order to travel back in time and managed to arrive a few minutes before the plane engine?). Without that fairly important piece of knowledge killing himself by travelling back in time because his girlfriend has just been killed seems a more extravagent means of pointless suicide.

The characters around Donnie aren't particularly well defined, the two teachers for example, the Chinese girl, Grandmother Death herself. Especially the latter herself, there's no real need in the film for it to be her there, Frank could have just as easily run Gretchen over without her in the way. There is, at times, a self-conscious weirdness about the film, odd things to keep the audience off-track. The whole thing about the female teacher being fired (for no reason) and then shouting 'fuck!' and being seen by the Chinese girl.

And Donnie doesn't save Gretchen. At the end of the month, psycho-stepfather is still going to come calling, only now she'll have no-one to help her.

I'm still unsure about the whole Frank the Rabbit thing, it seemed the 'explanation' in the film was post-rationalised after the idea came up of having an evil bugs bunny. The scene in the theatre where Donnie says "why don't you take off the bunny suit?" and Frank replies "why don't you take off that man suit?" makes absolutely no sense to anything. It's a true Invisible moment, along with Donnie turning to the camera and trying to break the fourth wall in true Mister Six style, but I can't see how it makes sense within the movie. After all, Frank is the means Donnie uses to get himself to hang out with Gretchen, there isn't anyone under the suit, and unless the writer was going on some hideously dodgy 'inside our skins we're all angels' riff Frank's reply doesn't make sense. Self-consciously weird. But then, maybe Frank was just feeling in a bad mood.

Hopefully the film will come out on DVD with a copy of the website a la The Matrix so we can get the other half of the story.
Perfect Tommy
22:27 / 27.10.02
It does!
02:26 / 28.10.02

Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay

Now I feel self-consciously weird.
The Natural Way
08:22 / 28.10.02
It's not negative, Lyra, which is where you seem to be going, but complicated. We don't know what will happen to Gretchen, to be honest - it's messy, life's like that - but all we know at the end of the film is that she LIVES. And it's that moment when she comes cycling throught the trees and into the sunlight that's important.

I like the films tatty edges (I think a few people round here [POINT THE FINGER!] are a little too into consistency) the supporting cast, whilst largely extraneous to the plot, help construct a believable, solid environment within which Donnie can live and move. They create the atmosphere, the psycho/emotional grid within which the thing is situated. Worked for me - they had just enough defnition and colour to generate the right kind of feel. And, inspite of all the 4th dimensional waffling, Darko is predominantly a film driven by feeling and memory, not realism or bearding.
rizla mission
09:04 / 28.10.02
Just thought I'd pop in to complain that, despite it's massive press coverage and critical acclaim, my local Odeon has *no plans* to show this film. That's right - "no plans" to show it. Ever.

solid~liquid onwards
11:29 / 29.10.02
this movie was my favriote(its in my top 5 anyhow)...i thought it was perhaps an older movie i'd missed, untill last week i read reviews and saw it was soon gonna be in the i first saw it 5 months ago on me PC
15:41 / 29.10.02
Rothkoid: yes. I was very much reminded of Jacob's Ladder at many a parts. Might have something to do with the -basic final plot twist- and all.
01:19 / 01.11.02
Major synchronicity. I have been trying to rent this at my local video store, but the last couple of weeks it has been out. I finally get it on Tuesday and bring it over to my friend’s house who I know would enjoy such a film. About halfway through I start to pay attention to the transition panels that state the date and how many days were left. I was pondering that same days date for a quick second and thought we should pause the film for a moment, but decided not to speak up. Just then, my friend paused the movie and looked over with a quizzical expression. "What are you thinking?" I asked. We were both thinking the same exact thing: The scenes in the film were counting down to the actual day’s date we were watching it. We started watching at 10:15pm on the 29th of October (finishing around midnight) and the movie was counting down to October 30th. Now it wasn't to the exact 28:14:23:13(?) time that Frank stated the world would end, but it was definitely brought to our attention.

Where I get a little confused (anyone please help if you have some insight)is when Donnie takes the station wagon and Gretchen is in the passenger seat, were are they headed off to? I thought it was to the cliff to get the best view of the plane heading into the storm or something. Also, I believe she was dead in the car, what was Donnie doing with her?

Another thing, if Donnie's Mom and little Sis were on the plane when the engine was ripped off (daytime) and crashed into the house, how were they also in the house with the rest of the family (nighttime) when it crashed earlier in the film? That might be an obvious explanation and I think I can grasp it, but I just can't lay it all out.

Laughed my ass off:

What are feces?
Baby mice
07:04 / 01.11.02
remorse- Another thing, if Donnie's Mom and little Sis were on the plane when the engine was ripped off (daytime) and crashed into the house, how were they also in the house with the rest of the family (nighttime) when it crashed earlier in the film?

They weren't in the house cause the engine was ripped off in the future and then traveled back in time to before Donnie's Mom and Sister went on the trip.
The Natural Way
07:41 / 01.11.02
Superconsistency and Hypertime are invaluable aids when bearding the tangent universe. Erase all those stupid time anomalies easily.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:18 / 01.11.02
remorse Where I get a little confused (anyone please help if you have some insight)is when Donnie takes the station wagon and Gretchen is in the passenger seat, were are they headed off to? I thought it was to the cliff to get the best view of the plane heading into the storm or something. Also, I believe she was dead in the car, what was Donnie doing with her?

Yes, I was wondering about that as well, as neither get explained, as far as I'm aware, on the website either. I assume that Donnie was taking her off somewhere either to perhaps bury her or maybe to do some suicide "I'm coming Gretchen!" thing, saw the time tunnel thing and somehow realised what would happen and so decided to go into that and let himself be killed by the falling engine instead.

Quite how;
1) He got through the tunnel, back home, into bed before the engine hit (which went into the tunnel before him)
2) He drove into the tunnel and they survived reappearing miles above the earth (OK, maybe there's some thing about exiting the tunnel at the same point they entered)

I'm not sure.
13:24 / 01.11.02
The tunnel wasn't physical - it's temporal. He "leaves time" and loops back into his own time-thread (the worm coming out of his chest). His (present) awareness of self goes back into his old (past) body.

That's how I read it.
The Natural Way
13:37 / 01.11.02
Me too. It also makes emotional sense. The other reading's too literal and, err, spatial.
Tryphena Absent
15:31 / 01.11.02
I think that the moment when Gretchen and Donnie's mum wave to each other at the end of the film is just absolutely perfect. Sorry, had to get that out of my system, basically everyone in the film is saved by Donnie dying via jet engine (except possibly little sister and that's probably not going to happen).

I'm going to watch it again tonight I think. I'm a little confused by Frank the rabbit, as omniscient being and normal giant rabbit and suspect watching it again might help me work his role out a bit more.
15:54 / 01.11.02
Li'l sister is saved too since the website reveals that patrick swayze's paedophile character kills himself on the golf course the day after donnie is killed by the engine. So in the tangent universe swayze was saved for a few days by donnie waking up on the golf course where he was going to blow his brains out...
16:33 / 01.11.02
Well, whaddya know?

Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay

Saw this movie twice in two days. Wanted to see it again last night but had prior commitments (sorry Tom). Only the fact that my oh-so-slow net connection finally managed to download the fucker has stopped my local cinema from getting a protection order on me.

Wonderful. For so many reasons. (But it's the scene where he asks his mum "what does it feel like having a wacko for a son" that has me in tears.)
The Strobe
17:04 / 01.11.02
Stoatie: absolutely. I thought that was the best line in the film; it's very sensitive and bang on. And it's the thing you need someone else to say.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:33 / 02.11.02
Grant- Although I agree that your reading makes sense, why would people only travel back mentally to their earlier self, while damn big machine engines can travel physically?
Tryphena Absent
15:19 / 02.11.02
Oh you're so cheese-monger, I thought that was the worst line in the film, so sentimental. It was better than the Hollywood, Dawson's Creek, pathetic futility of it all. Or maybe it was his mum's reaction I didn't like... hmmm.

Frank still makes no sense, why is he fingering his eye at the end? I just don't know. Eeeeaaarrrgggghhh.

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