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Donnie Darko (Spoilers)


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Mystery Gypt
01:25 / 30.10.01
Is no one here talking about this film? it's totally incredible - one of those "how the fuck did this get made" kind of movies. It's like David Lynch but warm -- yeah it's like david lynch directing pretty in pink with time travel and murder. Totally amazing.
03:15 / 30.10.01
Never heard of it. what's it about?
Lazlo Woodbine [some call me Laz]
17:20 / 30.10.01
Sounds kinda racist to me.
Mystery Gypt
17:03 / 31.10.01
david lynch with warmth and teenagers sounds racist to you? that's weird.

it's about a possibly paranoid-schizophrenic, but totally brilliant teenager in the 80s who sleep walks and communicates across time with a terrifiying giant bunny rabbit. He sees 4th dimensional time trails come out of people and secretly terrorizes the neighborhood under control of the the rabbit. Patrick Swayze comes to town in an amazing performance as a Self-Help guru who donnie accuses of being the antichrist. donnie discovers that someone in the neighborhood may have discovered the secret to time travel. drew barrymore is his english teacher.

i'd say more enticing stuff but i'm worried im getting into spoiler territory.

an 80s soundtrack and the occasional reference to back to the future and the last temptation of christ round out a fucking weird movie, maybe the best i've seen all year.

the website is cool; and here's an interview with the filmmaker.
18:16 / 31.10.01
Damn, this is one the best looking sites I have ever seen...
16:26 / 01.11.01
A very Invisibles movie. Sample line:

"Why are you wearing that stupid man-suit?"

A local reviewer saw it as "if John Hughes had tried to make Magnolia after reading a lot of Philip K. Dick while very high, the result wouldn't have been one-tenth as good"
17:28 / 01.11.01
Is this movie gonna be released in miami? I can't find listings for it and now I want to see it!!! grrr.
Mystery Gypt
06:57 / 21.03.02
in honor of the dvd release, i've topped this thread... not that any seemed to see it at the time or wanna talk about it... SO GO FUCKING RENT IT!
07:05 / 21.03.02
Better yet, buy it. Show the arseholes that didn't give this a proper theatrical release that people want to see films like this. Spend twenty bucks on Donnie Darko before you go see Star Wars and Spiderman - those will be waiting for you when you get another paycheck.
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:12 / 21.03.02
It's due to be released in the UK this month or next month, according to the film's distributors - no joy at Amazon yet, though.
20:20 / 21.03.02
Link to Impulsivelad's DVD anouncement:
Donnie Darko on DVD
Captain Zoom
20:38 / 22.03.02
As I type I'm putting this on hold at the local video store. It sounds fucking cool.

Mystery Gypt
20:54 / 22.03.02
what videodrome said.

it was definately the best movie of this year -- in a great year for movies -- but it really didn't get noticed. it was just too insane to exist, i suppose.

it's a great success story too. the guy who made it was straight out of ucla, wrote the most fucked up thing he could imagine, stuck to his guns on being able to direct it "so it wouldn't just become some teenager slasher film" and made it all happen. im dying to see what he'll do next.
Captain Zoom
02:48 / 23.03.02
Okay. I just finished watching it. I am so glad that films like this can still be made. See it.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
07:50 / 23.03.02
How come I've never heard of this film? It looks fucking amazing. I must and shall see it!
Captain Zoom
13:52 / 23.03.02
MC, this film put me in mind of Mason Lang talking about films made by invisibles for invisibles. It's fantastic. Tara and I are still talking about it, trying to suss out exactly what went on, if such a thing is possible. Highest recommendation.
Captain Zoom
15:03 / 23.03.02
Sad as it may seem, I've been on the website for about an hour now and I can't figure it out. Supposedly there's 12 chapters from the book on there, but I can't get to them. Anyone else sad enough to have spent this much time (no pun intended) here?
Mystery Gypt
09:35 / 24.03.02
i couldn't really figure out the website either. i also read the director say that the whole time travel book would be there, but i can't really play those games.

mc -- i know so many people who need to see it and don't even know it exists. it's so fucked up that it's so far under the radar -- it was produced by drew barrymore!
Perfect Tommy
23:57 / 24.03.02
I'm not entirely sure if I made any progress in the site, but I did get to read several chapters of The Philosophy of Time Travel... d'you think I burn in hell if I post them rather than leaving it as an exercise to the reader?

(I really need to see the movie again...)
bio k9
01:53 / 25.03.02
I'd never heard of this until I saw this thread last night. Went and bought it this morning. Fantstic movie.

I'm curious when it came out. 9/11 and the plane that fell apart over that NY neighborhood a week or so later may have had something to do with this not being in theatres for very long...
06:31 / 25.03.02
The best part is that there is a seperate fake director's commentary voice-over for the Cunning Visions infomercials.
Mystery Gypt
17:10 / 25.03.02
quote:Originally posted by doubting thomas:
I\d'you think I burn in hell if I post them rather than leaving it as an exercise to the reader?

no -- you'd go straight up to heaven. get out your golden harp.
Tom Coates
17:26 / 25.03.02
Hang on - I'm sure I've spent AGES trying to get people to go and see this film! I saw it at the London film festival MONTHS ago and fucking ADORED it. It's too good for words. Very weird, very entertaining, creepy, cool... Want it on DVD but I honestly think it's only been on at the cinema once in the UK...
kid coagulant
17:29 / 25.03.02
That 'philospphy of time travel' book is on the dvd. Watch the flick before you check it out, is what I would recommend.

Anyone who's seen 'donnie darko' and 'Beautiful Mind' care to comment on which one they feel is a better depiction of schizophrenia?
18:12 / 25.03.02
quote:Captain Zoom: Tara and I are still talking about it, trying to suss out exactly what went on, if such a thing is possible.

Care to post what you've come up with. I'd love to see you lot break this down like you do with New X Men and Buffy.
Tits win
19:39 / 25.03.02
i REEEAAALLLYYYY want to see this film. when is it gonna be here on DVD in England? i love it already and i haven't seen it.
Perfect Tommy
09:35 / 26.03.02
(For those perusers of the site... have you noticed that the time since the Tangent Universe collapsed is still increasing?)

Okay... here goes: The Philosophy of Time Travel. You probably wish to avoid reading it if you haven't seen the film.

Some chapters are missing; I don't know if they are hidden on the site somewhere and I haven't found them, but they are not presented with the rest of the book.








[The site presents the book as accompanying this letter:]

August 17, 1999

Elizabeth Hartford
Library Of Congress
Rare Books Division
101 Independence Ave. S.E.
Ste. 116
Washington, D.C. 20540

Dear Elizabeth,

Enclosed please find "The Philosophy of Time Travel" by Roberta Sparrow.

This book was retrieved from a safety deposit box held by my husband. In the event of his untimely death, my instructions tell me to forward this book to you.

Ken knew that you would find a safe place for it.

A place where they can never find it.


[signed] Karen P. Monnitoff


The Philosophy of Time Travel
Roberta Sparrow

I would like to thank the sisters of the Sain John Chapter in Alexandria, Virginia for their support in my decision.

By the grace of God, they are:

Sister Eleanor Lewis
Sister Francesca Godard
Sister Helen Davis
Sister Catherine Arnold
Sister Mary Lee Pond
Sister Virginia Wessex

The intent of this short book is for it to be used as a simple and direct guide in a time of great danger.

I pray that this is merely a work of fiction.

If it is not, then I pray for you, the reader of this book.

If I am still alive when the events foretold in these pages occur, then I hope that you will find me before it is too late.

Roberta Ann Sparrow
October, 1944

Chapter One - The Tangent Universe
The Primary Universe is fraught with great peril. War, plague, and natural disaster are common. Death comes to us all.

The Fourth Dimension of time is a stable construct, though it is not impenetrable.

Incidents when the fabric of the fourth dimension becomes corrupted are incredibly rare.

If a Tangent Universe occurs, it will be highly unstable, sustaining itself for no longer than several weeks.

Eventually it will collapse upon itself, forming a black hole within the Primary Universe capable of destroying all existence.

Chapter Two - Water And Metal
Water and Metal are the key elements of Time Travel.

Water is the barrier element for the construction of Time Portals used as gateways between Universes at the Tangent Vortex.

Metal is the transitional element for the construction of Artifact Vessels.

Chapter Four - The Artifact And The Living
When a Tangent Universe occurs, those living nearest to the Vortex will find themselves at the epicenter of a dangerous new world.

Artifacts provide the first sign that a Tangent Universe has occurred.

If an Artifact occurs, the Living will retrieve it with great interest and curiousity. Artifacts are formed from metal, such as an Arrowhead from an ancient Mayan civilization, or a Metal Sword from Medievel Europe.

Artifacts returned to the Primary Universe are often linked to religious iconography, as their appearance on Earth seems to defy logical explanation.

Divine Intervention is deemed the only logical conclusion for the appearance of the Artifact.

Chapter Six - The Living Receiver
The Living Receiver is chosen to guide the Artifact into postion [sic] for its journey back to the Primary Universe.

No one knows how or why a Receiver will be chosen.

The Living Receiver is often blessed with a Fourth Dimensional Powers [sic]. These include increased strength, telekenesis [sic], mind control, and the ability to conjure fire and water.

The Living Receiver is often tormented by terrifying dreams, visions and auditory hallucinations during his time within the Tangent Universe.

Those surrounding the Living Receiver, known as the Manipulated, will fear him and try to destroy him.

Chapter Seven - The Manipulated Living
The Manipulated Living are often the close friends and neighbors of the Living Receiver.

They are prone to irrational, bizarre, and often violent behavior. This is the unfortunate result of their task, which is to assist the Living Receiver in returning the Artifact to the Primary Universe.

The Manipulated Living will do anything to save themselves from Oblivion.

Chapter [Eight, presumably; page is torn] - The Manipulated Dead
The Manipulated Dead are more powerful than the Living Receiver. If a person dies within the Tangent Dimension, they are able to contact the Living Receiver through the Fourth Dimensional Construct.

The Fourth Dimensional Construct is made of Water.

The Manipulated Dead will manipulate the Living Receiver using the Fourth Dimensional Construct (see Appendix A and B).

The Manipulated Dead will often set an Ensurance Trap for the Living Receiver to ensure that the Artifact is returned safely to the Primary Universe.

If the Ensurance Trap is successful, the Living Receiver is left with no choice but to use his Fourth Dimensional Power to send the Artifact back in time into the Primary Universe before the Black Hole collapses upon itself.

Appendix A
[Drawing of a human male torso from about mid-thigh to the bridge of the nose; the skin removed to show the musculature. Two concentric circles are over the middle of the chest in a target shape; there are all sorts of notes that I can't read pointing to muscles; I think it might just be a slightly altered picture right out of an anatomy textbook.]

Appendix B
[Human skeleton seen from the side, with an arrow from the chest indicating the direction of the pathway/tunnel.]

Chapter Twelve - Dreams
When the Manipulated awaken from their Journey into the Tangent Universe, they are often haunted by the experience in their dreams.

Many of them will not remember.

Those who do remember the Journey are often overcome with profound remorse for the regretful actions buried within their Dreams, the only physical evidence buried within the Artifact itself, all that remains from the lost world.

Ancient myth tells us of the Mayan Warrior killed by an Arrowhead that had fallen from a cliff, where there was no Army, no enemy to be found.

We are told of the Medievel Knight mysteriously impaled by the sword he had not yet built.

We are told that these things occur for a reason.

[The word "Notes" is in typeface on a blank page; beneath, in handwritten capitals (I suspect I could guess at the names I couldn't read if I had seen the movie less than a three months ago):]

Living Receiver
Donnie Darko

Manipulated Dead
Frank Anderson
Gretchen Ross (not her real name)

Manipulated Living
Edward Darko
Rose Darko
Elisabeth Darko
Samantha Darko
Katherine Farmer
Elisabeth Farmer
Jim Cunningham ([something something], 1988)
Kenneth Monnitoff
Karen Pomeroy
Larry Cole
Ch[--?] Chen
Seth Devlin
Ricky Danforth
Joanie James
Susan Bates
Susan Bailey
Sean Smith
Leroy[?] Jones
Michael Carter
Linda Connie[?]
Roberta Sparrow

[ 26-03-2002: Message edited by: doubting thomas ]
Mystery Gypt
09:35 / 26.03.02
quote:Originally posted by impulsivelad:
Care to post what you've come up with. I'd love to see you lot break this down like you do with New X Men and Buffy.

one thing that i felt was a key were the films playing in the double feature on the donnie's date with the girl.


donnie's story is very much like LAST TEMPTATION, in that he gets a chance to live out an entire life as a man, gets to be in love with a girl, etc, but ultimately he has to give up his life to save them all. he even saves the fucking "anti-christ" (swayze) because it is the right thing to do. he accept the existence of *something cosmic* that he names god, and having lived this material existence in order to understand that higher order, he passes out of life and into something new, outside of time.

the bunny-suit creature is a sort of "evil dead" and when it is counting down to the end of the world, it could be interpereted ass counting down to donnie's death or the kid wearing the suits death. both are correct, and a third option is that it is the end of the world for the evil-dead-bunny itself, who's world ends because it ceases to exist when donnie chooses a different timeline.

in addition to the two films mentioned above, the director has sworn the whole thing is a remake of La Jette, chris marker's incredible still-photo experimental film about time travel ("remade" as 12 monkeys). as i recall, in that film the protagonist caused the very tragedy he hoped to avoid via time travel; donnie dark does something much different. he rebels against fate, while simultaneously accepting the inevitability of consequence. he literally meets god and even gives up his own identity as martyr -- ie, the girl will never even meet him -- in order to truly do good.

anyone have a sense of what the film's "position" is on the question of violence against authority? this comes up again and again, in the plotline with barrymore, etc. though donnie chooses a path that ends all the violence, how are we left to think about our relation to authority? that there is someway to transcend it? or its better to die resisting peacefully than succomb to violent impules? i'm not sure myself.
Mystery Gypt
09:35 / 26.03.02
quote:Originally posted by doubting thomas:
(For those perusers of the site... have you noticed that the time since the Tangent Universe collapsed is still increasing?)

the site used to be counting TOWARDS the tangent universe collapse, before the film opened. the debut of the film being said collapse. so now it is counting time away from the film's opening.

if we play on the word "collapse" though, it brings to mind the quantum mechanical experiments in which which 2 states -- or universes, which are orthogonal (tangent) COLLAPSE at the moment they are perceived. that universe then becomes the one that is real and measurable to us. perhaps at the moment the film was PERCEIVED, the ongoing living fictional looping universe collapsed into the specific state that we now call donnie darko.
bio k9
09:35 / 26.03.02
If you're still reading this thread you probably don't need *ANOTHER SPOILER WARNING* but there it is.

The bike ride to Roberta Sparrow's house at the beginning of Chapter 24, Waltz in the Fourth Dimension, had ET written all over it.

quote:Originally posted by Mystery Gypt:
Anyone have a sense of what the film's "position" is on the question of violence against authority? This comes up again and again, in the plotline with barrymore, etc. Though Donnie chooses a path that ends all the violence, how are we left to think about our relation to authority? That there is someway to transcend it? Or its better to die resisting peacefully than succomb to violent impules? I'm not sure myself.


None of Donnies violence is directed at people exept when he kills Frank near the end of the movie. Just after he shoots Frank he tells the kid in the clown costume to "Go home and tell your parents everything will be ok." I think he knows it was wrong and he knows hes going to make it right.

May be obvious but I liked that Frank only ran over Gretchen because he was trying to avoid Roberta Sparrow who had just taken a letter from Donnie her mailbox.

deus ex machina

"What did you just say? What the fuck did you just say?"

God from a machine.

An unbelievible character or event thats brought in to resolve the plot.

deus ex machina indeed.
bio k9
09:35 / 26.03.02
So, what about Cherita Chen?
Mystery Gypt
09:35 / 26.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Bio K9:
So, what about Cherita Chen?

= Martha Dumptruck.
kid coagulant
11:27 / 26.03.02
'teenage suicide, don't do it'
Perfect Tommy
01:54 / 28.03.02
Here's what I don't get:

The science teacher, Mr. Monnitoff, says cryptic things such as, "Let no one know I gave you this," "I can't continue these conversations," and so forth. The website tells us, in the form of a newspaper article, that in 1999, he was killed in a hit-and-run accident; the article also tells us that before becoming a science teacher, he worked for the CIA. And that letter accompanying the copy of _The Philosophy of Time Travel_ asks the recipient to find a place "they" can never find it.

The best I can come up with is that in our post-Kennedy-assassination world, we have conspiracy theory instead of divine intervention, and so the "religious iconography" surrounding the Artifact (the plane engine) takes the form of weird government operations instead of claims of the divine.

I also think the above is stupid. Anyone got anything better?
Mystery Gypt
05:38 / 28.03.02
"they" might be the, what are they called in the book, the "manipulated others" or whatever, the people closest to donnie who unwittingly play a part of the tangential universe collapse.

the hit-and-run may be less assassination and more structural repetition vis-a-vis the hit-and-run that causes the tangential universe collapse. perhaps that makes the science teacher something akin to an apostle or a prophet, crucified like jesus but not himself the messiah; or even more directly like john the baptist who came before but had not perfected the teacher. if he was killed in 1999, where does this put him in the movie's timeline? and in WHICH timeline? could it be that he is sacrificed in only one or the other, lost or saved based on donnie's decision?

via "conspiracy-speak," which is uncontestably the mysticism of the last 20thC, we do in fact return to religious iconography -- a faceless, powerful originator, a struggle for good and evil, unexplainable miracles and sacred objects (the engine, or in other myths, the alien artifact, etc.).

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