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LOST season 5 (with Spoilers)


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Dead Megatron
22:24 / 12.02.09
It just hit me that the Smoke Monster seem to have appeared in several places in islando, however Russeau's daughter's father said it was the security system for that temple. What if, then, there are several Smoke Monsters, one for each sensible and possible vulnerable place in the island? Maybe in the very end/final chapter Jack's final feat to save everyone will be to face one of those in order to, let's say, turn off a switch or something. All very epic and whatnot, but at the same time nihilistic and utilitarian.
16:55 / 13.02.09
Just curious what everyone THINKS of this season so far -- like it or not? I like's picking up right from the high of season 4. I like the mixing and matching of characters -- commando Sayid and paranoid Hurley, etc.

Has anyone noticed how breathtaking Kate looks now? Man, I guess living on an island must really mess with a girl's appearance. A few times this season when a scene's cut to her, I didn't even recognize her at first. Even Ana-Lucia looked great in her cameo.
Keith, like a scientist
17:09 / 13.02.09
While I don't really want to veer into any superficial territory, I would imagine that proper hygiene and diets on top of access to hair and makeup products would change your appearance quite a bit. It's nice to realize that they did a good job of unglamorizing the cast members on the island. I'm rewatching some episodes and noticing just how much they let people get dirty and unkempt as hell as the series progresses.

I'm liking the season so far. As a complete nerd, I like that they have completely embraced the show as fairly high concept sci-fi. It's an excellent mix of sci-fi and well-written drama/character relationships.

Also Faraday was a welcome shot in the arm to this series. Someone who seems to know what's going on and has no agenda for keeping it secret, like so many of our would-be answer-holders. I <3 him.

LOST has definitely become my all-time favorite show. The unwavering strength of Season 4 propelled it over the top for me.
17:20 / 13.02.09
Farady is a favorite of mine too. (As an aside, the actor stars in one of my favorite films, "CQ," so check it out if you are interested.)

I'm wondering if this full-on sci-fi spin will kill the show. A healthy portion of Lost's audience is made up of mainstreamers, who, sadly, are probably more enamored with the Jack-Kate-Sawyer romantic shenanigans than the time-travel/sci-fi aspects.

I'm afraid the tricky time-travel bits might confuse many of them so much that they begin to tune out -- my wife, for example, is no sci-fi fan at all, and she's already having a tough time grappling with the time travel stuff. I love it, though.
Colonel Kadmon
20:30 / 13.02.09
I reckon the mainstreamers mostly jumped ship back in seasons two or three. Everyone I know that watches it is pretty committed. Ratings have been strong, thus far.

Personally, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. Best season yet. Thus far.
07:55 / 16.02.09
I imagine that that’s a fairly good assessment. Part-timers have surely given up the ghost by now – only the hardcore remain.

It seems to me that time travel has led to some excellent drama, and inter-personal shenanigans. With the time jumps, what the creators have done is create a device that serves a powerful expository function while also re-instilling the show with the bewildering atmosphere of the first season. Put simply the characters are completely and utterly LOST once more, and this time the stakes are considerably higher in that we know that death lurks just around the corner.

Charlotte, Ben’s bio-daughter, then?
17:40 / 16.02.09
Charlotte, Ben’s bio-daughter, then?

That´s unlikely. According to Lostpedia:

- Ben Linus was born on December 19th in the early 1960s, (...).

- According to information provided by Ben, Charlotte Staples Lewis was born on July 2, 1979 in Essex, England to parents David and Jeannette (...).

He could have fathered her (at 15 - 18), but he was on the island. And Charlotte supposedly was born in the UK and brought to the island. The script writers should have at least have her hint at the fact, that she was born and raised on the island.

And if she´s his daughter, why would he have allowed her to leave the island as a young girl?

Also, I don´t see how him being Charlotte´s father would contribute to the story, since there are already so many father-child stories going on (Sawyer/Jack/Locke/Sun/Kate and their fathers).
Keith, like a scientist
18:00 / 16.02.09
My spidey-sense still makes me think Charlotte has something to do with Annie, Ben's childhood friend. Unless Charlotte has something to do with Widmore (the British thing and all).

Charlotte being Ben's daughter doesn't seem to be supported by anything. Ben doesn't seem to have many blank spots in his knowledge, so not knowing what happened to this daughter after leaving the island seems implausible.

The complete disappearance of Annie from the show does point to her having something to do later on, at least to me.
08:25 / 17.02.09
Yes, thanks for setting my brain straight, Keith, I think the Annie connection is actually what I'm getting at.

Annie is a loose end at the moment that somehow has to find her way back into the story, and in a way that we're likely to care about - making Charlotte her daughter might work to do that. I suppose I was suggesting a tie to Ben because a) she has Ben's eyes, and b) Ben is the definitely part of the Annie equation.
08:28 / 17.02.09
And if she´s his daughter, why would he have allowed her to leave the island as a young girl?

That's not really an argument, Mist. There's a hundred and one different ways of answering that question, all of which have the potential to be quite entertaining.
Evil Scientist
10:15 / 17.02.09
I imagine that that’s a fairly good assessment. Part-timers have surely given up the ghost by now – only the hardcore remain.

Hey I'm still watching, despite leaving half way through Season 1, missing Season 2 through lack of interest, and only coming back to Season 3 because my brother needed it videoed.

Mind you, the more the sci-fi amps up the more I'm enjoying the show. Loved Jin's time-hopping exploits through the early history of Rousseau, especially the creepy flash of her lover apparently having been possessed/replaced/controlled by the Monster.
10:56 / 17.02.09
You're a very special kind of part-timer, Evil
Keith, like a scientist
12:03 / 17.02.09
Annie is a loose end at the moment that somehow has to find her way back into the story, and in a way that we're likely to care about - making Charlotte her daughter might work to do that. I suppose I was suggesting a tie to Ben because a) she has Ben's eyes, and b) Ben is the definitely part of the Annie equation.

It is curious, though, that they killed her off at this point, but the Charlotte/Ben revelation could come to pass. Obviously we can see the connection come in a flashback.... obviously the "Daniel warns lil Charlotte" scene is going to be shown at some point and the big cliffhanger is going to be Mom and Dad Charlotte looking on somewhere.

So here's a question: So far, Charlotte, Miles, and Daniel all appear to have had previous island adventures. That's 3 out of 5 of the Freighter Force so far. Is it going to turn out that Naomi and the-person-I-love-almost-as-much-as-Faraday, Frank Lapidus, Helicopter Pilot!, also have island adventures in their past? Is that why Abaddon chose them all?
18:08 / 17.02.09
Where is Lapidus?!!!?

Daniel's had previous Island adventures? My mind's gone blank on that one
18:36 / 17.02.09
Where is Lapidus?!!!?

He was with the Oceanic Six and probably now is back in his old life until the writers need him again?

Daniel's had previous Island adventures? My mind's gone blank on that one

He was in the tunnel when Dharma video guy Chang was called down there for some discovery (episode "Because You Left").
19:37 / 17.02.09
My take on that scene was it's from a future point this season, a scene we haven't yet gotten to -- Farady time-flung back to the early '80s (or so) and impersonating a Dharma rep in order to figure out how to stop the time-flux shenanigans. This could also be where/when he warns "little Charlotte" about not returning to the island. At least, that's my take -- that the opening moment of Season 5 is something we won't get back to for a few more episodes at least.

I don't think Faraday's been there before, as his nosebleeds aren't as bad as Charlotte's -- and besides, Sawyer et al are now getting them. However maybe he was, got mind-blanked somehow by previous time-switch shenanigans, and has no recollection of his previous island experience. Wasn't there that bit last year where Faraday had a note to himself that "Desmond is your anchor" or something to that effect? I always did wonder about that moment, which seemed to imply that Faraday knew before leaving with the Freighter crew that he would eventually lose his, my head is starting to hurt. Wait, I'm getting a nosebleed!
19:41 / 17.02.09
I thought Faraday not suffering was something to do with him having his constant?
Keith, like a scientist
20:10 / 17.02.09
Hmm, yes, you are right.

Daniel warning Charlotte/Visiting the Orchid are clearing in his future, so he has not had prior island adventures. That was my mind playing time-tricks on me, I suppose. Shit I need a diagram to refer to when posting these days.

So it's only Charlotte and Miles who were likely on the island before.
07:55 / 18.02.09
Buttergun, that's exactly my take: all that's in Daniel's future
Keith, like a scientist
14:51 / 19.02.09
Quite a few questions to come out of "316," last night's episode.

1. What happened to Aaron? Did Kate give him up to Claire's mom? Was her reason for not wanting to talk about it pure grief/love or something darker? Flashback episode incoming!

2. Ben at the marina. The implication seems to be that he went to kill Penny on the Dynamic Duo's boat, but it seems unlikely that Desmond and Penny sailed from England to LA in so short a time. Unless they started their journey awhile back and didn't really feel the urgency to get there... Flashback episode incoming! But is it Ben's or is it Desmond's?

3. What happened with Sayid? Flashback episode incoming!

4. Hurley.... what happened.... ? Er, right, Flashback episode incoming!

It seems obvious the left-behinders infiltrated Dharma (Daniel in first s5 episode, and now Jin). I wonder what they've learned and what their purpose might be?

Out of all the questions, the Aaron one seems really compelling. Especially since of all the Aaron backstory:

Psychic to Claire: "You yourself must raise this child."
Hurly to Jack: "You're not suppose to raise him."
Ghost-Claire to Kate: "Don't bring him back!"

Oh and I almost forgot, it's fucking Frank Lapidus, Helicopter Pilot!
18:37 / 19.02.09
Whatever the Kate/Aaron story entailed, it apparently left Kate in a randy state of mind. And I do love how Jack capitalized on it, rather than asking her to talk about whatever happened.

Sayid's expressions when the other islanders got on the plane were hilarious.

How about next week's promo? Pretty much blew any surprise there could've been.
18:42 / 19.02.09
The Kate/Jack encounter left the possibility of filling another role which was present on the original flight: a pregnant woman.
19:07 / 19.02.09
Someone gave an interesting explanation, when I questioned how none of the flight company personnel got alarmed that all the adult Oceanic Six wanted to board the same plane, flying over the pacific again, and that one member bought over 70 seats for himself. Would have been unlikely that that plane really would have been okayed for lift off.

Explanation: Widmore pulled the strings for this flight to be cleared for take off.
21:08 / 19.02.09
That's the kind of thing that they wouldn't really need to explain, even if it would be unlikely to happen. It's possible because it's a small, mostly foreign-service airline, that they wouldn't be as likely to be recognized (maybe), and the empty seat thing could be ignored. I mean, if you want to get picky, there were plenty of other things that you could find. When Eloise told Jack to get something of his father's to put with Jack, he huffed and acted like it was so crazy, but he never asked (like no one ever asks) "why, exactly, is that going to make anything happen? Explain." Certainly somewhere near the end of it's run, someone will start doing that. Kate's attitude, post-coitus, suggested to me that she may have been with Jack for some ulterior motive, the combination of her passion turning to near indifference to him seemed to mean something more than her distraction about Aaron. It's like she didn't care about him at all, afterwards. Maybe not, though. Where's Desmond now?
I guess the next episode wraps up some of the reasons why the others got on the plane.
Dead Megatron
22:59 / 20.02.09
it's fucking Frank Lapidus, Helicopter Pilot!

Beardless Frank Lapidus, Commercial Airline Pilot. What will be the nefarious consequence of such... "triming down"? (flashback episode coming? probably not)

I wonder what will be of the guy who said condolences to Jack at the line and who was at the 316, as well as the very attractive FBI agent taking Sayd for a plane ride (henceforth known as "Bizarro Kate" by me). It's unlikely two actors who seem to have been so carefully cast will not be added to the plot. Is Lost, the spin-off series, coming?
23:48 / 20.02.09
Obviously that one guy, who's a very recognizable character actor, is going to come into play somehow. He may be a Widmore plant.
06:55 / 21.02.09
I´ve read rumours that the stewardess might also make it to the island, just as Cindy, who was taken by the others.
05:46 / 23.02.09
I've got a feeling the whole plane will make it to the island. When Sawyer was held captive, they had him breaking rocks to build a runway. Lapidus has to land that plane. With a plane they could get everyone off the island in the final episode just before the Jughead bomb blows up the island like the Bikini atoll!
Right after I watched last week's, I rewatched the pilot episode. Jack wakes up in the jungle a distance away from the crash site. Later when they all compare stories of the crash, Jack explains that he heard a noise and then blacked out, then waking up in the jungle... So I'm assuming that he and his father, and maybe his grandfather even have all been to the island before the time of the pilot episode.
wicker woman
07:08 / 23.02.09
This last episode was actually vaguely disappointing for me, which was the first time that's happened in some time with this show.

It was good enough and all, I suppose, but it just seemed like they were rushed back to the island too quickly, and it feels like their time off the island could have been mined for considerably more; which I realize, yes, can be covered in flashbacks, but there was a... feel, I guess, to having them in the 'real' world that will be lost with them all being back on the island.

Plus... what happened with it being, VITALLY, TERRIBLY important that all of the Oceanic Six were together for the trip back? The way Faraday's mother sounded before, it didn't seem like it might be ok if there were only some. It just felt very much like they ran out of stuff for them to do on the mainland and are rushing them back.

That said; Locke's note to Jack was great, and Lapedius's line "We're... not going to Guam, are we?" was one of the best ever.

I'm starting to be unsure as to how I feel about Ben, which is a good thing.
10:09 / 23.02.09
I loved it! Pure Lost pleasure

So, Sayid's escort and the little chap with the moustache: new characters? Yes, I think so. Every season needs a few new mystery characters
13:43 / 23.02.09
I think I'm the same as Clay on this one. There were some moments but overall it left me a bit cold but it might be because I've been enjoying this season a lot so far.

I liked the look on Sayids face as people appeared.

Loved Bens reading line, all the better as someone pointed out elsewhere when you remember that his mother died during child birth. Ben Owns.
04:08 / 24.02.09
I think there's a distinct possibility that one or more of the 6, maybe Hurley and/or Sayid, are moles for Widmore. Their issues with the group returning to the island were solved all too quick and willingly.
Keith, like a scientist
13:37 / 24.02.09
I've got a feeling the whole plane will make it to the island. When Sawyer was held captive, they had him breaking rocks to build a runway.

I've seen this idea posted about elsewhere on the web, as well. It's interesting, given the Ajira water bottle on the post-apocalyptic beach camp, but it's hard to reconcile with the fact that Jack, Kate, and Hurley appeared on the island during the 70s/80s and that Sawyer was breaking rocks in 2004 on the Hydra island.

Of course, I thought the runway idea was from a joke by Juliet, so who knows.
Colonel Kadmon
21:04 / 24.02.09
I think that was an episode that had to happen, all that exposition. It took an entire series to get into the hatch, and then she just spills out all that stuff about the Island moving? Still, it was aces and I think that I've become numb to how enjoyable the episodes are now because the whole series has been so strong.

That said, I am very surprised how quickly the O6 (or five of them, at least) got back to the Island. I genuinely expected that at during the last episode of the season. I think this season is going to cover far more ground than might be expected. I knew the pace would be breakneck, but this is ridiculous.

The order was swapped between this episode and the next, "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham". Cuselhoff said that the reason this was possible would be obvious, and I'm wondering if all the bits of story going on behind the scenes here will be this week's episode. Sayid, Aaron, what Ben was up to, how Hurley knew, and so on.

Some questions -

When are the O6? Are they their present, or Faraday/Jin/etc's?

Is the Island still moving, or did it stop when Locke turned the wheel?

And if Dharma/Eloise Hawking can predict where and when the Island is, why should it matter if and when and by whom the wheel is turned?
Keith, like a scientist
14:17 / 26.02.09
I really hope that last night's episode wasn't the moment the show jumped the shark. I wasn't expecting...that. At the risk of spoiling anyone, I'll hold off.

However, here are my central questions of the moment:

1. Who is telling the truth? Ben or Widmore?
2. Likewise, which is "good" and which is "bad"?

My gut is that Ben is a lying little jealous shit so Widmore's exposition could be truth.

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