I just think it's so incredulously stupid, the entire thing -- the Losties hanging out with young Ben and the Dharma group, running around in their ridiculous little jumpsuits. I really don't know what the hell show we are watching, I really don't.
One of the many reasons I think UK shows are better -- because they know at the start it will only be so many episodes long. Planning like that would've prevented the plotholes we're now mired in. We're supposed to believe that Ben, who's been around since Season 2, actually knew the Losties when he was a kid...feeding Sayid sandwhiches, even! All the more ridiculous when you realize that the actor playing Ben was originally contracted TO ONLY APPEAR IN A FEW EPISODES. Not only did they then elaborate his character and make him a much bigger part...but now they've even given him a retroactive role in the past. I know the fans will come on here and defend this until they're blue in the face..."Ben's a manipulator and has been hiding it all along" and yadda yadda, but really it's just...well, it's just stupid. What we're seeing this season is the writers crawling so far up their own asses that they can't find their way back out.
They rushed the characters back to the island, and now it's like they have nothing for them to do. Would YOU casually take up life in the Dharma Initiative, even though you were just in 2007 and it's now 1977? Would YOU put on a jumpsuit and hang around in a camp compound, biding your time for...something? Knowing all along that the people you are with are fated to die horribly sometime very soon? Would you? Really? Yet that's what our heroes are doing.
Sawyer's new role as a Dharma functionary irks me too, as it's taking focus away...the producers built up the approaching reunion between him and Kate and Jack, etc, but now when the moment arrives it's as underwhelming as a Jehovah Witness's birthday party.
No, Sawyer's now IMPORTANT, he has a ROLE to play with the Dharma freaks...and yeah, sure, I realize that he's been with them for 3 years, so possibly the bonds he's built with them are stronger than those he built with the Losties in the 100 days they were on the island...yet those 100 days were FOUR SEASONS for us. We are invested in the Lost characters, NOT the Dharma characters. I could give a good damn about Horace and Michelle from 24 and the whole damn group. The way this season is playing out is the most circuitous misery and the saddest thing is, it's pointless. And the forced tension they're creating between our characters -- Sawyer and Jack back to a Season 1 rivalry, Sayid taking out Jin, the whole shebang...good lord.
Anyway...my two favorite moments last night:
Ben's dad throwing away Sayid's sandwhich. I laughed aloud at that, because Ben's dad is the janitor...so he's eventually gonna have to go pick up that sandwhich.
Jin showing up at the end. Another laugh aloud moment...so Jin's just been aimlessly driving around the island all this time, searching for Sun? |