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LOST season 5 (with Spoilers)


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09:45 / 27.04.09
I don't have trouble understanding what he says, he just doesn't seem to be acting when he talks. It's like he thinks the camera is filming the reaction shots of the people he's talking to, instead of him talking.
14:37 / 27.04.09
I'll look closer as yourn is an opinion I respect 'n' stuff, but I can't say I've noticed him not acting.
alex supertramp
17:33 / 27.04.09
I've enjoyed Jeremy Davies' performance, especially the scene where he knocks on the hatch door and talks to Desmond. This next episode is probably going to be Faraday centric, right?
18:09 / 27.04.09
Um... can we say? I don't know.

Anyway; this isn't just me! I'm not the only one who, while liking Faraday a fair bit, really feels a total lack of engagement when he delivers exposition, for the above reasons.

Really, I'm not.
21:17 / 27.04.09
You! might! well! not! be!
21:29 / 27.04.09
I blame Faraday´s mum.
01:02 / 28.04.09
I can't say I've noticed him not acting.

"I'm not not licking toads."
Dead Megatron
09:16 / 28.04.09
I don't have trouble understanding what he says, he just doesn't seem to be acting when he talks. It's like he thinks the camera is filming the reaction shots of the people he's talking to, instead of him talking.

Reminds me of some college professors I had. Maybe he just really doesn't like explaining himself to "mere mortals" or some such stuff. The few phisicists I've met were not really the accomplished public speaker type of people.
Keith, like a scientist
15:14 / 30.04.09
Among all the details of last night's insane episode, I've been mulling Daniel's magic notebook of knowledge. Namely, where the hell did all of his notes come from and how did he know so much about Dharma and the Island? Neither his mother nor Widmore told him much on camera (like about the Tempest station). It's possible his notes came from his time aboard the ship and experiments he started doing, but it seems much more likely that all of his Dharma/Island notes came from using his time travel experiments on himself. Somehow he would transport his consciousness into his 1974-77/2007 Dharma body and learn what's going on. Back in Oxford time, he would put that all in his book. It's curious that they never explained this as it seems a large continuity point in relation to Daniel's knowledge of what's going on. Perhaps it will come out but it came as a sort of Eureka point for me this morning while thinking about last night's episode.

As for the rest, the ending was... depressing but perhaps things aren't exactly as they appear.
19:25 / 30.04.09
I find his exposition a lot more palatable when he's running. Had a nicely breathless quality to.

On the other end of the scale, it was nice for Eloise to finally use her "I'm swallowing kitten guts and I like it but there's something slimy caught in my throat" face for something actually that dramatic.

Keith; what did he know that he shouldn't know? That Desmond-is-my-constant stuff?

I don't know what lessened this ep more: me spoiling his death, or them foreshadowing it with leaden fists of meaning.
Keith, like a scientist
20:18 / 30.04.09
Keith; what did he know that he shouldn't know? That Desmond-is-my-constant stuff?

Small things:
-When walking through the jungle during time skips, he said "this notebook contains everything I know about Dharma and the Island" - In all of his scenes prior to the Island, nothing indicates he knows much about the Island
-He consulted his notebook before talking to Desmond at the backdoor of the Swan

BIG things:
-Chang's arrival at Orchid ("Right on time")
-Time til "the incident"

As a side note, when he is crying about the fake Oceanic 815, he says "I don't know." If he had been experimenting on himself with his time travel doohickey, he most likely experienced terrible moments in the 815 survivors lives on the Island and knew that the crash was a fake... but due to his memory loss side-effects, he doesn't precisely remember the details, just the emotional reaction.

Once he found out that he would be traveling to the island, he scrawled down the name he knew would exist in both his past and his future: Desmond. Which leads me to suspect that Desmond's somewhat pointless off-Island adventures are going to be related to Faraday's ultimate fate.

These are the reasons I think that he basically has experienced various events on the Island post-Desmond's mind trip to Oxford.

Although, given the final scene of the episodes, it's hard to say whether or not this will factor into anything going forward...
20:28 / 30.04.09
I suspect none of it is going to factor into anything going forward, and if it did, he's spent an unknown period of time doing things, and having things done to him, that he then forgets, but remembers when he gets to the Island.

Plus, he must have been briefed on some stuff on the freighter, learned some Dharma stuff working for them in Ann Arbor.

But the overall impression I got was that he fell out of time, gained an imperfect picture of what was/is happened/ing, and tried to fix things.

I'm more interested in why he started thinking he could change things (when he, Kate and Jack were loading by the van, it seemed they could have gone with a line about how he'd lied about not changing anything, and chose to go with one about realising that you could), really. Did the picture change before his eyes?

Also, how many episodes are left of this season? Is it basically in real time?
Dead Megatron
21:26 / 30.04.09
I think there are three left, and say about five hour till the incident.

My guess is that in those final episode Jack and Kate will try to carry out Daniel plan even without him (how hard it can be to just detonate a hydrogen bomb in an underground pocket of electromagnetic energy, after all?) while Sawyer and Juliet will try to stop them from doing it (what? And lose our idilic suburban life in the island? No way, jack!) while the other will pick sides, and Locke will do something really stupid in the end because he thought the island wanted him to.

Final season might take place entirely in an alernate, no-plane-crashing timeline where everything has coincidentaly taken a turn to the worse, with the survivors living on like zombies with a strange feeling that something is amiss.

And Desmond will fix everything.

The skeletons are Bernard and Rosie. They both died during the flashes.

Heed my words. I shall be right.
Colonel Kadmon
22:10 / 30.04.09
I presumed that the gift Hawking gave Desmond was the notebook. Not that that illuminates anything...

I have come to expect that the group that Ceaser, Ilana, the guys in the black van last ep are working for, is the Hansos. They've been mentioned all the way through, but have never played their hand. I expect them to be the major theme of the last season, and that means they'll be put into play by the finale.

I've been wrong before, though.
23:59 / 30.04.09
As far as Daniel's current knowledge of the island, wasn't he working for Dharma for the last three years? Didn't they have that bit of exposition when he showed back up?
I liked that episode a great deal.
My prediction is that the healing powers of the island will bring Daniel back like Locke, he'll build a Gilligan's Island-style time machine out of bamboo and coconuts, they'll set the bomb on a timer and get out just in time in the coconut time machine.

Heed my words.
alex supertramp
22:28 / 01.05.09
I think Rose and Bernard have been with the Others this whole time. Sayiid is probably with them, too. My guess is that Jack and Kate go to the Others and find them all there.
Mark Parsons
04:07 / 07.05.09
Is Richard the Serpent in the Garden?
Keith, like a scientist
12:14 / 07.05.09
I had read (at AICN curse them) that last night's episode was Alpert-centric. Boy was I disappointed to find out this was not at all the case. I thought we were finally going to get some answers about this guy.

I'm the first one to roll my eyes when viewers ask questions like "Why didn't Sayid just reveal what he knew about such and such to blah blah?," choosing to just go with the narrative.

But Jack and Sayid not asking one damn question about the Tunnels? WTF! Even after all the insanity of the past years, wouldn't Egyptian tunnels underground be cause for some "Ok, what the hell is this?"
Jack The Bodiless
15:56 / 07.05.09
I really don't think that Jack-and-Sayid-on-the-ragged-edge care about a few hieroglyplics on the walls. They're talking about setting off a nuke and potentially vapourising the island and themselves based on an uninformed faith in Daniel's elliptiposition bombs. Perspective, mate. They need it and so do you.

Ok... here's some interesting information... Although not much is publically known about the manufacture of a hydrogen bomb, it is theorised on known information that they contain at least two, possibly three stages, the primary and secondary stages separated by an 'inter-stage'. Publically released information from the US government regarding the Reliable Replacement Warhead program indicated that new designs for the inter-stage would replace both 'toxic material' and an 'expensive special material'. The former is apparently widely assumed to be beryllium, the latter, something codenamed Fogbank, which is theorised to be an aerogel. For those who don't know, aerogels are solids that appear to be gases (kind of - check out for more details), which sounds very familiar... Wikipedia has the original article here - - on the hydrogen bomb, but the source link concerning the US government public info release on RRW is broken - however, the RRW began around 2004, possibly around the time they were putting Lost together, so it's possible this was read by the show's creators at some point during the gestation process...
Keith, like a scientist
16:04 / 07.05.09
Perspective, mate. They need it and so do you.

Haha, this is my usual reaction but that moment perturbed me.

Curious info you found out about Hydrogen bombs. With regards to the smoke... It's telling that we haven't seen Smokey in 1977 (or prior), have we? However, the Ben-with-Smokey seemed to suggest Smokey was ancient... hmm. Of course, perhaps the incident creates Smokey and sends it hurtling back through time to torment the ancient inhabitants.

Also, in Richard's timeline, has he met Jack before? I don't see how he could have, but he spoke to him by name in a somewhat familiar way at one point...
20:59 / 08.05.09
Something cute for the LOST fans.

22:38 / 08.05.09
I liked it, for the most part.
But that was the cheapest, cheesiest CGI submarine I've ever seen. It looked like an early nineties VG sub.

Keith, you are being arbitrary in now being exasperated by the seeming total lack of curiosity on characters' parts. Not that I've not been guilty of being just as arbitrary.

So, is there a list somewhere of people who've appeared on the island who were either dead or otherwise not really there? Didn't Horace show up at some earlier time?

I apologize for not adding much to the conversation lately. I'm enjoying the show (with the usual minor annoyances), but I don't have many theories, questions, or observations right now.

One question: did Faraday tell them how to use the bomb, or was it said or implied that instructions were in the notebook?
Keith, like a scientist
03:21 / 09.05.09
Keith, you are being arbitrary in now being exasperated by the seeming total lack of curiosity on characters' parts. Not that I've not been guilty of being just as arbitrary.

I just don't know what's happened to my life. I used to be so happy and carefree and now I'm questioning things! I really really really really need some sort of frozen donkey wheel to come along and make it all go away.
11:29 / 09.05.09
Frozen donkey wheel, huh? I know of only one place that has one of those, but unfortunately it's going to take all of your life's effort and all of your vast fortune, with years of obsessive searching, to find it.
Keith, like a scientist
02:13 / 14.05.09

Locke: Two players. Two sides. One is light. One is dark. - The Pilot

Oh my, I can't wait to see the insane theories that the next 6-7 months will bring.
wicker woman
10:37 / 14.05.09

Seriously? Jack is willing to blow up a nuke while being completely unsure of the final result on the strength of nothing more than Daniel's recommendation... and it's all for Kate?? Are you kidding? Granted, Jack is kind of a single-minded doofus, but those two had all the chemistry potential of a fart in a crowded elevator. I got more out of the short-lived-at-least-for-us-anyway relationship of Sawyer and Juliet than I ever did out of those two. Not to mention the apparently dashed hope that Jack had.... oh, I dunno, grown a little through his experiences on and off the island...

And so... is Locke back from the dead? Is he not? Is he kinda? Did Jacob's enemy, whoever this guy is, use Locke as some sort of reincarnation vehicle? Whose side is the island on? Is it its own separate player, apart from Jacob and his nameless enemy? Why was Jacob visiting all of the castaways? Did Jacob arrange his own death, and for what purpose?

All that said, and with all sorts of new questions to be answered in one final season... very, very good episode. The moment with Bernard and Rose was easily among the best in the series.
11:07 / 14.05.09
Yes, I thought that Jack's...reasoning behind detonating a nuclear bomb seemed a bit capricious. Besides, when did he ever "have her", except in the biblical way? And everyone else's sudden willingness to go along with it? I suppose after all of the (exhaustive list of unbelievable shit here) that's happened, they might be willing to chance blowing themselves up (and apparently the statue).
Jacob- it did seem pointless to have him show up in people's lives at random, other than to point out the fact again that they're all part of some grand plan, and somehow the element of "choice" is going to be vital to their importance in being there.
Christ, I'm sick- I'll write more later when I'm not.
Keith, like a scientist
12:12 / 14.05.09
Yes, I thought that Jack's...reasoning behind detonating a nuclear bomb seemed a bit capricious. Besides, when did he ever "have her", except in the biblical way?

Well, they were living the happy life for awhile back in LA. Raising Aaron, getting married, doing the normal life thing. So in Jack's mind, that's having her. Of course he fucked it all up by being a self-loathing jealous prick. So pushing restart and getting her out of his life for good might seem like a good way to deal with that failure. However...

Jack was fucking crazy. And everyone else was fucking crazy for going along with it. But I suppose they are written to give Jack the benefit of the doubt due to his time as their leader. They all look up to him for the most part.

As for Locke, I'm really unsure what's going on. Somehow Jacob's dark clothed opposite is possessing some part of Locke's presence but how much of it is Locke and how much is an illusion... I have no idea. Introducing this plot element at this point is kind of the teacup that could make the entire stack of plates fall over but I don't know.

And even before that... just who are Jacob and Dark Clothes?
Mark Parsons
13:35 / 14.05.09
Cain and Abel? God and Satan? Seems too obvious...
13:54 / 14.05.09
That finale was entertaining, but they are throwing up more puzzles then are being solved.

With all that happened on this show, shrugging my shoulders has become my default reaction.

Is Juliet dead? Jin survived the exploding freighter.
Did the bomb go off? We didn´t see it. A white screen is no mushroom cloud.

Is Jacob dead? Who knows. He seems to be some kind of demigod, so a couple of knife wounds and some burns should be no problem.

And all this might be of no consequence whatsoever anyway. If Faraday was right, and if the bomb did explode, we´re back to the pilot episode minus the crash.

Plus, how would I know who is who on this show anymore? They could all be dead, zombies, pirates, gods, smoke monsters, pharaos, mad scientists, Hurley´s hallucinations anyway.

There is only so much suspense of disbelief possible. But I´ll keep watching for the sheer amount of curveballs the show throws at me.

I really didn´t like that the bomb fans left their brain on the submarine/back in L.A. and want to blow up a hydrogen bomb because they are lovesick. Kate doesn´t like Jack anymore, Sawyer looked at Kate, Mummy and Daddy got divorced, and that is good enough for a thermonuclear explosion? I am with Miles, they didn´t think this through at all.
Colonel Kadmon
21:25 / 14.05.09
Yes, the question is, Did the bomb go off? But also, Can the future be changed? The writers have suggested both possibilities in the last few episodes.

I'm guessing that the fact that much of our narrative is happening in 2004 means that everything after 1977 won't be erased, otherwise the recent introduction of Illana and Bram would have been for nowt.

Nice to see the Black Rock at last. To remind everyone of my prediction, I stated that the Black Rock's running aground would be how this season began. I think I was a series ahead of myself. Especially if the Island is about to move again. (Although my other prediction, that one of the familiar Losties was Jacob, is indubitably wrong.)

The difference, I suppose, is that this season the writers completely know where they are going. I doubt that any unnecessary mysteries will be added at this point in the game. I think they're being far more careful now that everything ties up.

Still, it was ace, wasn't it? I loved when Hurley turned up in the Vee-Dub van. But at 40 mins in, I did want more action, less emotions.
Keith, like a scientist
21:33 / 14.05.09
My feeling is that the effects of the hydrogen bomb vs. electromagnet pocket will be unpredictable and will send the '77 Losties back to their proper time, in effect "course correcting." A prevailing theory is that Jacob's "They're coming" refers to the time traveling Losties. I don't believe for a second that they will reboot the series like Jack wants. They went back in time and manipulated the Incident to send them 'back to the future!' Somehow this is Jacob's plan and will defeat Man in Black's schemes and somehow result in a peaceful existence on the island for good.

However that's probably all wrong.
21:57 / 14.05.09
They went back in time and manipulated the Incident to send them 'back to the future!'

wicker woman
18:17 / 16.05.09
And even before that... just who are Jacob and Dark Clothes?

The biblical Jacob and Esau seem to be the most commonly theorized parallels, though it's a bit of a tossup as to how much they actually have in common.
03:51 / 06.08.09
Rewatched the finale last night....

Ben makes a sarcastic remark about Locke being Moses leading his people to the Promised Land/Jacob's place.

Jacob appears very Christ-like in his flashback scenes with the younger Losties.

In the statue, Locke/Moses brings Ben/Judas who kills Christ/Jacob with his own hands, rather than just betraying him.

I'm obviously no biblical scholar.
Best line of dialogue in the series so far:

Locke: Ben, do you mind if I ask you a question?

Ben: I'm a Pisces.

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