Well, this was the first episode for ages that didn't really feel like it told us a great deal... which, given that it explained where Michael had been all of season 3, where Walt is, and what Michael was doing on the freighter working for Ben, and so actually told us loads, is quite weird. It felt like filler. Strangeness.
I agree that it's ambiguous as to whether Jin is still on the island or actually dead... either way works for me, frankly. The device of basically coming right out and telling us that a character will die worked like gangbusters for Charlie Pace, who I didn't really even like that much... if they pull off something similar with Jin, who I love, I'll be weeping buckets. Equally, if they're pulling a fast one and Jin's still alive in the future, then I'll be happy too.
Ben's status as 'Bond villain' is working brilliantly for me, and I'm fast loving every minute the CLB* appears on screen. Regarding how they've beefed his character up - butterguns, I know you've got a lot invested in your withering 'they're making this up as they go along' persona on this thread, but here you're reaching. They'd already hinted at a big boss for the Others before 'Henry Gale' was introduced, and it's no stretch to think that, impressed with his performance, they just decided to make 'Henry' into Ben Linus rather than cast someone new.
No more Lost for about four weeks now, right? Shitbox.
* Creepy Little Bastard |