well, it was more of a filler, but i also second the points Boboss made; there were A LOT of infos this time, so we can't say things aren't moving along. and THE CONSTANT would be a hard act to follow anyway.
the point of the action in the present was to neutralize one of Ben's weapons so the Freighters can take over the Island - it clearly felt like an assigned mission to Charlotte and Faraday, one Charlote would kill to see it done, much to Faraday's surprise. I wonder which side will Faraday be on by the end of the season.
it was cool seeing Ben re-reading VALIS, as Locke told him to in a earlier ep. ["maybe you'll see something you haven't before"]. and Ben asking if the cooked rabbit had any number on it. hehe, your meal might have travelled in time, sir.
yeah, i also think the freighter mole is Michael - something that'd be much more shocking to Locke than to us by this point, but anyway.
not a big surprise about Widmore being the freighter's sponsor. we know Abbadon the lawyer recruited Naomi, the Fantastic Four helicopter team and was after information from Hurley in the flashforward. does this mean Widmore eventually will lose the battle and won't be able to [completely] take the Island for him, as Juliet predicted here? and who is Widmore tied to? is he Dharma or independent?
also: i'm starting to think the bastard sponsored the boat race to find the Island somehow; the fact that it was poor Desmond who found it is yet to be set as pure irony or something programmed to happen.
Harper the psychologist mentioned Juliet being "just like her"... a previous love interest of Ben or his dead mother? this was interesting to me as it showed at least some of the Others know a lot about Ben [or more than is expected from such a dreaded leader], and might even control him - more about this a couple of paragraphs below.
what about her appearance for Juliet in the forest at the beginning: is Harper dead and that was another in a series of spirits coming back at certain spots to freak people out? well, she did gave a message from Ben so how the hell did he communicate with the psychologist? did she disappear in a underground tunnel or is she a manifestation of the Smoke Monster? the voices lead us to believe the latter, but I don't know. is Ben really not in touch with the Others and what is his real role here?
so this leads me to theory time: we know that the Losties were led to Oceanic 815 by a series of "coincidences" that seem more or less guided either by a writer team playing the Destiny card for cheese value or some organization pulling the strings in the story's backstage. why would it be important that THIS particular group reached the Island, and that their arrival was covered up?
what Ben said about the Island properties attracting too much attention from the outside world and the predators that would try to exploit it is only "what everybody wants". but there are two sides after it: Dharma [or its remaining operatives, led by Hanso] and its associates representing the corporate side and the crazy hippies represented by... The Black Rock survivors. yeah, i know.
the regained interest in the wrecked ship and ruminations on Jacob led me to this [and if i'm talking shit please let me know]. The Black Rock got stranded in the Island and there was a mutiny: part of crew [Magnus Hanso and Co.] wanted to exploit it; part [subordinates, slaves] wanted to just be left alone there.
eventually both groups managed to leave and Hanso's offspring went to build Dharma while the other survivors gave birth to the Losties' parents. Hanso's got back as Dharma and Black Rockers tried to take the place for them through Ben's mass killing of Dharma operatives.
remember parenthood being important in the flashbacks? everybody has daddy issues, some are destined to be leaders, rivalry will spring all the time etc. what if the Losties had been led to go on board of Oceanic 815 to help fight for this Island and prevent Hanso from getting it back to Dharma?
enters Ben, the wild card they could rely on. either he was more than just "son of workman Linus" [as in "Black Rock descendant"] or he was the one the Others saw as an agent of change they could guide through Jacob. Richard Alpert not ageing and sporting a long hair when Ben was young? he could be a 19th Century sailor preserved by the Island's powers.
Jacob? the ship officer who led the mutiny and somehow got stranded in time, stuck as a ghost forever. I know, it sounds too much like PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, but i'd totally buy that.
crazy theory time ends. |