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Lost - Season 4 (US)


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14:41 / 22.02.08
No, we can't get past it, especially when they practically admitted it a few years back. You really think ALL of the various plot strands thrown about in the past 4 years are going to come together? Really? Those barefooted "others" who came after the Tailies? Kate's horse on the island? Or how about Ben -- whom the producers admitted was a character which was only going to appear FOR A FEW EPISODES -- going from a cultish manipulator to some sort of James Bondian villain?

The show was largely made up on the fly. Now it seems to not be, which is great -- part of the beneft of the flashforwards is that, unlike the old flashbacks, the writers are stuck with the off-island stories they've created. Meaning, they could morph Locke from the handicapped loser in his first flashback in Season 1 to the gun-running survivalist in the flashbacks of later seasons, but you can't change the future stories.

As for Aaron being one of the Oceanic 6...I was wondering that, but since he was born on the island, I figured he wouldn't count, technically at least.
19:39 / 22.02.08
It's a puzzler for sure. My wife and I were just mulling it over.
H3ct0r L1m4
03:12 / 23.02.08
obviously parts of it are written on the fly to accomodate last-minute changes and whatnot. actors leaving the show made the story arcs for ana lucia and mr ecko change, that's for sure. but the bones of LOST are now built up for good. only the meat is placed sometimes here, sometimes there.

i think you guys are right about jack's appearances in the flash. and they also help set the flashforward in a timeframe: bearded jack [late-future] vs. shaved jack [early-future]. this guy's downfall will be very interesting to see. even sayid is having a better time than him, at least in early-future.

it stroke me as very strange that he said in the court the plane had crash in an island in the south pacific. what about the faux-crashed plane with the ringless pilot we've seen? and is there a fake island also involved in Widmore/Economist/Dharma's cover-up?

where are the longhair boys? have they been displaced in space-time or suffering the effects of the island time lag? next week, i hope.
04:45 / 23.02.08
By the way, did anyone catch the wall shaking when Locke threw the breakfast tray against it, after storming out of Ben's cell? I take it Lost is saving some money on sets. A friend pointed it out to me and upon rewatching the episode with my wife (who'd slept through the original broadcast), I caught it and we both burst out laughing.

Also, I didn't catch this the first time, but Jack might've dropped a clue about the mysterious other 2 who didn't survive to become the "Oceanic 6." During his false testimony at Kate's trial, while the camera's on Kate (just before she stands up and tells him to stop), we hear Jack say "...she saved all of us; she would've saved the other two but they..." and that's where Kate stops him. So, it seems the story is the "other 2" died shortly after arriving on the island? Lots of mystery there. Could the other two be Boone and Shannon?

Another reveal for this episode (though we won't see it happen for a while, I'm sure) is that "future Jack" must know Claire is his half-sister...hence his unreadiness to see her son Aaron. I'm assuming Jack blames himself for her death, like he blames himself for everything else...that is of course if Claire really does end up dying. Though I see no other reason why Kate would end up with her son.
11:58 / 23.02.08
On Jack seeing Aaron, that's the explanation I came up with. Whether Kate is dead or not is another question. It's certainly the most obvious and reasonable extrapolation, but this being Lost it's still too early for me to commit entirely. It's not implausible that Claire would want her child having a shot at life off the island if for some reason it turns out that she can't leave.
H3ct0r L1m4
20:23 / 23.02.08
maybe Claire won't survive off the island, as she had the baby there.

there was a thing with women who got pregnant IN the island dying there, so it could work the other way round for those who got pregnant OUTSIDE but managed to have the babies there.

i reckon she'll miss a large part of her son growing up.
20:42 / 23.02.08
You know.. I knew the name meant something but I listened to it a few times and each time I thought she was saying Eric..

What do you reckon about the 3 card memory game? Problems with his memory? BRAIN WASHING?
22:54 / 23.02.08
maybe Claire won't survive off the island

One of the possibilities discussed in the Boboss House.

Bear, here's another bit of Dan related speculation: perhaps he hoped that the Island would heal his memory problems in exactly he same way that it's benefited Rose and Locke. Perhaps the promise of the Island's healing abilities was instrumental in recruiting the Freighter Force.
08:38 / 25.02.08
It occurs to me that the final season may well be set in one timeframe - no flashforwards, no flashbacks.
11:03 / 25.02.08
Except maybe flashbacks to all the other seasons so that we can remember all the convoluted madness that went on.
14:11 / 25.02.08
Yes, that´s a good idea. For example, I had forgotten that Jack and Claire had the same father, and got reminded by reading about the last episode.
14:57 / 25.02.08
I think that's very unlikely indeed. Lost just doesn't exposition in that way.
Dead Megatron
23:33 / 25.02.08
i bet last season will be Jack plus some other people going back to the island to solve the misteries and fix the mess they left behind, alternating with the last moments before they left for the first time. So, there will be flash-backs of flash-forwards (or vice-versa), thus creating a whole new kind of flash, the "flash-stay" or "flash-now"...

remember my words
Keith, like a scientist
02:49 / 26.02.08
Perhaps the promise of the Island's healing abilities was instrumental in recruiting the Freighter Force.

Freighter Force!, the hot new spin-off series coming to ABC in 2012. Join us as these varied explorers delve into the secrets of the hidden world. Guest writers include Warren Ellis, Steven Grant, and the ghost of Jack Kirby.
H3ct0r L1m4
03:14 / 26.02.08
07:46 / 26.02.08
You see, I like the way cutting flashforwards/backs out of the show would restate the show's aims: this is no longer about coming to terms with the past and putting demons to rest, or about some possible future, it's about the here and now. It would contribute towards a sense of urgency, and focus our attention on the endgame by throwing us into the unadulterated present. I also find the idea aesthetically pleasing - like the show has been spiralling towards coalescence, and a very unknown centre, if that makes any sense.

Course, the entire season wouldn't have to be set-up this way, just a few episodes.
H3ct0r L1m4
10:47 / 29.02.08
THE CONSTANT... another great ep and a cool use for flashbacks again. love story + time travel. Desmond as QUANTUM LEAP's Sam and Faraday as BACK TO THE FUTURE's Doc Brown. I was happy to see Penny another time, the girl-anchor.

the freighter was smaller and rustier than I thought [also had some butch-fetish sailors]; i guess Penny's boat might be the one to actually bring home the infamous Oceanic Six - and that Des might end up as one of them.

stupid thought: did they shoot the bits in the past afterwards or has Des been wearing a long hairpiece in the 2004 that i hadn't noticed? there's no way all that hair is hidden underneath a short wig in the 1996 bits...

so, was the ending just cute [Des as Faraday's psychological anchor] or indicative of a further mistery [Faraday's been time-displaced himself]? hm...

the sidekick from EARLY EDITION did an interesting cameo as the sick radio operator. the eletromagnetic portal was just that a storm? i thought it would be something like the buzzing pink sky we saw when the hatch exploded. anyway, the 'spiritual' time displacement still doesn't explain the polar bear bones found in Tunisia.

finally, anybody noticed the auction Widmore was bidding in? watch again, it was for the Black Rock ship Captain's journal... said ship from a flight owned by Magnus Hanso.
H3ct0r L1m4
12:09 / 29.02.08
er... freight.

i don't want to correct the post again to avoid bothering the mods.

too much Lost enthusiasm = typos galore.
13:38 / 29.02.08
stupid thought: did they shoot the bits in the past afterwards or has Des been wearing a long hairpiece in the 2004 that i hadn't noticed? there's no way all that hair is hidden underneath a short wig in the 1996 bits...

No, the short hair in 1996 is the wig. I've seen that actor in other shows (24, for one) and he's always had long hair, so too if you see pictures of him at red carpet events or whatever. So unless he enjoys wearing a long wig all the time....Also if you look pretty closely, its kind of obvious the short hair isn't real.

so, was the ending just cute [Des as Faraday's psychological anchor] or indicative of a further mistery [Faraday's been time-displaced himself]? hm...

Well it was the last shot of the show, which is generally saved for the shockeroo dramatic reveal, so I'm guessing that "something's gone wrong," as was written in Faraday's journal.

This was a really great episode.
H3ct0r L1m4
14:04 / 29.02.08
Cameron, always the voice of reason. =)
16:14 / 29.02.08
One question, though, is how 1996 Desmond knew how to find Faraday at Oxford. At that point he'd never seen him before, yet apparently recognized him on sight?
H3ct0r L1m4
16:38 / 29.02.08
you mean recognize Faraday's looks? he could just have asked at the University who that teacher was.

or maybe there was some off-screen instruction from F. himself to find the weirdo hippie.

oorrr Des had recollections from the future; i suppose they met in the island before Des went with Juliet to the hellicopter, right?

i read in a fansite that Faraday's crying upon seeing Oceanic 815 at the bottom of the sea could be his future self leaping back and regretting not being able to change the past, but i guess that's a bit of a stretch.

speaking of stretching: Daniel could have a J. middlename, which would put him in a good spot to become... Jacob [although something tells me it could be Jack].

a strange tidbit: it's common knowledge that Desmond had been fooled into pushing the computer button in the hatch until the Oceanic survivors found him. Penellope says in this ep. she's been looking for him for 3 years now.

but Faraday's rocket experiment and the hellicopter trip suggest that time in the Island is slower, or at least in the passage to the Island. IF it is true that the island time is slower, penny should have been looking for Des for quite longer than 3 years.

has the island time lag only started when Locke stopped pushing the button and Des let the eletromagnetic accumulated field or was this miscalcullated by the show writers?
16:48 / 29.02.08
I think it's the button-pressing/hatch-exploding thing causing the time disruption. At least I hope so...there has to be SOME explanation for that tiresome push-the-button crap in Season 2. It annoys me just thinking about it.

I guess this explains the otherwise weird bit last week, with Farrady looking at the cards, asking what he "remembered." I'd say he also is jumping to and fro in time via his consciousness, only as a quack Doc Brown-type, he has a better handle on what's happening to him, so can play it cool.
19:47 / 29.02.08
Wow, that one was a wonderful episode. It reminded me a lot of Doctor Who. We had time travel, a quirky Science guy, a message from the future for the past, reunited lovers without sex, British Location, trouble on a ship, someone fixing a broken machine, christmas and a teary eyed moment.
Any moment I was expecting one of the sailors to start singing "Once I found a stowaway upon my ship on christmas day...".

I hope the remaining two episodes before the break can keep up with this fresh and fun episode!
19:54 / 29.02.08
BG, the flash from the Hatch imploding was the same colour pink as the light emitted from Faraday's apparatus.

I think.
11:41 / 03.03.08
I assume Magnus Hanso is some relation to Alvar Hanson and he owned the painting because it was related to the island and the mystery that surrounds it.

Interesting that Penny's father bought it. I think we are still yet to find out his part in this.
11:58 / 03.03.08
Sorry for the double post but i forgot to say that FISHER STEVENS was in it! I was very very sad when he did not become a returning character but i hope for some flashbacks...
Keith, like a scientist
11:59 / 03.03.08
Stories like this episode should have a mandatory "In loving memory of Kurt Vonnegut" at the end, don't you think?
22:03 / 03.03.08
"Based on a story by", maybe?
I did enjoy this episode. More absurdity of course, the slipping in time, they've got the usual wacky professor who understands things way beyond us, and so could never be fully explained; as Hector mentioned before, a la Doc Brown. So later, he can vaguely describe what is happening in a way that we non-physicists could never understand. "Find your constant"? Find your one point twenty-one gigawatts! Still, it's all just a vehicle for an exciting story. That one was very fun. I'm going to stop even mentioning the credulity-stretching story lines. We'll see where it goes.
H3ct0r L1m4
23:26 / 03.03.08
i'm impressed by how many people i know who watched this felt so moved by Des and Penny's love story with a geeky background.
Eskay Uno
00:09 / 04.03.08
I love Vonnegut! Naming Desmond's army-buddy Billy was enough of a nod to Slaughterhouse 5 for me though.

Desmond has got to be the most likeable character on this show, and he seems to have become the heart of Lost. I hope he has a big part to play in what's to come, aside from the expected payoff to the subplot of Penelope's search. She's a great actress too btw, isn't she? That scene at the end could've been so cheesy with lesser performers, but they knocked it out of the park.

I find myself caring more about their story than about whatever Jack, Kate, or Locke are up to. Hell, most of the other characters have become more interesting than those 3. Locke throwing the plate and hitting the wall after Ben talks to him showed no growth in his character, and after everything he's been through I was expecting much better than that. I wish he'd just go full-on MAD. Totally nuts. He did some island shrooms or whatever at the start of S3 to commune with the island and find Eko, why not do the same to find Jacob? Maybe the writers have great tech-fu, but can't really write the Shaman-Warrior so well. Maybe. Hopefully they are building to something cool though.

Love how they finally explained "the sickness" first mentioned by Rousseau way back in season 1. Shifting consciousness between timelines as a side-effect of approaching/leaving the Island, potentially leading to madness and/or death. Wow. Can't wait for Danielle's flashback.

Anybody watch those mini "mobisodes" abc put out before S4 started? There wasn't any mention of them up-thread and some of them were really great. Here's the link...

LOST: Missing Pieces

... I saw them as they were released but can't play them on my computer anymore for some reason. I'm sure they're up on youtube though if any of you face similar complications. Any theories about the twist in the final mobisode?
08:40 / 04.03.08
Can't for the life of me think what the twist was. I did, however, mention the mobisodes upthread when I commented on the Michael, Sun, Jin, love triangle being built on.

On Desmond being the most likeable character, I'm afraid that I'm just not feeling it. I get that he's supposed to be very appealing, and it would seem that his love story with Penny my well be the heart (in two senses: emotionally, and in terms of plot) of the show, but so far Desmond has inhabited the most overtly fictional spaces of Lost and that's worked to create some distance between me and the character.

For example, Desmond's time travelling shenanigans, whilst fun on a sci-fi level, have left me pretty cold emotionally, and that's despite the writers' whole-hearted attempts to root his experiences in the human sphere (I'm thinking particularly of his relationship with Charlie). For me the fantastical component just overwhelmed everything else.
I'm also not too taken by his relationship with Penny, which seems to be plumbing that most fictional of fictional concepts - a love that transcends time and space. It's a relationship which hasn't earned my involvement, that I'm almost entirely uninvested in, because, well, it isn't actually a relationship, rather it relies on us reading it as a GREAT LOVE, a love that has FATE on its side, and in a show where the soapy ins and outs of interpersonal dynamics are par for the course it doesn't wash with me, and sticks out like a sore thumb rather than a shining golden light (as I'm sure it's intended).

Now, none of that's to say that I won't get more invested in 'em over time, and I do like Desmond, and I am intersted in his relationship with Penny, and in the Widmore's involvement with the overall plot, but for the moment I prefer a bunch of other characters, warts and all.
11:16 / 04.03.08
The one thing I was wondering watching the last episode was why it took Penny an effing long time to answer the phone. I mean, she was expecting his call, right? Meaning that even if she had to, say, go to the loo, she'd still bring her mobile, right?
11:30 / 04.03.08
Didn't bother me. Sure it was contrived, but a) it made for a more suspenseful scene, and b) many's the time I've made an important, preplanned phonecall, only to find that the recipient took ages getting to the phone. My Mum at the birth of my son, for example.
Dead Megatron
16:49 / 04.03.08
(I'm going to break protocol a bit here and quote myself)

Anyway, I liked the new characters. I hope much ghost-busting and fringe physics experimentation follows.

So far, half my wish's been granted.

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