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Torchwood, Season 2 (NO SPOILERS)


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22:21 / 30.01.08
Just like in real life, cutting people's arms off always SEEMS like such a logical solution to any problem. But when you actually DO it, you usually realise you've caused a whole different bunch of them.

Take it from me.
Evil Scientist
06:30 / 31.01.08
Hate to point it out, but once again, if they had sent him back in time, having first cut off his arm, he would not have had to go back to the front.

And how heroic would he have looked to Tosh clumsily activating the rift manipulator with his teeth eh?

The leg, Haus! Hack the leg!
07:10 / 31.01.08
I'm sorry, Stoatie, but:

1) Man with big bomb handcuffed to drippy Gwen? Hack off his arm.

2) Alien with big stabby arm who doesn't want to hurt anyone? Hack off her arm.

3) Time-displaced soldier who doesn't want to return to the front...

And so on. My quest is to find a way to resolve every episode of Torchwood by cutting off the antagonist's arm.
Evil Scientist
08:25 / 31.01.08
They'd have needed a bloody big saw to deal with Abaddon though.
10:54 / 31.01.08
The leg, Haus! Hack the leg!

Alternatively, if they'd cut off his genitals right back at the beginning the whole tragic doomed romance thing could have been neatly sidestepped.
Evil Scientist
11:41 / 31.01.08
As far as it went I thought it was a watchable episode. I thought the reaction of Gwen to the "ghosts" was a little bit OTT considering she's dealt with scarier stuff before, and has also run into this whole temporal ghost phenomena too. But I suppose that could be put down to the spooky abandoned hospital vibe.

I could easily have disliked this one but establishing that Tommy already knows some of the team and has gone through temporal culture shock enough times to be able to adjust pretty quickly allowed the story to focus more on him and Tosh's relationship. Sweet little moment with Ianto and Jack too, I do like this continuing sub-plot of Ianto's obvious worry that Jack's going to up and leave him.

Loved the little wind-up rift tracker that Harriet was using. I do hope that we get a little more of them in future episodes. Harriet and Gerald I mean, the wind-up gizmo's not got the staying power I reckon.

Also liked that Owen's the one who engages with Tosh being as he'd also had a time-lost love who vanished. That they didn't feel the need to underline that was more subtle story-telling than we normally get from TW (although they may have just forgotten). Owen seems to be taking a back seat this season and they've toned down the sex-pest vibe.
11:54 / 31.01.08
"It's hard, Tosh. You might end up punching a weevil in Weevil Fight Club. And then shooting your boss in the head and bringing about the end of the world.

"So, you know. Avoid that."
The Strobe
14:10 / 31.01.08
Like many others here, I thought that was very likeable; at points I wanted to dislike it more than I felt I could.

Last night's episode just generally contributes to the idea that Torchwood is genuinely good when it really is "Doctor Who For Grown-ups", as opposed to the "sex-and-guns-and-aliens Joss Whedon lite" that it so often panders to be.

Another vote for Torchwood 1918; that stuff is ace.
Lama glama
15:04 / 31.01.08
I haven't seen the episode yet, but these praise-filled posts have me fairly excited for when I do watch it.

It's a Helen Raynor episode isn't it? Does it fill everybody with confidence for her Sontaran episodes in next year's Doctor Who?
Evil Scientist
07:07 / 01.02.08
Tough to say from this one really. I suspect that the Sontaran episode may be a bit more bang-bang than this one was.
11:00 / 01.02.08
I dunno - it was better, which is a big improvement to, not as bad as, but genuinely good TV? Not yet. The plot was a little bit too similar to Girl in the Fireplace and was, you know, not as good and not as original.

There does seem to be an interesting subtext going on between Torchwood and Dr Who though. Dr Who being more romantic, full of love, love between characters and of course the Doctor's love for all those hyoooooooomuns. Torchwood is more about the quick fuck, a one night stand. Toshi's crush on soldier boy is only really acted upon, and validated to her peer group, when she takes him home to give him a quick fuck before he has to go and die.

Meanwhile the mechanics of the plot? It's the magic rift again...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:24 / 01.02.08
Well yes, but it's been pretty much stated since series one episode one that the Hellmouth causes shit to happen around it, it's not like the Holodeck or Transporter malfunctioning again.

I think the sex/love thing is right. I found the 'every character has at least one homosexual kiss!' thing of season one to be more pandering than the single Doctor/Jack kiss from the first season of New Who.

Does anyone know whether they are planning on repeating the kiss thing in this season?
Whisky Priestess
10:45 / 04.02.08
Our Lady - re: your question of a page or so ago - in answering it I forgot to ask whether you actually found the Jack/Gwen emotional angle (and performances) convincing? Do you think there's blood in that stone?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
12:49 / 04.02.08
I think it depends on how well the show handles the emotional side generally. I did enjoy the scene in question and didn't have a problem with it, but I think it's because I enjoyed that episode. Similarly last week, I quite liked Owen being protective of Tosh's feelings in an almost big brotherly way, but towards the end of the last season it all went a bit off the rails. I certainly don't have any problem believing the character of Captain Jack likes the ladies.
14:13 / 04.02.08
Well I had a problem with Owen in last week's episode. Mainly because Owen's concern has its roots in last season's Amelia Earhart episode. The problem being is that experience and anything that Owen's character does is kind of overpowered by the fact that he is a drug rapist. I can appreciate this is kind of embarrassing for the programme's makers now, but it's kind of difficult to ignore. It overshadows everything this character does, especially if it is left unaddressed.

As for Jack and the ladies, I can well believe he has sex with ladies, but I'm not convinced that there is any connection between him and Eve Myles's character.
Whisky Priestess
15:51 / 05.02.08
I can well believe he has sex with ladies

... but he's thinking of the Slitheen ...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:04 / 05.02.08
Fat-bottomed aliens, they make his cocking world go round.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:29 / 06.02.08
Half way through the episode. Is Rhys going to be killed or Retconned before the end of the episode?
19:54 / 06.02.08
Wow that was awful. So bad it was actually funny. But not in an enjoyable way.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:57 / 06.02.08
Do Torchwood get called out if sparrows fall out of trees now?

You really didn't like it Sleaze? I thought it was a fairly decent episode really, CGI was a bit ropey, it looked poorer quality than either of the Great Beasts, was that due to them being some way away and not up close? But considering I liked Rhys even less than I liked Jackie Tyler initially I came away starting to feel that there was actually something about this lump that attracts Gwen. But this is a story that should have been done last season.

Some of the characters are actually going somewhere interesting, Owen is becoming human, Tosh is efficient but wetter than Cardiff Bay, and Ianto is getting hardcore. They need to keep this up.
21:09 / 06.02.08
Were you convinced by any of it?

Captain Jack not being able to see Rhys body language beggared belief, then you saw the reason - to shoehorn in another unconvincing attempt to see some kind of sexual tension between him and Gwen. It was laughable. Equally laughable was the idea that the gang had a huge self-healing alien they are carving up for cheap meat and then were shocked to fin that it was actually an alien, Ianto still being little more than a wise crack machine, Tosh getting to do next to nothing, again. Terrible camera work (zooming in on a character to try and at least simulate some tension).
uncle retrospective
21:55 / 06.02.08
Ah.... I feel better. Torchwood's shit again.
All is right with the world.
Evil Scientist
07:56 / 07.02.08
Although I did think Rhys was pretty good in it (in fact the only good thing in it aside from TAZERHEAD!!!). I was always worried when this moment came round that Rhys was going to be effortlessly out-cooled by the entire Torchwood team. He stands up to Jack, is relatively open about the fact that he can see there's something going on between Jack and Gwen (the Gwen/Owen frackbuddies situation seeming to have been retconned out), and is pretty darn heroic throughout.

What was also refreshing to see was Torchwood members actually being open with each other (I half expected Gwen to not tell Jack and co rather than standing up for Rhys's right to join the rest of the Cardiff population in knowing about aliens and Torchwood).

By this point in the show we really need to stop having people saying "are you serious?" when confronted by aliens. Three separate invasion attempts as well as all of the Cardiff weirdness really needs to over-rule the "Sunnydale Factor".

Was it me or did the space-whale not actually seem to be at the freak-out level requiring a "mercy killing"? I half expected Owen to have an evil little smile on his face whilst Tosh consoled him.

Gwen: Help Owen! Rhys is slipping!

Owen refills whale syringe.

Gwen: What are you doing?

Owen: Mercy killing.
08:03 / 07.02.08
I'm going to kill it. Then I'm going to punch it. Then I'm going to have sex with it.

Season 1 Owen is back.

This was a bit tosh, rather than a bit Tosh, but I still enjoyed it. I liked the unrepentant Welshness of it, and also there were some good lines and, in a remarkable departure from S.1, some good _delivery_. Jack's "This is quite homoerotic" was really enjoyable.
08:56 / 07.02.08
Jack's "This is quite homoerotic" was really enjoyable.

I dunno, I found it unconvincing, it was a wink at the audience which broke what was ostensibly supposed to be a character moment.
10:14 / 07.02.08
Hmm. OK, we can probably do this... If they had only chopped off the landwhale's flipper, it would thrashed around in circles, eliminating the threat and giving it a chance to calm down.
11:26 / 07.02.08
Was wondering how you'd get out of that one, Haus. You might be pleased to know your theory has a perfect and very obvious application next week.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:43 / 08.02.08
Whisky Priestess
20:37 / 10.02.08
I would have liked the homoerotic line (which Barrowman totally sold) if it HAD been in any way homoerotic. But it was more shoutyshouty, so I wasn't won over.

The OMG it's an ALIEN??? was just laughable. No, it's a hitherto undiscovered massive species of land-whale, shy and retiring, like the Loch Ness Monster, only Welsh. You twonk.

If they must keep pushing the Jack/Gwen attraction, can't they at least show how it's affecting Ianto - who must, after all, notice the way they constantly get into slightly-too-close staring contests with one another?

I am also underwhelmed by the fact that the only way the Torchwood writers seem to know how to evoke sexual tension is to make two characters stare at each other for ages, like they're seeing who will blink first. It's just lazy.

But Rhys, who has had pitifully little to do for ages, rocked in this, I thought. And I quite liked the body horror/meat aspect. I think this was the same writer who gave us the cannibals episode (Countrycide?) last season. She does love her gore ...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
04:47 / 11.02.08
Torchwood Babiez!
Whisky Priestess
09:10 / 11.02.08

My fave. Although since I can't see any of the others, there ain't much competition.
23:48 / 11.02.08
Stupidest one this season thus far. Therefore the best yet.

Who, being the "children's show", is for the clever stories. Torchwood, being the "adults' show", is for the stupid ones. WHY DOES NOBODY GET THIS???

Torchwood sold itself as "adult". As in "adult entertainment". As in HAVING A REALLY CHILDISH "snigger, titter, they might be fucking or EVEN BUMMING!!!" attitude towards sex. And it delivers in that regard. I'm still baffled why anyone expected anything other, really.

Haus- they could have cut Rhys's arm off. That would have been funny. And while I liked this episode, it was short on a few laughs. So that would have been good.
19:03 / 12.02.08



I thought it was just hyperbole hereabouts, but that was really bad.

Owen! What are you doing?
Mercy Killing!
Because petrol's still cheaper than crane hire!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:13 / 13.02.08
"Star Trek:TNG did it!"


Shouldn't it be bad that the different Torchwood lot are more interesting than classic flavour?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:24 / 13.02.08
Ooh, and Rachel Pollack Doom Patrol too!

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