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Torchwood, Season 2 (NO SPOILERS)


Page: 123(4)56789

Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:57 / 13.02.08
Poor old Rhys is going to go spare... You'd think it would have been okay for Jack to leave himself a message explaining why they'd wiped two days of their memory, after all if that creature finds it's way back somehow they've got no record of it happening before.
20:09 / 13.02.08
Now, a lot of you are going to think that the logical answer would have been to chop off Adam's arm, thus removing his ability to affect memories.

However, this is a red herring.

The correct arm to remove is Jack's. This would prevent him from stretching out his hand, which for some reason shuts off his ability to act like a light switch. See "what have they done to you, my brother?". There is a lot of arm-stretching in this episode, and it does him very few favours.
Poke it with a stick
20:10 / 13.02.08
Tellingly, that seemed to have by far the lowest innuendo count and was arguably the best episode of the series so far.
The plot seemed cribbed from a Best of Buffy DVD but, other than that, was a lot closer to what I think a lot of us thought Torchwood was going to be like when it first started out.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:18 / 13.02.08
I was hoping that Jack was going to repeatedly shoot Adam in his hand, nice to see that in that last scene they decided that Adam didn't actually need to make bodily contact at all to pass on memories. Still, at least Jack got to think for a second that he was reunited with Jane on Danny The World.
Whisky Priestess
23:44 / 13.02.08
Wow, I actually really enjoyed that. Good old Catherine Tregenna (I think). I loved the idea of a being that can only exist in the collective (created) memory of others. He is brought into being and sustained by illusion and faith ... a bit like God, hem hem. Really an interesting concept - although the very start was TOO Dawn's-first-appearance-in-BtVS for words. When is Whedon going to start demanding royalties?

Sad to see poor Tosh lose yet another one-episode boyfriend, though. She's like the sexual Typhoid Mary of Torchwood. I did like GeekOwen, though Burn overplayed it just a tiny tad, I thought. Interesting that it implied that deep down (i.e. beneath his bitterness and cynicism and rapeyness etc.) he actually feels the same way about her as she does about him - except he can't admit it.

Niggles: I wish Adam had at least made finger-to-finger contact with Jack through the airholes in the plexiglass, just for continuity's sake. Also, how much is Jack's homeworld childhood, retro-70s clothes and all, ripped straight from Star Wars: A New Hope? Paging George Lucas ...

And Ianto, shut up about CyberLisa. The viewing public wants to forget her, and indeed that whole unfortunate episode. We all know it's Jack you love now.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
04:59 / 14.02.08
It's interesting that it was suggested that if Tosh developed a bit of backbone she'd realise she's lusting after a sleaze and go look for someone better.
Whisky Priestess
08:41 / 14.02.08
Or perhaps Owen's no longer fanciable to her when he's not being a cold-eyed twunt?

And does a memory-wiping alien count as better? (Actually, scratch that - ANYTHING's better than Owen. The giant landwhale from Meat would have been better.)

Although I suppose Adam and Owen do both have that ineffable whiff of rapeyness about them, what with Owen's love-potions and Adam convincing the girl he fancies that they've been together for a year by planting false memories.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
14:18 / 17.02.08
So has "Reset" shown in the UK yet? I was about to hop on here and chat about it, but I just realized no one else is talking it up.
15:15 / 17.02.08
it premiers in the UK on Wednesday.
16:35 / 17.02.08
And it was on last week on BBC3 - I think we're sticking to the BBC2 schedule to avoid spoiling people without digital.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
03:16 / 18.02.08
Ahh, thanks. I wasn't clear on what the BBC 2 vs. 3 divide actually referred to. I'll stay mum for a bit.
Whisky Priestess
09:28 / 18.02.08
Oho, so that means I can watch it when I get home tonight? Had almost forgotten about the BBC3 first look thing ...
uncle retrospective
11:37 / 18.02.08
I download the ep and had no idea why the ep people were talking about had nothing to do with the one I saw.
Whisky Priestess
12:51 / 18.02.08
TIME TRAVELLER! Can't fool us ...
uncle retrospective
14:24 / 18.02.08
Shit! Your onto me, cheese it!
Whisky Priestess
14:56 / 18.02.08
Clue's in the name ...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:03 / 18.02.08
Interesting. Wasn't it going to be that this time round they'd show the episodes on BBC2 first? Given how they make the point of pushing BBC HD before each episode I wonder why they've changed their minds.
Whisky Priestess
20:31 / 18.02.08
HD eh? I wondered why Jack was looking a bit more craggy than usual ...
Lama glama
10:00 / 19.02.08
Interesting. Wasn't it going to be that this time round they'd show the episodes on BBC2 first? Given how they make the point of pushing BBC HD before each episode I wonder why they've changed their minds.

According to reports on the SFX website, the first showing of Reset and the following episode which has a slightly spoilerish title on BBC 3 before BBC 2 are only scheduling experiments, whatever that means.
After that the premier is supposed to return to BBC 2.
12:22 / 19.02.08
Don't think anyone has linked Torchwool yet, have they?
21:03 / 19.02.08
No but, really, they should have.

"And now, I, Captain Jack ScarletsparrowHARKNESS, dammit!"

Teh lulz.
19:49 / 20.02.08
YAY - Owen is dead. Bet he's resurrected next week though, sadly...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:50 / 20.02.08
I can only assume that Jack never really forgave Owen for shooting him that time...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:54 / 20.02.08
I also assume that the autopsy of Owen takes place some time into the next episode due to the fact that they are normally done when the cause of death is unclear, not for LOLs when they've all seen him be shot right in front of them.
19:59 / 20.02.08
Sleaze, that makes me sad. First Torchwood I've ever really enjoyed.
20:24 / 20.02.08
Sad in what way?
20:30 / 20.02.08
Oh. The resurrection bit. Owen makes my skin crawl.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
04:59 / 21.02.08
I'm not sure the world of Torchwood is robust enough to have as the basis of action that they are nicer than the opponents when it comes to the manipulation of alien life forms, especially as Owen electrocuted to death a giant alien space whale the other week because he couldn't be arsed to work out how to cure it. Unless they are planning a 'who watches the watchmen?' finale they really should steer away from allowing Torchwood to declare themselves the moral arbiters for what's right or wrong in Wales.
Evil Scientist
07:09 / 21.02.08
Owen you fool, you know what happens to people who date Toshiko.

You know I could stop watching Torchwood now and that would be a very satisfying ending.

I'm not sure the world of Torchwood is robust enough to have as the basis of action that they are nicer than the opponents when it comes to the manipulation of alien life forms

Yes, they didn't exactly pull out the stops to see if they could save the aliens in the labs did they? One quick phonecall to Jack and they gas the whole bloody lot.

Perhaps they've run out of cells to stuff Weevils in.

Whilst I'm thankful that they've throttled back on using Jack's immortality as a deus ex machina you'd have thought basic practise in the team would be for Jack to get in front of the others, or draw fire or something.

Martha's working for UNIT, class.
Evil Scientist
08:12 / 21.02.08
Don't you just love the fact that Weevils are savage animalistic beasties who seem to have very little in the way of social skills, yet all wear those neat little blue boiler suit and boots combos. Surely the secret origin of the Weevil boiler suit supplier would be worth an episode or eight?

Bless those Weevils the plot devices on legs that they are.
Lama glama
11:09 / 21.02.08
I always wonder about their boiler-suits too. Obviously, it'd be too expensive to do the full body make-up every week, so that's a practical reason for decking them out in the suits. Whenever the camera is close enough to a Weevil you can see the Torchwood logo over the breast pocket, so it seems like Torchwood isn't just about equipping humanity about the future, but also protecting humanity from having to look at the "equipment" of Weevils.

Fun episode though! It was very bouncy and belted along at a nice pace. The script didn't have as many clunkers as are normally present in an episode of Torchwood and there were some nice directorial tricks- I loved the movement of the camera around the corner while Martha was trying to get into Copley's office. Sleaze, you're probably right about Owen's resurrection- glove shenanigans maybe? It's written by Matt Jones (he of the Satan Pit duology), so it will probably be a fairly grim and dark episode.
Evil Scientist
13:01 / 21.02.08
I can see it now, Ianto ironing and cleaning Torchwood overalls and sneaking down to the lower levels of the hub, leaving them by a sewer grate and picking up the bag of dirty ones for the washing machine.

Torchwood, arming tomorrow and making sure Weevils don't stalk Cardiff with their junk hanging out.
The Strobe
14:26 / 21.02.08
So I'm a bit behind for various reasons, but watched the Tregenna episode. Rather enjoyed it, bar two complaints:

1) Jack's childhood is all a bit Man-Who-Fell-To-Earth on Tatooine - all those khaki outfits.

2) I like to imagine Season 1 was all imaginary; as such, the constant perpetuation of the fact that Ianto dated Lisa, and thus that entire Cyberwoman bollocks was all true, really fucks me off. I don't care about Lisa, nobody did, and you're not going to make us care by bringing it up even more.
Evil Scientist
06:54 / 22.02.08
I don't care about Lisa, nobody did

I cared when she punched out the pterodactyl. But twas a fleeting fancy.
Whisky Priestess
09:17 / 22.02.08
How evil was Jim off Neighbours, by the way?


And do we reckon Owen will stay dead? If he does, won't that mean that the only blokes on the team will be Jack and Ianto? Tosh will have to start working her way through everyone in the freezer vaults at this rate ...

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