Wow, I actually really enjoyed that. Good old Catherine Tregenna (I think). I loved the idea of a being that can only exist in the collective (created) memory of others. He is brought into being and sustained by illusion and faith ... a bit like God, hem hem. Really an interesting concept - although the very start was TOO Dawn's-first-appearance-in-BtVS for words. When is Whedon going to start demanding royalties?
Sad to see poor Tosh lose yet another one-episode boyfriend, though. She's like the sexual Typhoid Mary of Torchwood. I did like GeekOwen, though Burn overplayed it just a tiny tad, I thought. Interesting that it implied that deep down (i.e. beneath his bitterness and cynicism and rapeyness etc.) he actually feels the same way about her as she does about him - except he can't admit it.
Niggles: I wish Adam had at least made finger-to-finger contact with Jack through the airholes in the plexiglass, just for continuity's sake. Also, how much is Jack's homeworld childhood, retro-70s clothes and all, ripped straight from Star Wars: A New Hope? Paging George Lucas ...
And Ianto, shut up about CyberLisa. The viewing public wants to forget her, and indeed that whole unfortunate episode. We all know it's Jack you love now. |