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Battlestar Galactica Season Three


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15:39 / 12.11.06
The Loeben, Shelly Godfrey and Arron models were all during season one - wasn't the question that Baltar asked "how many cylon agents are there still hidden in the fleet"? (or a paraphrase thereof ?)

The Diana Be'ers is still undercover AFAIK while brother Cavil outed himself at the end of season two. It is certainly conceivable that there is a room in galactica where 7 Diana Be'iers hang out together but this seems a little absurd even for galactica standards, and yeah, I also seems a bit of a stretch of credibility that cylon agent's who have already had their cover blown would have been able remain within the fleet undetected...

But yes, as I said in my last post, and as Flyboy restates, there is nothing to say that Boomer wasn't just yelling out a number to save the Chief's life.
15:46 / 12.11.06
The occupation on New Caprica would have ended the period in which known cylon models could have remained hidden in plain sight among the fleet. We're not talking about a loose thread here, we're now into brand new cloth.
Keith, like a scientist
16:08 / 12.11.06
It's still possible that one or more of the Five is amongst the Fleet. Godfrey and Biers likely just mixed back in once the Cylons came to New Caprica. Who knows, maybe they spaced themselves and just disappeared only to be reborn.

I was a bit disappointed in this most recent episode as well, especially after the geektastic first part. Maybe that's because there was no Tigh One-Eye, who is easily my favorite character at the moment.

The fairly cliche torture scene was a bummer...wouldn't Cylons have a better method than something you could see Jack Bauer using? Although, the potential for the God-speaking-through-Baltar thing is quite interesting. If you look at this series in relation to the original series, it's possible that Six is an angel in away, standing in for the "Beings of Light" from the original. This could even dovetail with the still vague Colonial Gods... not gods at all? This aspect of the show has always been the most intriguing... just how much of the show's religious talk is 'real' or 'misled'?
Phex: Dorset Doom
17:09 / 12.11.06
Little thing I've noticed in the human religion page of the Battlestarwiki, Elosha, the priestess who died on Kobol, mentions there being a 'Jealous God' who "desire(d) that he be elevated above all the other gods, and the war on Kobol began." Could this be the Cylon God?
23:37 / 12.11.06
It's possible that one or more of the five is with the fleet, but unlikely unless the seven don't know what they look like. Although we don't know why there's antagonism between the five and the seven, or even if there are genuine Cylon factions. All we know is that Six aggressively said that they din't speak of them, so it could be akin to the relationship between Starfleet and Section 31 from DS9... although it's hard to see why the Cylons would need am autonomous black ops that nasty and secretive.
23:40 / 12.11.06
It's also hard to see this as the end of the genocide plan. It couldn't be that hard for Cottle to keep a strain of the disease alive, infect a captured Cylon and start the resurrection ship plan over again.
23:13 / 13.11.06
On the podcast, Moore himself notes that this episode seems to take something away from the first part. If nothing else, it confirms that the cylons are more interesting than the humans at this point in the series, and I think that undermines a lot of the dramatic intent in the Galactica subplot. Even though, on an objective level, it would make sense to use the cylons as bioweapons, I can't go along with that because the cylons are much more interesting characters. Roslin is doing more and more morally questionable things, yet there's never a questioning of what she's doing. Hopefully that'll happen eventually, I'm imagining things won't go too well when Sharon and Helo find out what she really did with their baby.
Keith, like a scientist
19:25 / 18.11.06
well, now we have our answer on the reporter-version of D'anna Biers. her arc looks set to be another interesting angle on the cylon psyche.

thought this was a pretty good episode, despite it's standalone nature (generally not BSG's stronger avenue). i sure hope that Tigh isn't 'better' now. I was looking forward to him going a bit renegade for awhile more.
Phex: Dorset Doom
20:39 / 18.11.06
Seconded. I heart terrorist Tigh.

Also, please tell me I slipped into some weird sex dream in the middle of the episode, because there's no way I saw the sweaty aftermath of a three-way between Balthar, Six and Lucy freakin' Lawless.
Robert B
03:26 / 19.11.06
Yeah, the 3-some scene was a bit of a jaw dropper. Especially after the torture last episode. I agree about Tigh staying mental and I wondered Adama's reaction to Tigh if he confessed to murdering his wife.
21:38 / 19.11.06
Also, please tell me I slipped into some weird sex dream in the middle of the episode, because there's no way I saw the sweaty aftermath of a three-way between Balthar, Six and Lucy freakin' Lawless.

uh huh! man, that episode was such a teaser - i found myself just not caring all that much about Adama's 'poor me the war is all my fault' storyline. i just wanted more of the tantalising stuff going on in the cylon world. Six and Balthar and D'Anna - oh my god show me more! and what is going on with D'Anna's weird suicide wish? I want to know more about the in-between world and how much she is talking to the others about it and what it all means, dammit. I much preferred coming to this series late so that I could watch all the episodes back to back rather than this agonising weekly wait!
Phex: Dorset Doom
22:28 / 19.11.06
Well, we've seen the in-between world before: Balthar imagined (or projected) himself there while he was on Kobol. It appears as a theater, though God(s) only know the symbolism there unless they're going all weird and 'meta'. Possibly sex with Balthar has allowed D'Anna to see this world, though there's bound to be more to it.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:58 / 21.11.06
I quite liked Tigh in this episode, first he winds Bulldog up, then he goes and saves Adama's arse. He's still the Resistance. He shuffles around, drunk and slurring for most of the episode, but when he needs to he's crystal-clear and can take someone who's in much better physical condition down.

I had assumed from the previous few weeks that Baltar was becoming estranged from Caprica Six, so could see him sleeping with Xena. To be having a threesome seemed a little odd.The religious thing seemed rather interesting, though why she told the Cylon to forget about it once it shot her was interesting. Are the Cylons that gathered around her when she was reborn the main deck crew of that Battlestar, or a different faction? If Cylons are starting to believe they can have visions of God or The Holy between Death and Download this will cause control problems for the greater Cylon society.

Do we have any figures for how long the various Caprica Sixs were on Caprica prior to the Invasion, as to whether Adama was truly responsible for starting the war?
16:37 / 27.11.06
I haven't had a chance to rewatch the episode, but I thought the Six in bed with Baltar and Beirs was the "imaginary" Six from Baltar's head - that Baltar was with Biers and Head Six had joined them, unbeknown to Biers.

Can anyone confirm or deny this as a possibility?
Keith, like a scientist
17:12 / 27.11.06
well, since Baltar was asleep, it would be really odd for them to show Head Six in that scene, right?

i'm pretty sure the implication is that they had a Sexy Party.

but you could listen to the podcast and perhaps RDM says something about it.
22:18 / 27.11.06
We could, except that the denizens in Sci-Fi's Interactive Media department have yet to post it!
23:36 / 27.11.06
Just had a chance to rewatch it. Baltar is indeed asleep, which means that's gotta be Caprica Six, not Head Six.
Keith, like a scientist
14:24 / 02.12.06
i liked this boxing episode a lot more than I thought i would. the character stuff was at least fairly strong... No Cylon stuff, though...that was kind of a letdown.

it's a much better boxing in space episode than B5's "T.K.O." that's for sure. Haha.
Disco is My Class War
22:00 / 03.12.06
This was the episode in which we were supposed to start feeling some sympathy for Lee Adama. He might be a confused, arrogant daddy's boy, but now we see he's a confused, arrogant daddy's boy who had his heart crushed into a million tiny pieces by a sadistic blonde. Way to go, Starbuck. No wonder he wasn't keen on giving you meds to cure your (supposedly) dying hubby.

But c'mon, PLOT!!
Saint Keggers
23:03 / 03.12.06
Its pacing and character delvelopment. I was rather glad to see a cylon-free* episode.

23:49 / 03.12.06
Well I was totally disappointed that it was a cylon free episode. I mean, I enjoyed Starbuck - I always do, particularly when she is being scantily dressed and tough, but I have to say I have absolutely no interest in her and Lee as a couple. Boring. Bring on the cylons, I say.

(that said, it wasn't a bad episode, just not one of the best)
01:28 / 04.12.06
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the flashback stuff on New Caprica, Roslin and Adama's scenes in particular. You got a sense of the hope they had, and that makes what happened after even sadder. I think that stuff was good enough to make up for the absence of cylons.
03:04 / 04.12.06
How can you criticize an episode that shows the President and the Admiral getting high behind the bleachers? I think this may have been the best 'one-off' since the first season, maybe even the best since 33. Certainly much better than such lemons as Black Market and whatever that one was where Billy got killed. While BSG's glory cuts are always going to be the big multi-part, battle-heavy cliffhangers, character-driven episodes like this one are essential and we actually got to see some pretty interesting things this time. So yay!
Phex: Dorset Doom
18:35 / 05.12.06
From Wired's 'Table of Malcontents'- a list of reasons why BsG is (already) going down hill, in half the time it took Buffy to start to stink.

10. Show co-creators Ron Moore and David Eick are both developing multiple other projects. Moore is working on BSG prequel show Caprica, and Eick is working on both Bionic Woman and Them.

9. Crucial subplots, such as the fate of Sharon and Helo's hybrid baby, are left dangling for more than three episodes.

8. Rather than developing characters via personal transformation, character development is charted via hair length, presence/absence of beards, and weight gain/loss.

7. The only way the writers imagine they can showcase Edward James Olmos' considerable acting talents is via long-winded speeches.

6. Cylon threesomes.

5. Too much intimacy with the mysterious Cylon enemy in their SM dungeon ship makes them seem campy rather than scary.

4. Entire episodes are clumsily devoted to single-word social issues like "torture" and "genocide."

3. Eick promises next season will bring more flashback-heavy episodes that focus on romantic entanglements and/or childhood trauma.

2. A retcon turns Adama into the cause of the Cylons' attack on the twelve colonies, thus making him both improbably important and too much of a bastard.

1. Boxing is used as a thin excuse for an episode that could have been written (better) by shippers.

Now, I'd agree with 2,3,5,7,8 and 9, giving a grand total of 60% suck. What about the rest of you?
Keith, like a scientist
19:20 / 05.12.06
I'm afraid I can only agree with #2. The rest of it is either irrevelant, impatient, or taking only the superfical quick read of the show. This season has easily been the most consistently good, at least for me. I would have agreed with a lot more of those points during the Black Market/Scar/Etc. run last season, though. The Wired people seem like a bunch of whiners...

As for #1....jeez, if all they care about is whether or not Lee and Kara become Soul! Mates! Forever!, then yeah, a shipper could possibly write it better. With more kissing, too!

Sorry for the tone, but that list drives me crazy.
20:58 / 05.12.06
The last three or so episodes have really struck me as this season's "black market", and judging by the podcasts, RDMoore would seem to agree, which is at least heartening.

The whole 'when buffy lost it' debate is a bit lost on me 'cause buffy never really grabbed me from the beginning.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:07 / 05.12.06
Man, fuck Wired.
Keith, like a scientist
21:45 / 05.12.06
The last three or so episodes have really struck me as this season's "black market", and judging by the podcasts, RDMoore would seem to agree, which is at least heartening.

They definitely serve the same purpose/need, but I would think that they are, on the whole, much more successful. I've certainly enjoyed them more.
02:20 / 06.12.06
I'd agree with Keith that this has been the most consistent season yet. The New Caprica stuff was all phenomenal, and there was bound to be a slight downturn after that, but with the exception of Hero, I've either really liked or loved every episode. And most of these points are pretty ridiculous.

10. Just the fact that they're working on other shows doesn't instantly make BSG bad, any more than Buffy season four was instantly bad because Whedon did Angel. Plus, we're not even to the point where that would become an issue, when both shows are in production simultaneously.

9/5. The idea behind 9 is completely ridiculous, the show has so many characters, some plotlines are always going to take a while to progress. Even if they're not explicitly acknowledging what's going on with Hera, our knowledge of what happened hangs over every scene with Sharon. And this contradicts 5, if all the plots are resolved quickly, we're going to have go further into the cylon world. I love the slowbuild approach there and I think it's fascinating, not campy.

8. That's true to some extent, but I like to think that Saul has changed regardless, the eye is just a reminder to him and the audience, same for the other stuff with Kara and Lee.

7. This one I'd agree with to some extent, though his best scene in the last episode was definitely the smokeup with Roslin.

6. Was this a list of the reasons the show is awesome? Because that's clearly up there on that one.

4. This I'd agree with as well, but I only saw one episode I'd class as that this season, A Measure of Salvation.

2. The whole point of the episode was that Adama's guilt was unfounded, his participation was incidental to the primary reason for the attack.
Disco is My Class War
10:37 / 06.12.06
Yeah, Wired suck. Just because I said I wanted more plot doesn't mean I didn't think the last episode was great. Every show needs a shipper moment.
Keith, like a scientist
18:27 / 08.12.06
I'm not terribly excited about tonight's episode, but i've just come across the synopsis for next weeks and i'm fairly sure it will get those Wired Whiners hopping around proclaiming their love for BSG in the US, they are actually showing that episode (#10, the mid season finale) in theaters in 5 cities...not mine, though.
Keith, like a scientist
13:09 / 09.12.06
ah, well, a tale of 'the fleet is starving' turns out to be a big plot point episode, after all, leading into next weeks mid season finale.

this episode, though, felt like the story was too big to fit into one episode. I kept getting the feeling of coming in to every scene a couple minutes late. talk about compression!

glad to see they are continuing the Earth and Final Five stuff. Looks like some possible answers/progress is on the way.
some guy
02:41 / 10.12.06
I was rooting for Jane Espenson after being a fan of her Whedon stuff, but she seemed to struggle with the BSG "voice" on this one. The capsule episodes felt more organic in the first season and sadly this one for me felt strongly in the mold of Black Market. They could have hinted at stocks deplenishing over the previous episode or so and built up Kat's storyline so it didn't come out of left field. I wonder if concessions are being made for casual viewers; the same strategy that ruined Alias.

Unfinished Business is the winner of the season so far for me.
04:58 / 10.12.06
Yeah, this one just wasn't very good. On one of the podcasts for the second season, they did talk about how they put in standalone episodes as a way of making it more accessible to new viewers, but I think new viewers are more likely to be grabbed by something great that they see a part of than a not particularly good standalone tale. But, they usually bring the goods for the season finales, so I'm optimistic for next week.
Disco is My Class War
10:06 / 10.12.06
I'm a huge fan of Espenson in her BTSV and Angel days, but this was clunky. This episode had everything wrong with it that sleaze and Lady have pointed out in the past -- no foreshadowing or setting up in previous episodes; too much Kat backstory to digest, leading to her death being kind of underwhelming, because we haven't spent enough time with her lately to really know what her arc is about. She was a terrific character, too. And now it's over. What a waste.

Then again, I really liked the fact that they did an episode on food shortages. And I also appreciated how we were shown that space travel, under certain circumstances, really is about danger and consequences -- the pilots' bodies weren't invincible.

Also, what was with the Star Trek-like music? Grrrrr.

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