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Big Brother 2006


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Mourne Kransky
22:15 / 29.07.06
Who is he? Who is he? Where did you find him?

Oh, I miss little NIkki.
22:17 / 29.07.06
She's probably wiping her arse as you read this - with toilet paper.
19:02 / 30.07.06
Or perhaps with Colin Farrell's 'phone number.

Felt a bit sorry for Glyn in his abortive attempt to have a discreet wank in the shower. Mikey in particular, given his repeated Diary Room mutterings on the subject of Richard looking at him funny, like, seemed reluctant to leave the onn-an-isst alone.
22:09 / 30.07.06

Didn't like Mikey's little jabs at Ash through the Emotional, Intelligence, Mach... Ma... Matchvillan tasks. "Haha maybe she's just looking sad to be manipulative! Ha! Right! Only kiddin, mate! It's a jooeekk!!" Or calling Suzie "a dunce" (was it?) in the Diary Room after the party. Because Mikey is brainiest of the man-cows.

He's that type of guy, and they come in all shapes, but they tend to be jockeying betas like him, but he's that type of guy once he's got a bit of dirt to use it put someone down in that jokey-but-not-really way.

It's one of the reasons no-one would get drunk on a night out when our manager was invited, snap happy with his camera phone that he was. "Oh you should have seen you last night!". Wankers! The lot of 'em.
22:33 / 30.07.06

Johnny 'Strontium Dog' Alpha
Alex's Grandma
23:21 / 30.07.06
I'm not sure why it didn't occur to any of the housemates to consider the outside possibility that Endemol's 'psychological professionals' might have had no real idea what they were talking about, and that the conclusions they came to were nebulous, at best.

It didn't seem to be mentioned as a prospect, did it?
miss wonderstarr
23:41 / 30.07.06
If you can get a shot of Mikey scowling, and a close-up of an older-skool Carlos Ezquerra Johnny Alpha, I think that comparison could be very convincing. Alpha has curlier hair but the face shape is very similar.
Alex's Grandma
23:50 / 30.07.06
Yeah, but Wonderstarr, FFS, what about the eyes, damnit? What about the dead, cold eyes?
miss wonderstarr
23:56 / 30.07.06

I knew those years of painstakingly drawing my crush J. Alpha would pay off.
00:00 / 31.07.06
Johnny Beta.
08:08 / 31.07.06
Mikey's growing on me. I can understand all the negative comments because he is a bit of a lumbering fool, but he is funny in his own way. I liked him talking to Glyn about people he knew:
Mikey: David?
Glyn: no, don't have any mates called David.
Mikey: Gareth?
Glyn: no, no Gareth's.
Mikey: Jonesy?
Glyn: you know Jonesy?!! You don't know Jonesy, do you?!!
Mikey: yeah - brown hair.
Glyn: !!
20:47 / 31.07.06
Loving their making-our-own-entertainment slumber party: Aisleyne central to the merriment, playing gap-toothed hillbillies with Pete and sucking on Richard's (34) non-salty chocolate balls. Weirdly compelling.
21:02 / 31.07.06
Not sure what to think of Automated BB, though I definitely like the chirpy autovoice and the hold music.
21:36 / 31.07.06
I thought the Glynn sequence was a bit nightmarish and I had to stop watching.
miss wonderstarr
21:39 / 31.07.06
It reminded me very much of those documentaries screened (?) last year? could be 2002 the way things are going ~ where they put a bunch of 12 year old boys in a house on their own for a week, and subsequently did the same with a bunch of girls.

The regression into childish, raucous, "anarchic" behaviour in the absence of the parent was pretty striking ~ especially considering that BB seems quite an absent parent most of the time anyway, and was really just as much "there" during today as it always is.

Of course, the comparison to those docs about real boy and girl-children in a big house is limited because we had a mixed group here, but it did also seem that they were getting into (stereotypically) gendered behaviour such as you see among primary schoolkids, with the boys roughhousing and making a mess while the girls stand back, watching with slightly disgusted and aloof amusement, and tell each other "I'm not clearing that up, are you? Don't clear it up."

I'm afraid this post may be full of inaccuracies and ignorance, but it's a start.
21:55 / 31.07.06
Yeah, I remember those documentaries. Interesting parallel - and yes, you're quite right about the broad gender split. Do we reckon age was relevant here too? Susie, the oldest female, looked the most disgusted (but then, she always does) while Jennie, the youngest, seemed the most ready to get out there and do boy stuff.
miss wonderstarr
06:17 / 01.08.06
As you say, she always does. But then Richard was mucking in with the 18 year-old boys; and Jennie is perhaps a bit more of a "tomboy", compared to Imogen, say? I got the impression Jennie and Glyn had styled themselves into a brother-sister relationship, which was maybe a convenient way of her negating any sexual/romantic possibilities between them, and him explaining and accepting the lack of his chances with her ("I used to fan-cy her... now she's just a mate.")
Alex's Grandma
11:37 / 01.08.06
I thought the Glynn sequence was a bit nightmarish and I had to stop watching.

I missed this, so I suspect I've been misinformed - he wasn't *actually* caught in the act by the other housemates, was he?
11:51 / 01.08.06
Strangely, I wasn't talking about that scene, 1, (but afaik he was).

Something about the way he swayed to the hold music (his eyes without any discernable spark, pressing various numbers on the automated machine) disturbed me.
18:51 / 01.08.06
There's an anti-Glyn strain emerging on Digital Spy, partly based around the idea that he's being "talked up" as an alternative winner to "foregone conclusion" Pete. While I generally can't be bothered with DS's annual 'Chosen One' paranoia, I agree that the inevitability of Saint Pete's victory has lent this year's BB a peculiarly suspenseless feel.

And the talk of Glyn's "journey" is starting to grate.
19:24 / 01.08.06
The trouble with Glyn's "journey" is that he got off the train a few stops too early. His inability to do, well, ANYTHING, coupled with his eagerness to learn ("I'm cooookin a egg for the veery first time AWOOOO") was quite endearing. Now he's learned how to, well, cook an egg and burn porridge, he's become an arrogant bastard.

I preferred him as an incompetent ingenue, to be honest.
19:33 / 01.08.06
LOLLING @ Susie getting irritated with Automated Big Brother.
19:41 / 01.08.06
They're really going for the mental torture aspect, aren't they? They've done the good/bad mindbreaking interrogation technique, they've done fucking Stamford, and now it's HOLD MUSIC!!!

This is clearly eeeevil.
19:41 / 01.08.06
This is genius.
She's been in there for aaaages.

Richard: She's probably getting confused by the numbers.

Poor Susie. House dumbass.
19:46 / 01.08.06
Poor Susie. House dumbass.

Well, I did like

Automated Big Brother: "You are seventh in the queue"

Susie: "How many people are above me?!"


"I've got better things to do! Make a cup of tea!"

So... Imogen and Jennie and Mikey and Susie all up. Dickie gets a rest, and we get to have a crack at Mikemogen. Despite my slow-burning antipathy toward Imogen and boredom with Susie, shit-haired Johnny Beta gets my vote this week.
19:51 / 01.08.06
Odds on Paddy Power:

Susie 6/4
Jennie 20/1
Imogen 20/1

Interesting. Mikey really has pissed people off, hasn't he?
19:52 / 01.08.06
Yes. Not really a fan of any of them, but Mikey is the only one I actually dislike.
19:54 / 01.08.06
Annnd he used to bully classmates to do his homework for him, the Mach-villyin genius.
20:00 / 01.08.06
Glyn looks particularly dead-eyed when he's playing Hurr-69 with Automated Big Brother's keypad. They should give him an oversized 1980s calculator so he can while away an hour or two repeatedly making it say 80085.
20:02 / 01.08.06
Aw, Grace and Mikey will be reunited very soon!
20:05 / 01.08.06
Vote for mikey - he is an agressive twat.
20:07 / 01.08.06
Mikey's also a particularly beta aggressive twat. I think he's getting fractious and chucking his weight around this week because Big Authority Figure's away.
20:08 / 01.08.06
I do think this is Mikey's week to go - though it will be a close shave between him and Suzie.
20:10 / 01.08.06
I'm with the BBBM audience in being somewhat narked by Pete's nomination of Aisleyne. Again, it's the ol' mixed message thing with Pete: we never really know, at any point, whether Pete's on the verge of going on a 'date' with a given female, hinting she's coercing him or nominating her for eviction.
20:23 / 01.08.06
To evict MIKEY

Text MIKEY to 84444

Call 09011 32 33 09

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