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Big Brother 2006


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The Falcon
20:24 / 01.08.06
Oooh, those odds are pleasing; I'd rather resigned myself to the thought Mikey was highly unlikely to go when faced with such arse-clenchingly dull opponents in Susie and Ims, babe. After all, he's a good-looking lad, as Sezer would've had it.

Good noms all round, apart from Jennie, who I think is a really, really smashing young lady and I'd be happy to see any one of the three go. But specially Mikey, yeah.
20:29 / 01.08.06
Hm. On a new page now.

Text MIKEY to 84444

Call 09011 32 33 09

Do it for his hair.
20:32 / 01.08.06
Pete really does have attachment issues with women, doesn't he? It really does seem to be he wants a woman close but is also simultaneously terrified by the idea.
20:37 / 01.08.06
Oh - stating the obvious above, I know!
20:46 / 01.08.06
Well, yeah, sort of - but it doesn't feel quiiite like yer stereotypical fear-of-committment. With Pete, it's more complicated than that. I think there's a sense of him wanting to keep his relationships with women on a prepubertal level - except, I suppose, with the (distant) possibility of something vaguely sexual possssibly happening at some point. I'm unsure whether his nominating Aisleyne reflects anxiety that this slightly infantilised idyll might be breached (ie. he's uncomfortable with the degree to which he's sexually attracted to her) or whether there's some more obscure dynamic at play.
Alex's Grandma
23:44 / 01.08.06
I wonder if Pete isn't essentially a narcissist, on, admittedly, a fairly unacknowleged level. If he isn't at the centre of attention he tends to sulk - his performance during the prison task when it turned out that he wasn't going to hear a letter from home seemed telling in this respect - there was a fairly lame-ass effort at keeping a stiff upper lip for a while, followed by a certain amount of time spent looking mardy in the rain in the garden, in a scene that could have been shot by Robert Mapplethorpe.

By his own admission, he's surrounded by mirrors at home (according to a recent chat with Jennie, he likes to watch himself cry in them,) and does he ever seem more animated than when he's putting on his make-up, or dancing around, nuttah-style, with his own reflection?

Basically, if Pete's far more in love with his sculpted features and self-image as a caring, sensitive, ordinary bloke, who's nevertheless still far too good for this world (and let's face it, what did he ever do for the rat that time, aside from precisely fuck all,) than he ever could be with, like, a real person, wouldn't that explain quite a lot of his behaviour?

It pains me to say this, but I'd rather Glen won, now.
23:58 / 01.08.06
While I think there's something in that, I'm not sure it's simple narcissism either - or, if it is, it's peculiarly filtered through the prism of Pete's passivity/detachment.

I suppose a narcissism (of sorts) would fit with the degree of infantilisation around Pete, infants being narcissistic in the classical sense. In the first few weeks, it was clear that other people infantilised/objectified/sanctified Pete and, latterly, he's seemed to encourage this (most notably in the case of Lea). I wonder if this is because it's the mode of being he most comfortably inhabits: essentially that of a 'special child', of whom little (by way of active input) is expected. His relationships with females have an undefined quality - not-quite-platonic, not-quite-sexual - more characteristic of pre or periadolescence than adulthood.
00:00 / 02.08.06
It pains me to say this, but I'd rather Glen won, now.

He'd nom-inate you, though, for get-ting his name wrong after ten weeks.
Alex's Grandma
00:19 / 02.08.06
I'd mis-spell his name to his face, the little mon-ster.

Re: Pete. though, has he ever seemed happier than when he's performing such solipsistic antics as banging away on those f***ing drums, say, or giggling to himself when he's doing his hair, face, etc, in the toilet mirror?

Nothing else in the house seems to float his boat in quite the same way.
miss wonderstarr
06:06 / 02.08.06
I wonder if this is because it's the mode of being he most comfortably inhabits: essentially that of a 'special child', of whom little (by way of active input) is expected. His relationships with females have an undefined quality - not-quite-platonic, not-quite-sexual - more characteristic of pre or periadolescence than adulthood.

His "life story in pictures", as "told" by "his Mum", in "Heat Magazine", supports this theory ~ photographs idolising the young lad as he lies on the grass staring at some lucky lower animal ("he could gaze at a worm for hours"), and female relatives sitting vigil in hospital as Pete bravely smiles from a bed loaded with crisps and diet cola.
06:40 / 02.08.06
this is all rather overcomplicated. pete's problem, like the ruttles' early appeal, is all in the trousers. first against the wall when i'm king, folk with trousers like that.
18:09 / 02.08.06
Heh. I bought this week's Heat specifically for the Early Life of Saint Pete photo story. While it wasn't quite as 'tragic tot' as I'd hoped, I must admit his gayer-friendly credentials (mother was violinist in The Communards; hung out with Jimmy Somerville and, at the age of nine, dragged up as Freddie Mercury) are impeccable. There's definitely an air of doted-upon-by-femalesness, though.

Anyone else see today's BBLB. I HEART Paul Morley, who pointed out to Dermot that Glyn's not the only Housemate who's been on a fucking j**rn*y and, in fact, if we're talking transformative ordeals, Aisleyne's taken more shit than anyone else in the House...
20:19 / 02.08.06
Jennie holding her own incredibly well with Fightmaster Johnny Beta.
20:37 / 02.08.06
shitcan the twat, get him off my TV...
20:39 / 02.08.06
"Don't like being told to shut up either do you?"

Jennie to win!
20:40 / 02.08.06
Mikey's like a sort of zombified version of Science, last year, in that he 'wins' arguments simply through mumbled shouting-down repetition until his opponent, sufficiently worn down, walks away.
21:08 / 02.08.06
Mikeys to full of his own oppinions to see the truth, hes blinded by his arrogence, or maybe its his hair getting in the way?
21:08 / 02.08.06
Russell Brand, surprisingly/brutally frank on Imogen:

"... we'll be talking about Imogen. Let's pretend she ain't effin' boring!"
21:08 / 02.08.06
They weren't liking it when the Danger Room started breaking down, eh? Loved macho Professor B coming back over Cerebro. To me, my housemates!

Glyn, the lifeguard, drowning in his own boddingtons.

Jennie Alpha vs. Johnny Beta.

Loved Ais' Emma Frost boots as always.


Mysterious Transfer Student
21:43 / 02.08.06
Just because it's that time of the Barbe-month, I am about to take the plunge and change my screen name in tribute to Aisleyne's coinage of the delightful term "well baffed" to stand for "well baffled". Also, her wobbly-lipped Chicken Little elaborations during the gradual malfunctioning of Auto-BB were the highlight of this episode (the lowlight being the evidently imploding bunker mentality of Mikey). I would have claimed Glyn's Alcoholic Bathtime, but Triplets got there first.
21:50 / 02.08.06
I'm so pissed off I went to see Superman Returns tonight rather than staying in for BB.
21:54 / 02.08.06
And so you should be. You'd believe a Scouser could fly.
Alex's Grandma
22:22 / 02.08.06
Tonight's Mikey/ Jennie spat was reminiscent of a particularly hellish episode of Bread, which by a coincidence ( or is it!!11!!) is being repeated on UK Drama at the moment, so one of those two to go on Friday, hopefully.
Tryphena Absent
23:17 / 02.08.06
Maybe Pete just doesn't screw around with people he's not that interested in. Novel idea I know but generally he's a careful, quiet chap so why does it surprise that it extends to his love life as well?
23:31 / 02.08.06
Well, judging from the various maybe-girlfriends waxing lyrical about his Sex Secrets in the tabloids, he's screwed with their heads...
23:35 / 02.08.06
And it would appear that one of the main difficulties here - for us, for the psychologists, for the females concerned and possibly for Pete himself - is knowing if and when he is "interested". As has been explored at considerable depth within this thread, Pete is hardly master of the unmixed message, when it comes to women. I suspect Aisleyne would be somewhat staggered to learn that he's nominated her for eviction. What's that about?
Alex's Grandma
12:54 / 03.08.06
Well they haven't been spending as much time together lately, and given Pete's glee at being declared the least Machiavellian housemate in the recent task, he may now see Aisleyne, as the mostest, as the enemy now, or something.

Pete's diffidence about matters sexual may well cause trouble outside the context of the house, but it doesn't seem to have done him any harm in there - if he'd been a bit more upfront in his dealings with any of his suitors, he'd have pretty much inevitably caused feelings to run higher, and this year anyway, avoiding conflict seems to be the best way to get on the BB house.

There was an exchange between Richard and Pete a few weeks ago, when Richard asked Pete if it was 'really wiorth going through this, just for a hundred grand.' Pete's reply was simply 'yeah.' His priority seems to be winning the money; if he's decided (I think correctly,) that getting too involved with anyone in particular would cause problems there, then he's sort of right to carry on the way he's been going, isn't he?

Interesting if not all that surprising, that on last night's highlights, once it turned out that Pete, not Mikey, had drunk Jennie and Imogen's wine, the wine very quickly ceased to be an issue. Inadvertently or not (and who knows if he's really as saint-like as he appears,) Pete enjoys the protected status of a rare tiger cub in there, and has done since about the first week - really, he'd have been nuts to have jeopardised that, wouldn't he?
14:33 / 03.08.06
Aisleyne looks all pale and haggard this morning, it's like she's seen a ghost.

But Aisleyne was adamant: "I swear! This was a few hours ago. It was like in Predator when he goes invisible but you can see the shape. He was a goldie colour. I was like, 'what the f*** is that?'"

Mourne Kransky
19:30 / 03.08.06
Two go on Friday, according to Dermolene tonight, on BBLB.
19:44 / 03.08.06
Vote Mikey and Imogen.
20:23 / 03.08.06
Surely we need Glyn to go as soon as fucking possible?
20:24 / 03.08.06
Pete is just so so inarticulate, it's very very frustrating.
Whisky Priestess
09:24 / 04.08.06
Illiterate as well, watching him struggle with the Eng. Lit task. Poor lamb. Poor lamb to the Shakespearean slaughter ...
Alex's Grandma
10:24 / 04.08.06
Not sure if this is accurate, but according to today's Star, after the results tonight the GBP will be invited to vote back in a previously evicted housemate (those who walked or were stretchered off are not eligible, which means no Shabbaz, unfortunately.)

If true, it's transparently a ploy to get Nikki back in there, and could well be bollox, but there you go anyway, that's the rumour in the Star.
Alex's Grandma
10:43 / 04.08.06
And it's up in Digital Spy now. Disappointingly, Sezar has 'not been invited back.'

There's also rumoured to be (another) secret house twist, whereby the evictees get to fuck shit up for their more successful counterparts - it does reek a bit of desperation on Endemol's part, but on the other hand, the last week hasn't exactly set the screen on fire, so, I don't know, it might be all right. Especially, it might be interesting to watch Lea trying to lop Pete's cock off, metaphorically, over the head of this thing with Jennie.

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