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Big Brother 2006


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18:11 / 17.07.06
What struck me most is that the show was working more as a fascinating psychological experiment last night than anything I'd seen on BB in many years; it was almost like a D. Brown mass hypnosis, the way Jayne kept doing whatever she could to sabotage the housemates and indirectly make their lives worse, and still almost every one of them laughed, applauded and refused to blame her.

Perhaps everyone but Jayne is a pl*nt?

One of the main reasons I watch BB and it's my favourite reality show is that it's pretty much social psychology onscreen - and I agree that this year's group dynamics have been particularly intriguing. It is odd that no-one's blaming Jayne for the escalating group 'punishments', perhaps highlighting differences between the Housemates and a group of squaddies. The same tactics were employed on Bad Lads Army the other night, and even with a bunch of reluctant don't-wanna-do-it proto-soldiers they worked to a far greater extent than in the House.

I'm wondering whether the 'punish everyone except the culprit' thing only works in all-male (or at least single-sex) groups?
18:17 / 17.07.06
Richard looks a lot less like a gym bunny and rather more... cuddly when he has his vest off, I think. It's as though he concentrates on biceps and forgets about the tum.

I remember him saying, early on, that he'd specifically brought 'fat clothes' for the inevitable creeping flab if he remained in the House for more than a couple of weeks. Now, if he'd just stop shaving his chest...
18:24 / 17.07.06
I'm wondering whether the 'punish everyone except the culprit' thing only works in all-male (or at least single-sex) groups?

Maybe, but for all their horrible fallings-out and stuff, these lot do seem to see themselves as a group now, trying (or not) to sort things out between themselves, and BB as an intrusive force out to complicate things. Initially, at least, I don't think it worked because they saw it as them (even if they had to include Jayne) against BB... I think the goodwill veneer is wearing off, though.

Oh shit. Glyn's the one taking this worst, isn't he, with the food and all? If HE punches Jayne I'll have to at least pay lip service to liking him again. At least for a bit. And that'll hurt.

Let's hope Aisleyne punches her (failing that, Richard). Then I can celebrate with my honour intact.

If Pete does it, I'll have a vat of beer sent to his house when he gets out. Even if I have to sell an organ to do it.
18:26 / 17.07.06
If Pete does it, Stoatie, I'll buy your organ off you (oo-er missus, etc.) and eat it on crispbread.
18:38 / 17.07.06
I think my organs are safe. But if not, I WILL hold you to that.
The Falcon
18:39 / 17.07.06
I'd like Aisleyne or, failing that, Richard to punch Jayne in the mouth, like that time with the Punisher when he had his fist trapped in a surprised looking man's face, and then opened his hand.
18:39 / 17.07.06
Conversely, if NOBODY punches Jayne in the face, I'll have to seriously reconsider whether I want this television in my house.
18:46 / 17.07.06
I hope Richard doesn't do it, because I don't think my fragile nerves could take another Shahbazesque OMG RICHARD IS TEH BULLY JAYNE WAS MISUNDESTOOD!!1! fest on Digital Spy.

Found the source of the Michael/Richard 'camp' comment:

Michael happened to be holding his cat at the time, but persisted: "I don't like being called her and she. I prefer to be eccentric than camp. I like to retain my masculinity."

Richard guffawed in his face: "You say that while juggling a big fat stuffed cat!"

Bring on the japerie, Mrs Slocombe.
19:03 / 17.07.06
And much as I hate Susie, her speech about how to cope with having knack all food was needed. And she was the only one with the delivery for it.
19:12 / 17.07.06
That clip at the head of the show, with Spiral going off on one - he really seems to have a lot of his self-belief tied up with not being made to look a fool, and projects that onto everyone else too. It'll be interesting to see what the ruck is about.
19:13 / 17.07.06
Great, my computer's doing the double post thing again.
19:24 / 17.07.06
h1ppychick- it's not your computer. If it's taking aaaaages for a post to go through, click back to the Barbelith front page then navigate your way back (probably worth copying your text too). Most of the time the site's already posted your stuff- it's just very slow to tell you that, and each time you click seems to send it again. If not, then if you've copied your text you can just paste it back in. I think I clocked up eight posts in a row once before I realised that!
19:27 / 17.07.06
I appreciate that, it's just that I didn't click on anything at all. I didn't refresh, or go to the home page, or press return. The post loaded twice without me physically touching the computer at all inbetween - that is, unless my mouse has a double-click interval set at 1 zillionth of a second and my finger hovered that microfraction of a second too long.

19:31 / 17.07.06
Probably the squirrels then. They fuck shit up all the time.
19:34 / 17.07.06
Yeah, squirrels, I hate them. With their bushy tails and their twitchy little noses.
19:40 / 17.07.06
Kill them, then. Kill them with a ham-mer.

Haven't watched this for a couple of days, and yet - Spoiral is wearing the same shirt he was wearing last time I watched it. What is with that?

Glyn wins the walking task, hoo-rah! He gets the welsh lamb with chips and ras-beree pav-a-lov-a. Pity he doesn't get Pete's beer chaser.

Liquidised? The swine!
19:41 / 17.07.06
That was very funny. I thought they were on the up and up, but I should have realised that something sneaky was on the cards after they pulled a similar thing with the disco-dancing trophy.
19:41 / 17.07.06
I reckon if Pete had won the walking task, his curry & beer would have been the most palatable choice, when liquidised.
19:42 / 17.07.06
Kill them, then. Kill them with a ham-mer.

STOP DOING THAT!!! You're ruining The Birthday Party for me. You really are.
19:45 / 17.07.06
It's too late. It's in my HEAD.

"First I tried to kill it with a hamm-er... FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME AWOOOOOOOO!!!"

You bastard.
19:48 / 17.07.06
Hmm, Spoiral - now with new shirt/pants combination - briefly gets some respect from me and Pinky with his 'Glyn's a porrr-son' speech, then immediately pisses it away by getting up in Jenny's grill. Priiiiiiiiick.

And then 'hoooow am oi goin' too farrrrrrrr?' Jesus. Ownership of behaviour, Curly Sue. You can't expect BB to apologise for theirs if you don't show the same maturity.

Here's a thought - has Spoire O'Graff picked a fight with any members of the male gender while he's been in here? He seemed remarkably quiet during ratgate and Michael's mini-outburst. Only feel safe when you're bossing the little girlies around, eh, Mr Single Helix?
19:53 / 17.07.06
Indeed. Nice of him to stick up for Glyn, but the only thing that will make him anything other than an utter penis as far as I'm concerned is if he punches Jayne.

I think I need to calm down a little.
19:53 / 17.07.06
Bloody hell, when the Star lead with 'BB Pete Bondage Shocker!' I didn't know they were predicting the future!
19:55 / 17.07.06
They should make Glyn and Spiral fight for food.
19:55 / 17.07.06
Nice one Richard. I think you need to develop some new schtick, however, as it was pretty much the same deal with Shahbaz.
19:55 / 17.07.06
They've reduced a man to begging for a Mars bar. This, I feel, marks a new low.
miss wonderstarr
20:01 / 17.07.06
Oh my eyes!

If that Glyn-cooking-rice scene had been a short film, I think it would have won best comedy, best editing, best direction and best performance at Edinburgh.
20:04 / 17.07.06
I'm burnin down a house for the very first time AWOOOOOO!
20:06 / 17.07.06
I think the best part was when he attempted to eat it but gagged anyway.
miss wonderstarr
20:07 / 17.07.06
I'm also puzzled and amused, as well as disturbed, by Spoiral's behaviour ~ and his obsession with people being made a fool of on TV. You would have expected that with everything you do filmed and potentially broadcast, you'd sort of get over the issue that people might be seeing you on the occasions when you make a fool out of yourself. I don't really understand how someone could be filmed on the toilet regularly, but still feel betrayed and humiliated that he was turned down by a girl "on TV", and that BB pulled a prank on Glyn "on TV".
Evil Scientist
20:10 / 17.07.06
Was that rice? I assumed he'd just mixed flour and water.

Spiral's rant, however well-intentioned, was rather indiscriminate. He doesn't seem to have any point between "Quite reasonable" and "Mind-Clouding Warp Spasm". What exactly was he expecting them to do? Some pointless gesture that just looks like bad sportspersonship?

Punishment week. They don't seem to understand that concept do they?

Pete's increasingly reminding me of a polar bear in a zoo. Possibly building towards Jayne-Punch? Nah, but it'd be nice though.
20:10 / 17.07.06
it was porridge, actually.
20:18 / 17.07.06
Is "punishment week" a usual thing that happens sooner or later every year? I've heard the phrase used a few times by HMs.
06:28 / 18.07.06
I'm wondering whether the 'punish everyone except the culprit' thing only works in all-male (or at least single-sex) groups?

I thought the "punish everyone else" thing was aimed at a) making the wrongdoer feel absolutely wretched with guilt and b) encouraging peer pressure on the wrongdoer to behave. I'm not sure it's about single-sex, but I imagine in depends on the group all having normally developed social consciences?

Since Jayne appears to feel no guilt whatsoever, a) is a complete misfire; eg Diary Room scene where she's all bewildered saying "I don't understand why you punished the others?" - missing the point that the guilt was the punishment. To my cynical eye, all her "oh oh I feel so terrible" since then have been utterly "Uhh I guess I'm supposed to make guilty noises here" with not a sign of actual remorse. I seriously think she just doesn't understand why she's supposed to feel bad.

And on b), the group seem extraordinarily tolerant of her. There's a certain amount of "Oh Big Brother, what a kidder, haha, this stuff happens" but it's definitely starting to wear thin, and starting to hit them where they hurt. I'm looking forward to the "burp too far" that's surely coming...

I'm sad there will be no punching but I did love the Susie/Jayne exchange on discovery of basic rations: Susie "I'll make bread" - Jayne "OOOooh can I help?" - Susie "NO."

Evil Scientist
07:30 / 18.07.06
Is "punishment week" a usual thing that happens sooner or later every year? I've heard the phrase used a few times by HMs.

It's not really an actual event in the BB house. Although they're calling it "punishment week" it's really just the combined weight of several penalties by BB on the house because of Jayne's inability to keep her mouth shut. The HMs are making an assumption that the penalties will be dropped next week.

Personally I feel it'll be much more entertaining if it goes on for another couple of weeks. Think how grateful they'll be to get even the most basic of rewards. Think how tempers will fray. Forced labour! Hurt them! Huuuuurt them!

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