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Big Brother 2006


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19:37 / 11.06.06
Oh dear, the handing out of golden invitations is giving me terrible flashbacks to those times I've tried to invite some work colleagues to a party and not others. I liked the moment in the bedroom with Suzie, Richard and Nikki where Suzie hands Dickie an invitation and explains its meaning; Nikki grins brightly, expectantly and Suzie just breezes past. Ditto Aisleyne and Imogen, in the bathroom.

For Glyn, going to a Golden Party is right up there with having cooked an egg.
19:38 / 11.06.06
Why so pissed off, Grace? Forget the house politics for just a moment... has it occurred to you that you may not actually be much fun to have dinner with?

I'd have chosen Pete, Richard, Nikki and Lisa, purely because I think they'd be the most fun to have dinner with. Nothing to do with whether I think they're nice people or not- I'm certainly no fan of Lisa's anymore, and I waver on Nikki. But you're gonna be stuck at a table with these fucks for two courses- may as well be people who'll make it entertaining!
19:40 / 11.06.06
Oh dear, the handing out of golden invitations is giving me terrible flashbacks to those times I've tried to invite some work colleagues to a party and not others.

Heh. Having close friends who like a lot of the same stuff but hate each other puts me through a similar minefield every time I buy tickets for a gig...
19:41 / 11.06.06
Hang on a minute. Pete's got psychic powers. Everyone's been having the same dreams about Mikey.

It's not L*rd *f Th* Fl**s, or even Heathers. It's Prince of Darkness. And MIKEY IS SATAN!!!
19:48 / 11.06.06
I am pleased by new girls choice of dinner guest. I would have said "What about Pete?", but he's going to be Saint Pete no matter what.

Glyn is so pleased to be picked for something that it's worthwhile in itself, and Lea is so insecure that she needs constant validation otherwise she wanders back to the Hollyoaks through her "good judge of character". I think as long as the non-Hollyoaks group snap their fingers every now and then and give her approval, they can try and maintain her ability to be a bit more rational about things.
19:48 / 11.06.06
Grace seems to evaluate other women almost entirely in terms of their physical presentation and what she thereby concludes about their 'morals'. When she dislikes or distrusts a newcomer, it's the first thing she comments upon (or, in Aisleyne's case, parodies); when she learns that she's unpopular, perceived sexual behaviour is the only thing she can think of as a possible cause.
19:51 / 11.06.06
Ha! Yes!

"They stand around in bikinis, I don't do that. I don't do that."

As long as you don't look down on people grace, as long as you don't look down on people...
19:54 / 11.06.06
Hmm. Just read a post on DS suggesting that in g*m*pl*n terms it would make more sense for Suze NOT to nominate Grace, on the grounds that it'd give her someone who she knows is unpopular left in the house, and if the two of them were up she'd be fine...

Except that thinking about it, she doesn't know she's the only one nominating. She doesn't know she can't be up this week.

Yeah, fuck it, she'll go for Grace. Shame, cos I wanted to see the White Queen actually turn out to be the Dark Phoenix and totally destroy Grace...
19:56 / 11.06.06
I love how Grace went from "don't eat it, guys" to "ooh, is that a truffle" so damn quickly...
19:58 / 11.06.06
Quite liked Grace's "don't touch the chocolates, don't eat them!" instruction milliseconds before everyone wolfed them down. The truffle was, t'would appear, "fierce".
19:59 / 11.06.06
Oh, Lea...
20:00 / 11.06.06
Where. The. Fuck. Is. The. "Backstabbing"?
20:23 / 11.06.06
Liking Pete for actually calling Lisa on her bullshit, too:

'I'm gonna put weeeeerms in 'er pillah.'

'I bet you don't though.'

*Lisa makes a sound somewhere between 'waaa' and 'why'*

'Because you haven't done anything you've threatened to do since you came here.'

20:40 / 11.06.06
I got slightly distasteful Craig-Anthony flashbacks there with Lea putting Pete to bed when he was drunk. "I really missed my Pete" and handfondling him when he was trying to sleep. Presaging minor creepiness.
20:52 / 11.06.06
I fear not, though, for Pete is a world more streetwise than Amferney, even when drunk.
21:05 / 11.06.06
I got slightly distasteful Craig-Anthony flashbacks there with Lea putting Pete to bed when he was drunk. "I really missed my Pete" and handfondling him when he was trying to sleep. Presaging minor creepiness.

With added "he reminds me of my sons" shudderosity.
Evil Scientist
21:28 / 11.06.06
It must have been a touch annoying for Pete, he wants to go to bed and suddenly has half the house hovering around sounding Lea out.

The whole "I missed you soooo much Pete.", definitely a little creepy. Jesus, it was three or four hours (if that).

Liked Grace trying to recover her moral ground after grabbing a choccy. "Oh I'm okay with the one thanks."

%How dare Susy give them chocolates huh? What a bitch. She may as well have spat in their faces. It's all a fix!%

This perception amongst them that Endemol is custom-engineering every single moment of footage being beamed to the outside in order to prevent "false" views of the housemates is an interesting (and rather paranoid) survival mechanism isn't it?

Paranoia and over-interpetation (like the assumption that Susy knows she's the only one able to nominate tomorrow) are the names of the game this year.
22:54 / 11.06.06
Pah. Not only is that posh cow not "young-headed" but she talks about trees and dreams! The evil, evil, evil piece of filth.

Lisa once again gets to exercise her "I've got nothing against X" muscle.
23:02 / 11.06.06
And yeah, my ol' friend the fundamental attribution error is perhaps this year's unsung star, even more so than in previous years.
Peach Pie
08:24 / 12.06.06

The arrival of a genuinely cool person seemed to puncture the High School Gang's world pretty rapidly. It reminded me of the point in 'Ghost' where Whoopi Goldberg's phoney medium freaks out after seeing a genuine apparition.

It was all so much simpler in the early days, wasn't it? Ladies and Gentlemen, please raise your glasses to remember Sezer, Fallen Leader of the Normal Massive:

Evil Scientist
08:51 / 12.06.06
Remember...Vote Sezer, text SEZER to 84444

Damn, ignore that, reacting on instinct.

Susy's an interesting housemate, I'm curious to see if she can maintain the cool, reserved aura as the weeks progress.

I did think she screwed up a little in how she handed out the invites. She was slightly dismissive of the uninvited with the whole "Oh, you like bolognaise don't you?". But it's a tough thing to have to do, especially when you're in a strange environment.

Plus, let's face it, Team: Hollyoaks were unlikely to see it as anything other than Susy picking out her favourites.

Susy's choice of Glyn was a good move. Whether or not she picked up that he felt they had nothing in common wasn;t clear, but by making him feel a bit special she's done a lot toward befriending him. He does seem to have a bit of a problem connecting with people he percieves as "posh", he had a similar problem with George.
10:05 / 12.06.06
Still, it does give him an opportunity to do one of his impressions. ‘Ahh live in Kint. Ahh have a Jahhguahhh’.

I want Lea out almost as much as I want Grace out right now. She’s been such a disappointment.
13:33 / 12.06.06
Suzy nominates Grace and Nikki!
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:36 / 12.06.06
Ha, that's a pretty good move because Grace will go, but despite her claims that she knows she's going, I suspect some tiny arrogant part of her thinks surely the public wouldn't prefer Nikki to her, so hopefully she won't walk beforehand...
13:37 / 12.06.06
Grace and Nikki!

Not exactly a tough choice and, after SezerGate, I have faith in the British public. But still. Grace following ole Slez in her reaction, "I'm fine. I'm fine. I. AM. FINE" Can't you see she's fine?

Having torn up her passport to the Modest Republic of Selfawaria (please declare all fruits and bitching before boarding) she won't back down-down-down on the b*ckst*bb*ng. Still, I hope she gets an inkling that the GBP isn't "punishing" her for making kissy with Numpty. A tiny inkling. Before Davina lights the pyre.
Hattie's Kitchen
13:49 / 12.06.06
If Grace has any sense at all she will walk. Both she and Richard have made the point that they're supposed to be cut off from the outside world, yet BB allowed the "Get Grace out" chants to be broadcast to the housemates.

I know she's Queen Bitch, but at least she makes horribly compelling TV. Why should she stay and help Endemol line their pockets with the multitude of eviction votes that will be heading Grace's way, and only for her to be lynched by the crowd on eviction night? Seems like a lose-lose situation for her no matter what she does. I'd walk and bugger up their eviction night if I was her.

Bringing Suzie in has been a disaster. Once Grace goes, we're heading for another BB4 snoozefest.
Alex's Grandma
14:08 / 12.06.06
I'd walk and bugger up their eviction night if I was her.

Agreed. While her sins are many, she must have been having a rough time since she heard the mob at the gates - if she can stick it to Endemol (and she can) then she should.

Though I also think she might fancy her chances against Nikki ...
Evil Scientist
14:16 / 12.06.06
The White Queen strikes!

"You upset babes?" she asked sympathetically, while platting Mikey's hair.

"Not upset, know-a-mean. She had to pick someone, I just don't know why she picked Grace, know-a-mean," replied Mikey, sounding even more Scouse than normal because he was a bit sad.

"But babes you're biased. Susie's nice, she wants to make her own opinions. She's not a snob," said Aisleyne. You got the feeling she was going somewhere with this.

"I didn't think Grace had upset anybody, like," said Mikey.

Aisleyne sighed ostentatiously, then repeated: "You're biased. You might not see what others see, because of what's going on with you and her." Prod, prod.

There was a pause. Then Aisleyne cleared her throat and said: "Mikey, that girl hates me."

"Who?" he responded quickly.

"Dunno," said Aisleyne, suddenly turning coy.

"Nikki?" asked Mikey.

"No," was the response.

"You can tell me," Mikey said.

"No I can't, I can't tell anyone," she concluded, sadly.

Then they were silent again, Mikey's face a picture of concentration. A girl hates her, but not Nikki... who else could it be?


yet BB allowed the "Get Grace out" chants to be broadcast to the housemates.

It should be noted that the chanting and the screaming can be heard in the BB house without the aid of speakers. Technically the crowd are only on the other side of the building. It's been a long-running tradition that the housemates try to gauge GBP opinion by what they hear on eviction night.

Why should she stay and help Endemol line their pockets with the multitude of eviction votes that will be heading Grace's way, and only for her to be lynched by the crowd on eviction night? Seems like a lose-lose situation for her no matter what she does. I'd walk and bugger up their eviction night if I was her.

Umm, because she knew what the stakes were when she agreed to become a housemate. She's well aware that housemates catch a lot of flak if the public/media turn against them. Walking out now just because her staying in is any less than a "sure thing" (and remember she doesn't know that it is) is childish. To expect to get all of the benefits of BB pseudofame (ie marginally heightend media profile and plenty cash from interviews) without going through the full eviction process is just the mark of a bad loser.

I don't think the house is going to become more boring without the Gracist. There's still plenty of spite and nastiness in there.

I don't think she should walk, but only because I'd like to see her time in the BB house lovingly dissected on Friday.
14:16 / 12.06.06
I dunno, HK. I kinda think Grace is the soporific influence. Without her, Mikey might transcend the fact that he is made of wood and become a real boy, Lea might stop being quite so insufferably stupid about Richard, Aisleyne will be able to integrate better, and there will be more screen time to be devoted to Nikki and Glyn.

I agree with Flyboy that Nikki is one of the few housemates that Grace might think she can win against, and that’s the only hope we have of her not doing the sensible thing and slipping out of the back door before Friday.
Hattie's Kitchen
14:26 / 12.06.06
It should be noted that the chanting and the screaming can be heard in the BB house without the aid of speakers. Technically the crowd are only on the other side of the building. It's been a long-running tradition that the housemates try to gauge GBP opinion by what they hear on eviction night.

It should also be noted that BB can play generic crowd noise into the house to drown out such chanting, and they have done so on many previous occasions.
14:31 / 12.06.06
True, but in this instance that would have been impossible given that Davina was doing a live link to the house for the Golden Ticket draw.
Hattie's Kitchen
14:34 / 12.06.06
I just think the whole Golden Housemate thing was botched right from the start, from the selection through to the winner being announced in front of the baying mob. BB has clamped down on the booing and chanting during this season's eviction nights, yet couldn't foresee the possibility of it happening during the Golden Housemate selection.

It does make a mockery of the "no contact with the outside world" rule for contestants when the BB producers repeatedly flout their own rules.
Mourne Kransky
14:49 / 12.06.06
I thought the fundamental rule of Big Brother was Expect the Unexpected. I'm loving it all this year. If they wheeled in a guillotine on Friday nights, I'd be sitting knitting as the tumbrils passed.

Grace will become famous and make a career for herself on a teleshopping channel, modeling scarves, or will marry George and have several brattish children. She'll be fine. She wasn't a meek Sunday School teacher before BB and she'll get what she can off the back of it. Far better future career prospects from being notoriously disliked in the House than from being a cheerful non-entity like... em... thingie.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:54 / 12.06.06
He has a name, Xoc! His name is Mikee! He's not just a PIECE OF MEAT!
15:02 / 12.06.06
I'm not sure if I can stand Nikki for very much longer. She's been very shrill this week. I've had to put her on mute increasingly. I can understand Grace's unpopularity outside the house but for the love of God at least she isn't shrill.

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