Just pondering whom Suzie might nominate on Monday. Grace and Lisa is my best guess but that would be less satisfactory than Grace and Imogen or, best of all, Grace and Mikey! Whatever, it would be Grace that would go, but there's always a chance she'd beat Sezer's 91.6% against big, glaikit Mikey.
Surely she won't walk before the vote. She might, now that she's panicking about the chanting. And Suzie is on record expressing the Grace-hate prior to going in, apparently, so I think she'll please the GBP and name the Gracist, who's currently on the Highlights Show, shooting herself in the foot with the public in the diary room.
Lea, Glyn, Ashleyne and discussing this there. Presumably since none of them can nominate, BB isn't reprimanding them. Lea making the clever point that, tactically, Suzie should vote out the competition - those the public likes (and she is the only housemate who would know this). I think Suzie will figure that will lose her the sympathy of the viewing public though. |