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Big Brother 2006


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Mourne Kransky
20:44 / 09.06.06
I'm liking this last turn of events - and Grace must be sweating! Susie's nominations will be guided by her watching of BB before coming in. Ho ho ho! Warming a little to this one with her crisp diction and composed, mature manner. We shall see...
20:44 / 09.06.06
How d'ya know BB had a straight face?
20:44 / 09.06.06
The only one to nominate?


She will be soo hated by whoever she votes!

And she'll vote for Grace! (unless she's not too bright - just saw the 'having problems with the door' comment though..)

This is going to be brutal.
Eloi Tsabaoth
20:45 / 09.06.06
Let's see those accusations of arse-licking flying now...
20:45 / 09.06.06
I'm quite liking the "Golden Housemate makes the only important nomination" twist, particularly as she'll be aware of the whole Get Grace Out vibe. The making-her-wear-gold and sleeping separately think still seems a tad cruel and unusual, and I'm hoping they'll drop it after next week.

This'll be an interesting test of Grace's Machiavellu-fu.
Evil Scientist
20:47 / 09.06.06
Now this should be interesting.

Was it me or was there a certain amount of concern in Grace's voice when she realised that Suzy's seen the show, and also knows what our little G-Girl has been saying.

Verrrry interesting.
20:47 / 09.06.06
20:48 / 09.06.06
*rubs hands with glee*
20:49 / 09.06.06

Grace's face!

Evil Scientist
20:50 / 09.06.06
The making-her-wear-gold and sleeping separately think still seems a tad cruel and unusual, and I'm hoping they'll drop it after next week.

It does balance out though, they're all going to be super-nice to her this week.

It's a good way of forcing the housemates to bond with a solo newcomer, rather than the exclusions that have happened in previous years.
20:50 / 09.06.06
Grace is out of there next Friday. If I was a bookmaker I'd stop taking bets right this instant. It might be worth putting some money on now whilst you may still be able to get odds higher than 1/100,000,000.
20:52 / 09.06.06
Was it me or was there a certain amount of concern in Grace's voice when she realised that Suzy's seen the show, and also knows what our little G-Girl has been saying.

Grace is certainly looking a bit shell-shocked at the moment.

Of course, her prejudices thus far depend on what conclusions she's drawn from what she's seen. There are plenty of people who've seen all the live feeds who agree with Lisa, Lea et al that Richard is Teh Great Satan and It's All Been Really Dull Since Sezer Left. Let's just hope Suzy (it is Suzy, innit?) has some capacity to filter external reality from Big Brother House reality, and keep the one in mind.
20:53 / 09.06.06
It does balance out though, they're all going to be super-nice to her this week.

It's a good way of forcing the housemates to bond with a solo newcomer, rather than the exclusions that have happened in previous years.

That's very true. Expect a fair amount of tormenting by Big Brother in the coming week.
21:23 / 09.06.06
Have to say, I thought Ms Frost looked lovely tonight.
21:25 / 09.06.06
She had a weird Heidi/Corporal Helga thing going on.
21:34 / 09.06.06
Lady Grace not happy - and Mikey smiley and unaware, rather than comforting. Insight verrrry slow in coming: she reckons the public might be punishing her for her relationship with Mikey rather than because she's an eeevil criminal mastermind who lies adeptly and can't not stir.

Suck it up, Grace. And Suzy: don't dare not nominate her.
21:35 / 09.06.06
Whenever she goes, Grace is gonna get ripped apart on the steps, isn't she? I doubt even those big burly security dudes'll be able to save her.
21:36 / 09.06.06
Incidentally, I wasn't sure of the logistics- will Suzie have seen the "asslicker" footage? That could be important in whether she nominates Grace or not.
Mourne Kransky
21:39 / 09.06.06
Grace imploding. Mikey cheerfully oblivious on the sofa in the living room while Richard and Imogen try to hold darling Grace together. Yes, Imogen, because Potato-Face is her longstanding ally and she knows not how to turn away at this late point from The Most Hated Woman In The Country but also Richard. Richard whom they all shriek about paranoically, whose niceness is perpetually suspect. But he keeps on being a good human being and paying attention. I love Richard. A better man than me too because I'd be going, Get Grace Out, te he he.
21:42 / 09.06.06
A better man than me too because I'd be going, Get Grace Out, te he he.

It's gotta be tempting, hasn't it?

Grace is so fucked. It's almost a shame- I was quite looking forward to her destruction at the hands of the White Queen. I'm not sure how it was gonna happen, but it certainly seemed inevitable.
21:43 / 09.06.06
I like the fact that Lea's - at least initially - bonding with Suzy over age, etc., rather than getting competitive and huffy. This is one of the things I like about Lea; she seems really quite world-weary about the whole 'sex-symbol' thing. She gives the impression of being relieved that she no longer has to compete on that level; I think she'd rather find other modes on which to operate (mother, etc.) and it's notable that she doesn't seem to get bitchy with other women simply on grounds of being a Sex Symbol. I think she'd really be quite happy to relinquish that role.
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:46 / 09.06.06
I have to say, my heart was sinking by degrees as the Golden Ticket winners appeared one by one before us.

Being mean, but as Jeremy Hardy once said of the Conservative Cabinet, if all those people had been born in the same town, you'd blame it on pollution. Not just an unattractive lot but dull-seeming to boot. I guess the slightly scary trophy wife analogue is much better than what we could have won.
21:47 / 09.06.06
Wow. Suzie seems to be bringing Imogen out of her shell almost as much as the chance to speak Welsh with Glyn did.

I still have no real opinion of Imogen, other than obviously her appalling taste in men, but she does have a nice speaking voice.
21:49 / 09.06.06
I'm loving Aisleyne's tender relationship with Richard - and, increasingly, the fact that Mikey feels confident enough to not reject her on the basis of Grace-hate. I love the Dickie/Aisleyne pairing, and hope Suzy is sussed enough to join this subgroup.

Re: Sam's Davina interview, I don't think enough was made of her nominating Richard while Richard was one of her supporters within the House - but I accept that (and Xoc is saying this) I'm a big Richard devotee and perhaps more attuned to it's-not-fairness where Dickie is concerned.
21:51 / 09.06.06
Suzie has only brought one photo. It's not of her family. It's of her dog.

I like her already. Hope she doesn't let me down... I have bad form for this kind of thing.
22:03 / 09.06.06
I'm with you on Imogen, Stoatie. I'm kind of neutral toward her: she's done nothing especially hateworthy in and of herself, but she's been a bit pathetic as a judge of character (despite Richard's meal with her) and hasn't really done anything to mark herself out. I just find her a bit unreliable.
22:24 / 09.06.06
Oh, good god, why am I broke when this is the one week in the year I could actually wait at home to get someone to fix my aerial so I can watch all this? Why?
Alex's Grandma
22:32 / 09.06.06
But have you ever been to Wales?

No, not for a long time, anyway

Is Glen (not to mispronounce his name, because that might attract the attention of the Old Ones) starting to seem like he has an agenda, to anyone else?

He will mate with the hu-mans, yes he will, and, horrendously, he will not be stopped. In spite of what you, or I, or anyone else reading this might think, I'm sure it's ...
22:32 / 09.06.06
Golden condoms? Is our Suzie a member of Rockbitch?
22:37 / 09.06.06
Is Glen (not to mispronounce his name, because that might attract the attention of the Old Ones) starting to seem like he has an agenda, to anyone else?

No. For all his apparently higher-than-anyone-else-in-the-House IQ, I doubt if our boyo could even spell agenda. Or even *g*nd*, which is quite difficult to recognise.
22:46 / 09.06.06
This is important: Grace's dress is from Primark.

In anyone else, this might be endearingly normal, naturalistic. In Grace... who knows?
Tryphena Absent
22:50 / 09.06.06
Particularly not in English.
22:54 / 09.06.06
I can't be arsed with all the conspiracy theory bullshit on DS (largely because I really don't care whether Suzie's selection was random or- WHOAH!!! JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE'S!!!), but I think this is quite fun... look at the timestamp on the original post.
22:57 / 09.06.06
23:01 / 09.06.06
Given the rate of posting on DS, though, I'd imagine a lot of people suggested various winners from the GT holders.

At least it wasn't the sodding DJ from Faliraki, is all I'm saying. I'm sure he's a lovely guy, but I've read so much about how he's definitely going in that I'd blow a year's beer money on voting him out while he was still in the corridor. Then boo him on his way out.

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