No, she doesn't (and Sam's hardly the best 101 example) - and, from the "she fancies us all, she's a man, she must do" she seems not to understand homosexuality either. Which is a bit odd.
I don’t think she understands homosexuality as it relates to Sam, certainly. But I feel kinda forgiving about that. It’s why I felt more willing than some to cut her some slack on her pitying “You will have to go for gay men, you do know that don’t you?” comment. She’s baffled by the whole thing – and none of it is obvious to her. Richard had explained that he (her tamplate gay man) didn’t fancy Sam because he “fancies men”, so the idea that Sam is only in the market for gay men (like Richard) is probably quite brane-melty for her.
She seems to approach most things in pretty binary terms, and without a fairly complex and nuanced discussion about sex, gender and sexuality (which I imagine few would have an appetite or the patience for), she’s going to struggle. A little knowledge being a dangerous thing, and all that. |