While an initial All Star Teen Titans should indeed look like the series, I believe it would have to evolved mythical aspects to reflect more of the Wolfman era. They could start off as teen side-kicks and grow into a sort of Pantheon of modern day "TITANS".
The series would have to span several years, perhaps 6. So that Robin can begin as a 15 year old and end the series at age 21 adopting the title of Nightwing. In that time Wonder Girl would evolve along a similar arc perhaps ascending into demi-goddesshood by the end of the series. A similar thing might happen to Aqualad who would leave the team early on and return in time for their "final battle" after years of tutelage under the Wizards of Atlantis; he would be best qualified to recognize Donna's Divine origins and help her ascend; much to Roy's dismay.
Roy would have to deal with drug addiction early on, issue #3 (sometime around their second year, he'd be 16?). With his departure around issue #4 the team would have a sort of membership drive with Batgirl popping in at that time but declining membership. They would end up with Hawk and Dove and a 9 year old Beast Boy would be rejected for not being a "teen." Deathstroke makes an appearance, perhaps shopping for a sidekick of his own.
Issues #5 - #6 becomes their Sci-Fi epic. The Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Hawk & Dove team would be joined by a freshly minted Cyborg and a newly arrived Starfire. Get them out in space an perhaps throw in StarBoy or even a Kid Lantern as a twist. Keep them out in there for a while. Adam strange could forward their e-mails to earth. Perhaps Dove dies.
In their absence a new team of Titans have formed on earth, with a west coast base. #7 introduces the new team composed of Arsenal, Raven, Supergirl, Beast Boy & Captain Marvel Jr. Their street level helping of youngsters reveals the actions of the Cult of Brother Blood. Supergirl is embarrassed by her inexperience and particular weakness to magic. CM Jr. shines but ultimately leaves the team after glimpsing Raven's darker side.
#8 has the Space Titans returning home in time for some misunderstandings and bruised egos with the new team. After a bit of a shake up the New Titans would be Robin, his new girlfriend Starfire, Wonder Girl (perhaps she's darkstar now), Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Kid Flash(possibly renaming himself IMPULSE). Roy is annoyed and storms off. Hawk leaves, missing the dead Dove.
#9 - #10 introduces the HIVE and the Titans gain a new member; TERRA. Betrayed and sold to the cult of brother blood only Robin and Beast Boy escape. Arsenal shows up to help track down the captured team and Aqualad returns as TEMPEST. They track down the others in time to witness the cult opening the way for Trigon.
#11 - #12 All Hell literally breaks loose. Tempest unlocks Donna's Divine potential (now she's Troia) and the team, minus Terra, regroups for the big mythical throw down with Hell.
They split into two teams. Troia leads Raven, Starfire, Cyborg & Impulse in a frontal attack upon Trigon. Mary Marvel & Capt Marvel Jr. arrive as a cavalry. Meanwhile Robin, Arsenal, Beast Boy and Tempest must journey into hell to reverse the magics that allows Trigon access to earth. They succeed but Donna Troy sheds her mortality to forever guard the gateway to/from hell.
Raven is redeemed but leaves the team to find herself. Tempest decides he needs to know more and feels he might have prevented Donna's sacrifice had he begun his teachings earlier. All the Magic has shaken Wally up and he decides to focus more on learning from Barry Alan. Arsenal is devastated by the loss of Donna and leaves again. Of the original team only Robin is left, he adopts the name Nightwing to signify that these New Titans are not just a bunch of sidekicks.
The new lineup -
Mary Marvel
Perhaps all of this magical activity has attracted the attention of Klarion, a witch-boy. |