Well, the Face Of Bo is, like, a zillion years old, suedey! 13 episodes maybe doesn't seem so long for him.
drink me: I thought "chav" was a pretty effective swipe at the sort of people who've been attacking Rose's "council estate clothes" and whatnot: here's which side you're on, and it ain't the good guys'..
I agree with this, but I think my problem with the chav thing was that Cassandra got to say it twice without any reply from Rose. If it has to be used as the sort of snobby villian-y nastiness that Cassandra would come out with, then it's a shame that it then goes by unchallenged. 'Cos I was enjoying the way Rose and Cassandra were exchanging insults up until that point. She's struck dumb at just the wrong moment.
And yes, the 'Rose is a chav' thing has been hanging around for a while - I saw it used in newspapers to describe her during Season 1, I’m sure I've heard it used the same way on *Radio 4*, for heaven's sake - lot of people with varying milages for this word, all that. But, y'know, given that bits from Dr Who might find their way into the nation's playgrounds, it would certainly grate less to hear it if Rose was allowed a super-sharp comeback. Apart from everything else, I'm sure there’s lots of kids in lots of playgrounds who could find a use for a good line from Rose. Damn, think of the children, Russell! You were doing so well with the whole empowering thing.
Anyway, I dunno. I agree with the comments about saggy pacing and rotten plague effects and unconvincing ending but still loved it. The happy-making good bits (Billie, Davey, Billie and Davey as Cassandra, the APPLE GRASS) easily outweighed the bad bits.
And hey, I remember the first episode from series 1 being equally uneven, and then Eccles and everything else got much much much better over the course of the season. Room to improve, you say? - why, that's not so bad if you look at it right. Also, in season 1, they definitely seemed to have saved most of the effects budget for the later episodes. I wonder if they’re doing the same thing this time, eh?
Oh, and I just noticed this, from iamus:
I think it was that "the lonely God" line that piqued me. Sounded like a rich vein of Squeee just waiting to be mined
Oh, yes. I do hope so. |