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Doctor Who: Season 2 UK


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18:55 / 11.04.06
Yes, it's starting again this weekend - you ARE out of it, Tom. Too much work, international jet-setting, and conferences...
19:11 / 11.04.06
Of course, Tom, the real question is- are Segways really bigger on the inside?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
21:07 / 11.04.06
Are we going to have a mod slap a NO SPOILERS lable in the title?
21:34 / 11.04.06
We've established that all things broadcast, including trailers, are fair game, right?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:16 / 12.04.06
As a point of personal preference I would like it if people would only bring up the trailers if they are relevent to a discussion they are having, rather than just a 'OMFG!!!! THe Silurians are back next week!!!"!!' moment. It just seems so counterproductive that these days media companies are willing to spoil all the suprises in their work to try and entice people to watch it, then surprised when no-one does, because they know everything that happens.
08:56 / 12.04.06
I still maintain that the power of a good story is in the telling - it's completely irrelevant if you know what is coming next, its how you get there that counts. But this is probably a little off-topic - back to the Who-in...
10:44 / 12.04.06
Spoilerphobes should probably avoid the latest Radio Times.

Having the Doc and Rose on the cover probably gives the game away, but it looks like there's a good paragraph or two synopsis for each episode in there (based on a quick guilty peak this morning)
13:34 / 12.04.06
I'd second the spoiler warning on this weeks radio times. On the other hand it's a beautifull gate fold cover. And for those that have got it I never realised they did that big a hint in the first episode of last season.
13:41 / 12.04.06
The Christmas Radio Times also had a stubtle clue to a key plot point in Christmas invasion - the drop caps in the Dr Who article there spelled out 'A cup of tea'...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:44 / 12.04.06
Seriously, I think there may be tears in my future....

I can't get enough of the current season, and I can't wait for the newest one. I'm screwed.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:48 / 12.04.06
Kali, you require bittorrent. To not muddy the thread feel free to PM me and I will pass my knowledge of the illegal unto you.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:24 / 12.04.06

Maybe there's salvation after all....
07:13 / 13.04.06
Bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger!

Just had the alst two episodes of series 2 spoiled for me and urge you all to try to avoid them like the plague. Buggeryfuck, frankly.
07:31 / 13.04.06
A wee titbit for the nippers at tea-time today:

CBBC, 5:00pm - 5:25pm: Totally Doctor Who
"With exclusive access to the Doctor Who set, get up close and personal with the cast and crew to find out the secrets of how the series is made."
14:45 / 13.04.06
DavidXBrunt - so where should we be avoiding?

I have heard a rumour what the last two episodes this season would entail, but I haven't seen anything to corroborate those rumours yet...
20:00 / 13.04.06
We've established that all things broadcast, including trailers, are fair game, right?

Not sure about "all things broadcast"... I'd say shows and trailers (like Lady, I'm a little dubious about the latter but they're a lot harder to avoid...) Sorry to sound really anal, but this is about the only programme that still gives me that "whoah... FUCK!!!" feeling when new stuff happens, and I'd like to keep that. (Of course, reading newspapers for a living makes it even harder, especially when the Sun have a headline like "The Doctor gets eaten by A SQUIRREL!!!", but... I try).
20:01 / 13.04.06
(In case anyone's worried, I totally made up the squirrel thing. Could you tell?)
20:34 / 13.04.06
yes David tell us where not to look...
also don't press your red button on your telly controller thingy digital people...there's a giant looping trail thang that looks like it's culled from the first few episodes. It's not totally spoiling spoilers but it does squash a couple of rumours...
(brief pause while screams the best bits aloud before head explodes)
I agree with Stoat this is one of the few things that really really gets me and i just don't want to know till it happens. How many hours to go?

Kali-i'm feeling sad because once it starts there's only 13 weeks of it. how mad is that?

my partner's ex and father of my step son asked me how old i was today in a disparaging way. but he is not teh joycore. he is an enemy of the dalek empire and he will be exterminated. How many hours to go?

oh and the website is well funky...(spoilers though)
does the lead sister of plenitude remind anyone else of someone...'wicked'?
15:05 / 15.04.06
Just over two hours to go...

16:35 / 15.04.06
Dahn na nao dahn na nao dahn na nao na nao na nao
Weeeooooo ooooo-ooohhh
Wahn wahn wahn wahn wahn-wahn
17:13 / 15.04.06

we want THE DOCTOR!!!
17:28 / 15.04.06
Oh, NO Russell.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:35 / 15.04.06
paranoidwriter waves hello
17:40 / 15.04.06
Hmmm... Interesting take on vivisection. Nice.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:00 / 15.04.06
Good: The distinctly unthrilling premise of the return of Cassandra turned into fun, especially when she posesses the Doctor.
"I'm the Doctor! I cured them!"

Less Good: The bit with the cats and their lab victims wasn't very well established. It's a bit like 'The Long Game' from season one, so much time showing stuff that the story isn't that much.

The Enigmatic: "We shall meet again." Hmmmm...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:14 / 15.04.06
Hmmm, it's odd. I can go through the first series and place pretty much every episode in an era of the original series. New Earth is like Dalek, it doesn't fit in anywhere. It's new.
Dark side of the Moonfrog1
18:16 / 15.04.06
So was I the only one that thought Cassandra would mindjump into her younger self at the end? Would've been so much cooler.
18:24 / 15.04.06
As long as I never have to see another episode of Doctor Who that features the word "chav"...

Not wanting to distract from other discussion of the episode, but really. In character or not, it didn't work at all. That's the sort of thing that really bugs me about Russell T. Davies writing. Like the slitheen's fart jokes of the first series, but I find this wholly more offensive and just plain distracting. I really doubt anyone will even be using that version of the word in, say, five years, let alone IN THE FUTURE. I was really hoping some case could be made for an "in character" moment (Cassandra is at least acknowledged to look down on other classes, etc) but I can't, really. The word, in it's use on the show, was wholly given approval and an unnecessary "for teh kids" points scoring moment.

I can't get with that.
18:38 / 15.04.06

I enjoyed that. I dunno, I thought there were a few wee tonal glitches and some of the effects were ropier than the first season, but far too many pitch-perfect moments for it to matter much.

As far as differentiating from season one, felt a lot more like the classic Whos that I remember, though despite being a new planet, there's nothing done that couldn't have been done on the earth-centric first season. New Earth seems like a very clever, concious decision to gradually wean viewers further and further out into the greater Who universe (at least that's what I'm hoping). The whole episode smacks of the greater potential of this series.

Face of Boe's secret might shape up to be this season's Bad Wolf, though I'm hoping there's a more unifing strand this time round. I don't think Bad Wolf had satisfactory closure (If indeed it is done and dusted, not actually sure).

Cassandra in The Doctor and Rose was great. Piper immediately just sold the slightly shaky mind-transfer thing and then Tennant knocked it out of the park. One of the greatest strengths of Davies writing, I think, is underscoring the more difficult to swallow concepts with humour. Whether you readily swallow these sci-fi morsels or find it a bit harder, it doesn't matter when it's written and acted like that 'cause it's too much fun not to buy into it.

They're really showing up the acting talents of the two principals here too. Piper knows her character well now and so do we, so it's good to see her confidently stretching her. Tennant slides right into The Doctor like a hand in a glove. That man is the bee's knees.

Predictions? I smell a deeper insight into The Doctor's mythology. Not so much in refrencing old Who (a process I expect will continue along the same trend as last season), but the mythology of who he is, what he does and what it means to be The Doctor. Not sure why, I think it was that "the lonely God" line that piqued me. Sounded like a rich vein of Squeee just waiting to be mined. Our man definitely has more of a "There's a fucking DOCTOR in the house!" feel to him, over Eccleston's Time War affected "Head down, keep moving or you might just come to a stop" thing.

Eh........ aye.

It was good.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:39 / 15.04.06
Suedey! SHOT FOR MEAT! As long as I never have to see another episode of Doctor Who that features the word "chav"...

I'm going to excuse it on the grounds that Cassandra was reading it from Rose's mind.

I thought the awkwardness came from trying to generate something for the Doctor to be outraged about. Generating clones in order to work out cures for diseases makes a certain sense, why the sisters need to keep this a secret isn't clear seeing as the humans of the future have evolved and diversified from the pure human of Cassandra or Rose, certainly the idea that the Face of Boe or Cassandra could die from old age or a dodgy heart is nonsense as both could be considered to be 'diseases. The 'transferable theory of consciousness' doesn't get mentioned again. And why keep these things alive at all, after a cure has been developed? Clumsy.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:42 / 15.04.06
Oh, and the 'directors commentary' for each episode looks downloadable from the episode guide page for each episode.
18:43 / 15.04.06
I disagree, other than in the sense that it will date. The whole episode to me played out as if it was a Conflict video- we have the rich exploiting the poor, while simultaneously disregarding their worth (the whole"chav/so common" thing- it's not out of character for Cassandra to use hatespeech to refer to Rose, though it may be anachronistic), then we get a big anti-vivisection argument in the middle. Great!

I loved it. Of the four actors who got to play Cassandra, I'd say Tennant was the best, too, which bodes well.

And I cried a bit at the end. Considering my main beef with the previous episode featuring Cassandra and Bo an' that was that it was the least emotionally engaging, I think they did a damn good job turning the whole thing around. The diseased humans have "never been touched", and the last person to tell Cassandra she was beautiful was, in fact, herself.

A friend of mine thinks the Face Of Bo could be the Master- last of his race, "see me one more time" etc (which I must confess made me think of the Cowboy from Mulholland Drive more than anything else)...

Bring on the robot dog, motherfuckers! I think we're in safe hands.
18:44 / 15.04.06
I'm going to excuse it on the grounds that Cassandra was reading it from Rose's mind.

That too.
18:46 / 15.04.06
Oh, and it had Night Of The Living Dead scenes too.

18:57 / 15.04.06
Well, just that one bit, really! I'm not really buying this whole "read it from Rose's mind" thingy, and I don't want to have to come up with excuses myself (and indeed, would make no sense in comparison with Cassandra Rose trying to speak as Rose would later in the ep). I think it was definitely just played as "funny line", and that in itself condones the word, and I don't like it. I'm not taking issue with the character of Cassandra or anything, I just think that was really written for the wrong reasons, and not part of the greater scheme. Played for laughs. Not funny.

But you know, I found Davies writing to be the weakest out of everyone's last season, so I'm not bothered. I enjoyed it, after all! But that did distract me from the rest of the episode. Most of it was ace, though.

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